GetSimple Theme Directory
BlueBusiness 1.4
BlueBusiness is probably the first, free business-like theme for GetSimple. Theme is html5/css3 ready,... Tagged: getsimple theme getsimple template templatka szablon
KDXcode Themes Final 1
All My themes in one single zip-file, main reason is that I will publish newer versions at my website. I... Tagged: kdxcode themes simple
Lite full responsive bootsrap4 1
Full responsive theme (bootsrap4) - Packpage included plugins: *I18N Base *I18N - Packpage included... Tagged: bootstrap
Simple.css 1.0
Getsimple CMS meets Let's see the sample... Tagged: simple easy to use responsive cool neat
Simple_Studio_1.0 1.0 Please see the sample site above. Tagged: simple responsive neat cool
PhotoTheme 1.0
... Tagged: theme template massive admin theme get simple ce
ResponsiveCE 1.0
Starter template for GetSimple CMS CE users added on fixed with many option. (works on official... Tagged: theme responsive GetSimple CE
gsStellar 1.0
gsStellar is a modern, simple, one-column bright theme. Original made by HTML5UP has been adapted for newest... Tagged: gs gsstellar stellar theme responsive simple one column.white colour color
GetPro Theme 1.0
GetPro Theme doesn't use any graphics but it has demo image, mini images for payment for and favicons.... Tagged: getpro theme responsive free professional template getsimple gsthemes
Conceptnova 1.0
Simple theme. Taken from and adapted for GETSIMPLE 3.0 Tagged: theme
Single-page-portfolio 1.0
Simple theme. Taken from and adapted for GETSIMPLE 3.0 Tagged: themes
Distinctive 1.0
Simple theme. Taken from and adapted for GETSIMPLE 3.0 Tagged: theme
UIkit 1.3
Responsive theme for GetSimple CMS. Used plugins I18N Gallery and I18N. Attention! Created components and... Tagged: responsive theme uikit
Shopping 1.0
Responsive theme for GetSimple CMS with dropdown menu (css). To get multi-level menu use the plugin I18N. Tagged: responsive theme dropdown menu
Building Agency 1.1
Responsive theme for GetSimple CMS with dropdown menu (css). To get multi-level menu use the plugin I18N. Tagged: responsive theme dropdown menu
Flat-svg-green 1.0
Responsive themes for GetSimple. Tagged: Responsive themes
Flat-image-gray 1.0
Responsive themes for GetSimple. Tagged: responsive theme
Flat-image-arsenic 1.0
Responsive themes for GetSimple. Tagged: Responsive themes
Flat-svg-rose 1.0
Responsive themes for GetSimple. Tagged: Responsive themes
Flat-svg-orange 1.1
Responsive themes for GetSimple. Tagged: Responsive themes
Flat-image-green 1.3
Responsive themes for GetSimple. Tagged: Responsive themes
Flat-svg-arsenic 1.0
Responsive themes for GetSimple. Tagged: Responsive themes
Boom 1.2
Responsive themes for GetSimple. Tagged: Responsive themes
Inception 1.1
Responsive themes for GetSimple. Tagged: Responsive themes
New 1.2
New responsive theme with dropdown menu (css). To get multi-level menu use the plugin I18N. Tagged: responsive theme dropdown menu
Lucid 1.1
Responsive themes for GetSimple. Tagged: Responsive themes
Magic Forest 1
Responsive theme for GetSimple CMS. Use the plugin News Manager and p01-contacts. Demo... Tagged: responsive theme news manager
House 1.1
Simple theme for GetSimple. Responsive theme on my website Tagged: themes
France-Thanksgiving 1.0
Simple theme for GetSimple. Responsive theme on my website... Tagged: themes
Prepaid 1.0
Simple theme. Taken from and adapted for GETSIMPLE 3.1 + 20 more themes on the site Tagged: themes
Mobility 1.0
Simple theme. Taken from and adapted for GETSIMPLE 3.1 + 20 more themes on the site Tagged: themes
Locomotive 1.0
Simple theme. Taken from and adapted for GETSIMPLE 3.1 + 20 more themes on the site Tagged: themes
Lepidoptera 1.0
Simple theme. Taken from and adapted for GETSIMPLE 3.1 + 20 more themes on the site Tagged: themes
Elegantblue 1.0
Simple theme. Taken from and adapted for GETSIMPLE 3.1 + 20 more themes on the site Tagged: themes
Embodied 1.0
Simple theme. Taken from and adapted for GETSIMPLE 3.1 + 20 more themes on the site Tagged: themes
Fertilization 1.0
Simple theme. Taken from and adapted for GETSIMPLE 3.1 + 20 more themes on the site Tagged: themes
Gentlebreeze 1.0
Simple theme. Taken from and adapted for GETSIMPLE 3.1 + 20 more themes on the site Tagged: themes
Disambiguation 1.0
Simple theme. Taken from and adapted for GETSIMPLE 3.1 + 20 more themes on the site Tagged: theme
Diminishing 1.0
Simple theme. Taken from and adapted for GETSIMPLE 3.1 Tagged: theme
Captivegreen 1.0
Simple theme. Taken from and adapted for GETSIMPLE 3.1 Tagged: themes
Darkera 1.0
Simple theme. Taken from and adapted for GETSIMPLE 3.1 Tagged: themes
Bigbusiness 1.0
Simple theme. Taken from and adapted for GETSIMPLE 3.1 Tagged: theme
InCod Cardinal W3-33 1
A simple lightweight theme for GetSimple CMS using w3css Tagged:
ThomSander GS 1.0
Adaptation of the original free template Thom Sander from Html5xCss3:... Tagged: theme single page one page
I18N InnovationGrid Theme v0.1.1
This theme package is intended to provide a quick and easy-to-install starting point for a responsive,... Tagged: theme responsive i18n authentication authorization
Keep It Simple 1.0 Let's see the sample site above. You can use template.php... Tagged: blog responsive cool simple easy to use
Artistry 1.0 Let's see the sample site above. I would like you to change the... Tagged: responsive dropdown menu simple cool
Violet (gaming theme) 1.0
I created new modern theme with css/html/js Demo: <a... Tagged: theme gaming modern responsive themes
PhotoTheme 1.0
Monotheme (based on bs4) 1.0
I create new theme for GS:) You can edit what you want. All used images is on theme folder /img You can... Tagged: theme dark template starter theme
Starter theme by multicolor 1.0
![screenshot]( I created starter theme for developers and... Tagged: theme bootstrap grid ckeditor starter theme multicolor
Brunn Theme 1.0
Here is my light theme **Brunn** 1. Header 2. Sidebar / Content 3. Footer Above the navigation is a... Tagged: theme free light blue
Patsy 1.1
Let's see the sample site. I tweaked this theme.... Tagged: Simple Responsive Cool Bootstrap
Parallax 1.3 I will update this theme later! You can use it anyway. Tagged: simple html5 cool
My Template 1.1.0
Template with built-in components. Components can be configured in the admin panel. When the user is in the... Tagged: theme template
Wordsworth Theme 1.1
Demo at <> Plain white theme suitable for any site. Skeleton... Tagged: responsive white blog
Verti 1.1
All credit for design to . This is a straight conversion of their template. My demo of the GS... Tagged: responsive drop down
Spectral 1.1
The free site template from html5up converted to GetSimple. "A big, modern, blocky affair with a... Tagged: responsive splash
GS Theory 1.0
A free template from made ready for GetSimple "Just a crisp, modern landing page... Tagged:
GS Aries 1.1
The demo of the GetSimple theme is here: <> The original free html... Tagged: mobile bootstrap responsive gallery
GS Clean 1.0
A free html template from <> made ready for GetSimple. the original is... Tagged: clean bootstrap
GS Editorial 1.2
Demo is at: <> Original... Tagged: html5up responsive
GS Dimension 1.0
My demo is here <> Another html5up template made ready for... Tagged: html5up onepage responsive
Dark Modern get simple themes 3.2.1
#Modern Dark themes Get Simple CMS New fresh design using bootstrap 5. Responif and mobile... Tagged: template themes website
exploit 1
ItemManager Theme 1.2
Description The purpose of the ItemManager-Theme is example use of the ItemManager v2.4.6 plugin. See the... Tagged:
Poole Mini Blog Theme 1.0 Let's see the sample site... Tagged: blog simple
Simple Blog Theme 1.0 Simple blog theme, using news manager and p01-contact. Please... Tagged: blog simple easy to use cool responsive cssframework html5 css3
IcThemeGetSimple v1 1.0
Fantastic, amazing, html template, the benchmark of all super quality. :) Made without a single nail,... Tagged: Theme i18n simple
Millg 1.2
A new theme based on the Milligram css-framework. It's very minimal, so you can build onto... Tagged: responsive light minimal flexbox
simple theme 1.0 Let's see the sample site above. Tagged: simple responsive html5 easy to use
Materialize Css Framework Theme 1.0 Let's see the sample site above. I am using Materialize... Tagged: responsive cssframework simple
Lit css framework ver2.0 1.0 Let's see the sample site above. I am using Lit css... Tagged: responsive parallax
closest 1.0 Let's see the sample site above. I want you to make two... Tagged: responsive bootstrap simple html5 css3
Rapial 1.2
Just a simple, responsive HTML5-theme with hamburger menu and mobil first. You can see a DEMO at... Tagged: HTML5 mobile first responsive portfolio hamburger menu simple photograhy
foundation6.0 1.0 You can see the... Tagged: cssframefork responsive foundation html5 css3
PureBlog 1.0
If you want to use GetsimpleCMS as a blog site, this theme might be useful. Tagged: simple blog pure cssframework
Evie 1.0
==features== child menu, fixed header, Tagged: simple child menu fixed header bootstrap
Marble 1.0
If you like simple things, you might like this. Tagged: simple fade effect easy to use
Bootstrap theme ver 2.0 2.0
Bootstrap theme I made just before was remaded closer to a blog site. You have to use the news manager... Tagged: bootstrap news manager blog responsive simple
Bootstrap 3 simple sidebar theme 1.0
It is difficult to find bootstrap 3 themes so you can get theme inculde it. Sorry for another simple theme... Tagged: bootstrap simple sidebar responsive
lit css framework theme 1.0
Lit css framework is very easy to use. I would like you to try to use it. I hope that you can enjoy... Tagged: css framework responsive simple easy to use
Kick Start CssFrameWork theme 1.0
==feature== Drop down Menu. You can see the example... Tagged: responsive simple css framework kickstart dropdown easy to use
BootStrap theme 1.0 You can see the example. I know some similar theme but anyway... Tagged: bootstrap responsive simple easy to use
epo 1.0
I tried GS theme making for the first time. Please don't go too hard on... Tagged: simple easy to use
Office 1
A simple theme that holds a variety of place holders for your content. Modern and easy to use too Tagged: Office theme simple responsive
Skeleton FX 0.1.2
Skeleton-FX (Futured eXpandable) designed specifically for professional web designers.<br> Skeleton-FX... Tagged: responsive animated multilevel menu CSS only slideshow fast google maps captcha multilanguage
Basic Responsive 1.50
Three template page responsive theme. You can view the demo at Tagged: Responsive theme
Fluid Emerald 0.12
This is an evolution of the <a... Tagged: fluid responsive green simple
CleanBlogGh 1.3
Simple Bootstrap theme converted to Get Simple. See forum post to demo and... Tagged: Bootstrap
MN RedMarket 1.0
This theme is based on the RedMarket template <> To use the boxes you... Tagged: Simple
Generico 0.0.1
Generico is a theme which I ported from an php layout which I started from scratch. It includes a psuedo... Tagged: Themes mobile-friendly mobile friendly bootstrap skeleton starter theme parallax photo gallery template
eShop for RA 0.2
"eShop for RA" is not separate theme. This is the add-on to the theme "Red Agency", which... Tagged: basket catalog commerce shop search i18n addon
Red Agency 0.3.1
This is full responsive theme that uses Bootstrap v. 3.3.5 capabilities. Theme basic features:<br> 1.... Tagged: responsive bootstrap animated multilevel menu slideshow layerslider google maps captcha
GS Evolve 0.5
GS Evolve is not only good-looking, professionally designed, but also fast. Theme used dynamic scripts... Tagged: responsive jssor animated multilevel menu slideshow layerslider google maps captcha
Saturn 1.0
Saturn is a simple, one-column theme for GetSimple. The combination of white and orange colours makes this... Tagged: saturn theme responsive white orange one column rwd template
CityLights 1.0
A responsive two-column theme based on [bootstrap]( **Features** *... Tagged: responsive html5 css3 mobile first dark bright neon
Seascape 2 1.1
Demo at <> An original theme for GetSimple with the following... Tagged: white responsive sticky banner
the blue 0.1
the blue is a simple, 2 column, blue and free theme. Easy to edit and customize. Demo:... Tagged: 2 column simple blue
Wow CSS Framework 1.1
Demo at <> Wow CSS Framework is a very basic and lightweight CSS... Tagged: responsive starter boilerplate bootstrap grid dropdown
Ocean 1.0
This GetSimple Theme is a fully responsive basic theme built with jQuery and has 4 page templates. It is easy... Tagged: jQuery responsive
Material Design (simple) 2.0
Material Design for GetSimple Free to edit and use Tagged: Material Theme
GetSimpleBootstrap 1
Theme based on bootstrap, the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive,... Tagged: bootstrap swipe gallery responsive
ItemManager's Photogallery 1.0.0
**ItemManager's Photogallery**... Tagged: gallery photogallery jquery lightbox
Azure 1.0
Azure theme is a non-responsive, two-column theme designed basically for companies and freelancers. See... Tagged: azure theme two-columns black blue white
Moon Top 1
This is full responsive theme that uses Zurb Foundation. Tagged: theme responsive blue foundation
Simpliste 1.2
Theme conversion of **simpliste** (resonsive) theme by **Renat Rafikov**. More info on original... Tagged: responsive
BrownBook 1.1
BrownBook is a simple theme converted for GetSimple CMS. There are no images, it's a clearly responsive... Tagged: brown responsive blog theme two-columns
Blu 1.1
Blu is a simple, but non-responsive, two-column theme with blue header and bright content elements. It is... Tagged: blu theme 2-colums simple
Future Imperfect 1.1
A free site template from html5up. Responsive with a nice mobile menu and a lot of css for images, tables,... Tagged: blog responsive
SimpleForum 1.0
SimpleForum theme script is just a simple theme example to show you how you can use ItemManager framework to... Tagged: forum commentars user management
Yellow 1.0
Yellow is the template for Getsimple CMS. Not responsive pure HTML. You can use this template for free just... Tagged: themes
Bluelaguna 1.0
Simple, blue-based minimalistic theme with two columns. Not my theme, it's a converted HTML file from... Tagged: blue bright two-column theme kingarchee minimalistic
Moelya Black 0.1
This is a free responsive theme create with Kickstart. You can use this theme without removing the copyright. Tagged: responsive theme
FeedTheBeast Rework 1.0.0
Feed The Beast Theme Rework:<br> Using minimum code to recreate design from FTB Team.<br> Made... Tagged: FTB FeedTheBeast Curse Forge
Simple 1.0
A remake of the Chocotemplates theme. Tagged: responsive skeuomorphic
One Page Responsive Theme 1.0.1
Responsive and Mobile Ready theme built on top of Bootstrap 3. Unique one page animated template style that... Tagged: one page responsive bootstrap frixel
Skrollr 0.6
An unusual (for GetSimple) theme with sliding pages. Best suited for portfolios and personal... Tagged: Theme single page one page dark responsive
WBTShare 1.0
Simple, dark theme with two columns and vertical menu. The original is made by... Tagged: theme webestools xhtml two-column dark white gray
Holidays 1.1
Simple, colorful theme designed for blogs about holidays, travelling etc. Has text header and two columns -... Tagged: theme two-column holidays
Lamp 1.1
Lamp is a theme based on some images which you can change to make a different character of your website.... Tagged: lamp theme simple gs themes
Darksite 1.1
Darksite is a simple theme with black and white colors and with red navigation bar. It has two columns, one... Tagged: two-columns black white red template
yCard 1.1
Simple black'n'yellow theme prepared for GetSimple. It looks like vCard themes, but it is not as... Tagged: theme simple yellow black one column
Bootstrap 3GS 1.0
Template made with Bootstrap 3 front-end code and it's derivative, "less". It is fully... Tagged: bootstrap responsive html5 two-column white css3
BlackSimple 2.1
Black Simple is a very simple, black-based theme with two colums. It doesn't have any images or very... Tagged: black html5 template two columns
WhiteSimple 1.0
WhiteSimple is an simple, responsive, two-column-based theme. It supports header image, left-bar navigation... Tagged: simple white theme two-columns responsive
Charity Theme 1.0.0
Charity theme is a Non-profit theme which is very easy to customized and no need to add complex coding. In... Tagged: RWD Responsive Custom. Non Profit Clean
Inspire 1.0.0
Simple responsive, black & white theme <img... Tagged: simple clean twitter twitterfeed wide sidebar responsive dark blue
Elegance 1.0.0
Simple responsive, black & white theme <img... Tagged: simple clean responsive fullscreen wide
Astonish 1.0.0
Simple fullscreen responsive, theme Tagged: simple clean responsive fullscreen wide
Handcrafted 1.2
Simple fullscreen responsive, theme Tagged: simple clean responsive fullscreen wide
Transmission 1.0
Transmission is a webtemplate originally created by <a href=""... Tagged: vcard personal website business card onecolumn minimalist red pink white
Startbootstrap-Clean-Blog 1.1
#New Replaced contact form on plugin GetSimple Contact... Tagged: bootstrap blog clean responsive
BlueClock 1.1
Time is the money and you need it a lot as all people need. <b>BlueClock</b> is a second realise... Tagged: blue two columns html
Clock_Orange 1.1
Time is the money and you need money to pay for the time in many cases. But our style economises for you a... Tagged: clock orange theme talbott two-columns
Knacss GS 1.1
#Warning! This is using version 3 of Knacss. Version 4 is now the version on their website. All documentation... Tagged: css framework framework basic start simple responsive
GSkeleton2 1.1
The updated 2015 version 2 of the skeleton grid and boilerplate made ready for GetSimple All I have done... Tagged: skeleton grid boilerplate
BootSimple 1.0.3
BootSimple is a small responsive theme based on Bootstrap 3.3.2. Its very small (only 3 files, about 8kB and... Tagged: Bootstrap responsive submenu small
SimpleTheme 1.0.0
This theme is a GetSimple CMS responsive theme, builded with Bootstrap 3, and tested with GetSimple... Tagged: responsive light jumbotron bootstrap two columns option panel
Iridium 1.0
An awesome general purpose template with modern styling, a monochromatic color scheme, extra page layouts,... Tagged: Theme clean responsive
Privy 1.0
"A slick sidebar-oriented design (with space for an avatar!)." See demo at: <a... Tagged: Theme dark simple
Plantilla UNAM 1.0
Este es la plantilla institucional de la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México adaptada a GetSimple... Tagged: unam university class
Frixel Two 1.0.0
Responsive and Mobile Ready theme built on top of Bootstrap 3. Choice of full width template (Default) or... Tagged: bootstrap responsive full width sidebar mobile
Yamb Theme 1.0.0
Yamb is a responsive template and a framework builded for guys at the... Tagged: responsive light option panel theme settings
Foundation5 with SASS support 1.2
This is a clean responsive theme, based on Foundation 5.4.7 framework. It support scss stylesheets. All... Tagged: Framework HTML5 Responsive SASS COMPASS
Kogaion 1.0.0
Kogaion is a simple GetSimple CMS theme, responsive and with minimal Theme Settings Option Panel, like logo... Tagged: simple responsive light options panel
CityBiz Theme 1.0
CityBiz is an up-to-3 columns theme based on a free premium valid CSS3 & HTML5 web template from <a... Tagged: citybiz responsive personal business
Grill Theme and Template Site 1.0
Demo site: <> The following plugins are... Tagged: responsive bootstrap blog
Afflatus Theme 1.01
Afflatus is a two columns theme based on a free premium valid CSS3 & HTML5 web template from... Tagged: afflatus responsive personal business
uikit simple theme 2
A simple theme that incorporates uikit from <> Version 2 is based on uikit... Tagged:
Summit 2.0
A converted theme originally from FCT. Modern look and feel. Minor CSS updates (11 October 2014) for... Tagged: theme summit
Bootstrap3 14.08.13
A bootstrap 3.2.0 based theme and plugin. Comes with 18 additional templates, provided by... Tagged: responsive twitter bootstrap bootswatch
LCARS-Next-Gen 1.0
LCARS-Next-Gen is a theme for the Get Simple CMS. It is designed to resemble the computer displays from the... Tagged: dark black orange yellow science fiction television sidebar custom font
Frixel One 1.0.2
Responsive and Mobile Ready theme built on top of Bootstrap 3. Choice of full width template (Default) or... Tagged: boostrap responsive frixel sidebar full width mobile
Theme Settings Demo 0.2
This is simple theme demonstrating the use of the plugins LESS and Theme Settings. Tagged: less scss theme settings
Maralinga 1.0
This is an old free template. It's responsive and very light in filesize. Clear and easy to read. Nice... Tagged: responsive lite light
B4G (Bootstrap for GetSimple) 1.0
B4G (Bootstrap for GetSimple) is a simple and free theme. Easy to edit and customize. I18N plugin... Tagged: bootstrap i18n simple
Grey OnePage 1.0
A simple, template for a single page site using Carlos's code to insert each page into the index with... Tagged: single page one page responsive
NewClear 1.0
I rewrote the previous clearfigure template to make this. The theme is properly responsive for any size of... Tagged: responsive clear
Blue Sky Theme 1.0
General purpose template for any kind of site. Clear and easy to read. Built on html5boilerplate normalize... Tagged: responsive clear
GSkeleton Wide and Fluid 1.0
Original skeleton was responsive up to a max width of 960 px. This theme includes two more layouts for 1024px... Tagged: skeleton grid boilerplate
ClearFigure 1.0 Default template has everything in it. simple.php has... Tagged:
Metrical 1.2
Metrical allows you to make fully responsive, complex, multi-column layouts. Custom templates are easily... Tagged: responsive
Flat Mobile 1.1
This is a simple mobile theme I made from scratch because none of the other ones on here worked well for me. ... Tagged: mobile theme flat simple mobi works working
Bootstrap Theme 1.4
**Note: the screenshot on Extend is outdated.** ## About Bootstrap Theme is a simple [GetSimple... Tagged: theme simple minimalist bootstrap
Resumé 1.0
I made this as a single page site for a professional person. There is no nav menu but you could still add... Tagged: resume professional responsive
BlackSimpleExtended 2.0
This is a modified version of the [BlackSimple]( theme.... Tagged: theme black dark portfolio extended child menu blacksimple i18n search i18n
GStwentytwelve 1.1
This is the classic WordPress twentytwelve theme adapted for GetSimple. Fully responsive for phones and... Tagged: responsive white blog wordpress
Pure Gallery 1.1
An awsome, fully responsive,, fluid, tiled, image gallery homepage from Pure plus two more page templates... Tagged: responsive pure gallery
Pure Side-Menu 1.0
This is another standard sample layout for 'pure css'. A clean elegant and modern theme. The... Tagged: responsive pure hamburger
Darkfolio 1.1
Darkfolio is a responsive (Skeleton based), nice dark blog/portfolio theme. Main features: * HTML5... Tagged: dark portfolio blog website prettify responsive HTML5
RT14GS Theme 1.0
This is a very simple, minimal and nice responsive theme, created using responsive [Woman's... Tagged: RT14GS responsive personal business
Arch theme 1.0
A simple and clear theme easy to edit with a slideshow on the home page. You' ll need some extra plugins... Tagged: tech architect theme
GSkeleton 1.2
This is the responsive boilerplate Skeleton by Dave Gamache made ready for GetSimple. "A Beautiful... Tagged: responsive html5 boilerplate grid
Responsive White Space 1.2
Fully responsive on the skeleton framework. V1.1 Added a nosidebar.php template. Added an... Tagged: responsive white
Topcorporate 1.0
PureBlog 1.0
It is the sample layout from the pure css site converted for GetSimple. Fully responsive for any screen... Tagged: pure css responsive blog
PureGS 1.0
This is a fully responsive ultra-lite GetSimple Theme which uses the new and popular Pure collection of css... Tagged: pure css responsive light base theme
Seascape Theme 1.2
This is a theme built on the Skeleton grid to make it fully responsive down to small phone screen size. View... Tagged: responsive
Pluralism Theme 1.0
Theme adapted from [pluralism]( template by... Tagged: pluralism fixed-width personal business
GST-Impress - Experimental Theme from! 1.0
GST Impress is our latest dive into the skunkworks here at GetSimpleThemes. Reinventing the way we use... Tagged: experimental impress.js presentation flexible alternative
GraySimple Theme 0.1
GraySimple Theme is a simple and free theme with full background picture. Easy to edit and customize. I18N... Tagged: Gray Simple two columns i18n menu
Memoire Theme 1.0
Theme adapted from [Memoire]( template by... Tagged: memoire fixed-width personal
Blue Marble Theme 1.0
Theme adapted from [Blue Marble]( template by... Tagged: blue marble fixed-width 2 columns personal
Clicker Theme 1.0
Theme created based on... Tagged: clicker fixed-width 2 columns business corporate
Supremacy Theme 1.1
Theme adapted from [Supremacy4T]( template by... Tagged: supremacy fixed-width 2 columns business corporate
Minimalism 1.0
There is now a responsive version of this theme available as [New... Tagged: columns modern theme
NewMinimalism 1.0
Previous GS Theme Minimalism Now Responsive layout. Tagged: responsive modern
Deep Blue Theme 0.1
Deep Blue Theme is a simple and free theme with full background picture and slide show page template. Easy to... Tagged: Simple blue i18n full background slide show
Startling 1.1
Theme conversion from: Tagged: Startling theme
The Green Clock Theme 1.1
This is the same code as the Catwalk Theme. Some colour icons and a different font to present it as a more... Tagged: responsive mobile navigation icons white
Soccer Fans Theme 0.3
Theme with full background picture and slide show page template. Demo:... Tagged: two column simple slide i18n
Black Berry 1.0
Beige, brown, rust, and black - nice colours. This is a design from Two templates, ... Tagged: fixed width free templates theme
Simple Blue Theme 0.1
Simple Blue Theme is a simple and free theme. Easy to edit and customize. [I18N... Tagged: Simple Blue 2 columns i18n
FlatWeb 0.1
A simple & responsive template with green and white as the main color. Tagged: responsive green flat fix header
The Catwalk Theme 1.1
A fully responsive theme in black & white suitable for all kinds of sites. Two level navigation is... Tagged: white responsive skeleton navigation
Smart Fit 1.0
Smart Fit is ABIwizard Theme Package. This theme are required ABIwizard plugin in order to run this theme.... Tagged: ABIwizard smartfit table-less tableless clean shortcode
Old Paper 1.0
Old Paper is ABIwizard Theme Package. This theme are required ABIwizard plugin in order to run this theme.... Tagged: ABIwizard oldpaper clean table-less shortcode
Get Fancy 1.0
Get Fancy is ABIwizard Theme Package. This theme are required ABIwizard plugin in order to run this theme.... Tagged: ABIwizard getfancy clean table-less tableless shortcode
Clear Sky 1.0
Clear Sky is ABIwizard Theme Package. This theme are required ABIwizard plugin in order to run this theme.... Tagged: ABIwizard clearsky table-less tableless light simple clean
Pebblestone Theme 3.1.3
A simple responsive theme. Initially started with my own efforts to make the theme PavementCafe responsive... Tagged: pebblestone blue responsive simple theme poetry
Freedom (Scrolling) 1.1
**DEMO: <>** Freedom is an Ubuntu-inspired theme for Get Simple.... Tagged: linux ubuntu simple clean purple orange grey
Pavement Theme 1.0
This is the theme for the [Quick Start Tutorial]( from the... Tagged: Quick Start tutorial theme
Transverse Theme 1.6 1.6
Full Width Layout Left Sidebar Layout Right Sidebar Layout Responsive Home Page Slider Drop Down Menu... Tagged: Transverse Slider Theme Gray Theme Options
ElegantOne 1.4
Full Width Layout, Left Sidebar Layout, Right Sidebar Layout, Responsive, Drop Down Menu Support (Must... Tagged: clean professional seo business white grey
direction 1.1
This template is Clean and awesome. I will be providing updates soon with componet files. Version... Tagged: srinivasrjy Clean black header Unique blog
Freedom 1.0
**DEMO: <>** Freedom is an Ubuntu-inspired theme for Get Simple.... Tagged: linux ubuntu simple clean purple orange grey
myCompany theme 1.2
Thank you for using myCompany theme for GetSimple CMS. This theme is HTML5/CSS3 responsive - so you... Tagged: theme mycompany responsive css3 html5 pixelofficer
Zen 1.0
A new theme I've been working on. It is based on the Doubtless theme at... Tagged:
Striped 0.1
a clean, minimalistic design template from html5up. Best used for medium - long type of content. Not... Tagged: clean minimalistic design black and white
Escape Velocity 0.1
A simple blue & white theme. Should be responsive but there's a problem with .js file. will be fixed... Tagged: blue white
Base2013 Responsive Theme 0.1
Base2013 is a minimalist & responsive theme from csstemplateheaven Tagged: grey responsive foundation
Simpe Orange Theme 0.1
Simple Orange is a simple (full screen) and free theme. Easy to edit and customize. Demo:... Tagged: simple orange
fresh oranges 0.2
Fresh oranges is a simple, 2 column, free fresh-like theme. Easy to edit and customize. Demo:... Tagged: 2 column simple fresh orange
Jquery Mobile Theme 1.0
Jquery Mobile fully responsive theme. A sample usage is included in welcome page. Tagged: Jquery Mobile responsive theme
OnePage Innovation 1.0
The Default Innovation Theme made into a smooth scrolling Single Page site template. Just to show the... Tagged: Single Page One Page scrolling innovation
Lekhak Responsive Template 1.0
This theme is Responsive version of Porpect Theme, with a template to Create a beautiful Wooden Bookshelf to... Tagged: responsive books bookshelf authors poets book selling Prasoon Gupta CPI
GSinland 2.0
v2.0 can not use the slider and have a static image should create an image noslide.jpg and put it in the... Tagged: slide css personnal portfolio white
Cafe 1.0
A elegant Theme for clean Web Sites. Made with free Template by Tagged: orange cafe theme
Flores 1.2
A elegant Theme for clean Web Sites, Include responsive Layout (with Bootstrap). Made with free PSD Template... Tagged: flower brown responsive bootstrap
Responsive Innovation 1.0
I made the default GS theme responsive with the Skeleton css grid and it works well. You can see the... Tagged: responsive innovation
Blogging 1.0
>Need to say thanks to for giving this beautiful theme. >No more version Tagged: Blogging blogging blog srinivasrjy
Prospect Theme 1.0.2
Prospect theme is adopted from . It has beautiful look with its colour and... Tagged: Prospect srinivas theme
Theme SimpleNature 0.85
Fixed layout Layout with display: table & display: table-cell Width : 1200px Google Font... Tagged: green lightgreen beige nature
SimpleBee 1.1
Theme is called SimpleBee. 2 column responsive layout, theme also has extended function via the theme... Tagged: 2 column html5 css3 responsive seo
FoundationNation Responsive Theme 0.5
FoundationNation ================== ## Responsive Theme for GetSimple ## * * * ![FoundationNation... Tagged: FoundationNation Zurb Foundation Responsive Theme Plugin PHP jQuery HTML5 CSS3 WebDev Photo LevyImage Slider
Responsive Junge 1.0
Simple, responsive theme with brown background and almost white font color. All the page content is... Tagged: Responsive Web Design Open Font MIT Licence
Beadysite 2.0
This is a friendly and appealing theme, designed by aka... Tagged: white simple blog popular
Juleon 1.0.2a 1.0.2a
This is a theme created especially for GetSimple CMS written in HTML5, CSS3 and PHP. It is fast, clean,... Tagged: clean elegant theme juleon
InWild 0.10
Adaptation of InWild template. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported. Tagged: two-column green red fct
SimpleCorporate 0.10
Adaptation of SimpleCorporate template. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0... Tagged: blue corporate fct two-column
Office Memo 0.10
Adaptation of Office Memo template. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0... Tagged: blue office gray sidebar fct corporate
Emerald 2 0.10
Adaptation of Emerald 2 template. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0... Tagged: green emerald fct
TrendyBiz 0.10
Adaptation of TrendyBiz template. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0... Tagged: red silver gray cursive trendy
Keyboard 0.10
Adaptation of Keyboard template. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0... Tagged: keyboard computers theme fct
Unbound 1.2
A handsome piece of work from, converted to GS. There are one, two, and three column... Tagged: theme blog gallery table form
GSreinstated 1.1
A two-column, fixed-width design with dark color scheme, with dropdown menu Origine: design by Free CSS... Tagged: 2 columns fixed width simple drop down menu
GSnullified 1.1
A two-column, fixed-width design with dark color scheme, with dropdown menu Origine: design by Free CSS... Tagged: black 2 columns dropdown menu simple
GSbigbusiness 1.1
A two-column, fixed-width design with dark color scheme, with dropdown menu Origine: design by Free CSS... Tagged: slide dropdown menu 2 columns
Light 0.4
The theme has a fix width of 800px. (270px/500px) It uses html5 and css3 and the code is W3C validated. Fixed... Tagged: 2 column single width fixed header fixed menu fixed sidebar light white validated html5 CSS3
GSabstract 1.0
SimpleMin640 1.0
The older theme SimpleMin checked, improved, tidied and reduced in width suitable for all sites, easy to edit... Tagged: simple iphone white sidebar nav custom title seo
AcidMind 0.2
A simple, light, dark, clean 2 column theme for GS 3.1. HTML5 & CSS3 validated. Fixed width. Demo can... Tagged: Valid css3 html5 Dark Clean Simple Light Fixed Width 2 Column
GSunwritten 1.0
theme with 2 columns (template.php) and large page (page_large.php) Adapted for Getsimple - original... Tagged: simple 2 columns large
GSexecutive 1.0
Simple GS theme with 2 columns Tagged: simple personal 2 columns lite
GScss3_B&W 1.0
Simple GS theme with 2 columns Tagged: grey slide simple 2 columns
GScss3_photo 1.0
Simple GS theme with 2 columns Tagged: simple black white slide portfolio personal blog
Dolces Responsive Themes 01
fix my previous theme "clean responsive" I paid for it with this theme. Thanks Connie has guided... Tagged:
Twitter-Bootstrap GS 1.1
**Updated to the last bootstrap version** Now includes 13 differents styles from bootswatch, check out the... Tagged: twitter bootstrap framework html5 white responsive
Ratchet Mobile Theme 0.9
A mobile theme based on the ratchet framework Tagged: mobile theme ratchet a little bit buggy
Clean Responsive Template 01
It is a clean responsive html5 template. It's free and you can use it. You can easily do a lot of styles... Tagged: responsive html5 theme
Travels & Tours 1
Stater Get Simple template Tagged: Travels and tours travels tours simple theme starter theme
CityWide 2.0
A business type theme built on the Cardinal theme. Version 2.0 is now variable width and responsive right... Tagged: business professional trade phone handheld responsive fluid
Responsive Simple 0.1
This theme is still in beta. The theme is based on foundation framework for a responsive and fluid layout.... Tagged: responsive simple simplistic clean blog fluid foundation zurb
Club Theme 1.2
This is a fully responsive theme that supports multiple true columns. However the columns do require some... Tagged: responsive columns mobile custom header image
Old Cars Theme 1.0
This Theme is created to Get-Simple. Include 2 collumns and more. Tagged: theme cars old cars black
A theme built on [Initializr]( and... Tagged: Bootstrap responsive twitter bootstrap twitter html5 white
Clean Slate 2.0
#Clean Slate for GetSimple CMS *Clean Slate* is a bare bones starter theme for [GetSimple... Tagged: starter theme barebones oocss blank theme
FoliSimple 1.0
FoliSimple Theme for GetSimple CMS ---------------------------------- ### ABOUT A simple and clean... Tagged: simple minimal clean bright portfolio image basic
PartyTime 1.0
A theme based on people doing great things together. It uses a horizontal menu above the banner photo. Tagged:
Simple 0.9
A Simple GS theme.. Released under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License. Demo:... Tagged: Clean Simple White Light Fixed Width
Jardim 1.0
This Theme is created to Get-Simple. Include 2 collumns, jQuery drop-down for Sub-Menus and more. Preview... Tagged: Clean Green plants sub-menu
InnovationOutline 1.4
An updated version of the Original GetSimple Innovation theme. This version allows for better use of HTML5 ... Tagged: Innovation Outlining HTML5 machine searchable
baronvonBasic 1.0
A minimalist CSS theme for your GetSimple site that comes in several different colours (purple, red, blue and... Tagged: theme basic minimalist baronvon baronvones
My Restaurant by CPI 1.0
This is cool CSS3 theme made by for our restaurant client PEPPER... Tagged: Food Chain Restaurant CPI
Beach theme 1.0
This is a theme I developed in response to my need for a system with a vertical menu in the sidebar. I find... Tagged:
BhMad Surfing 0.9
Free GetSimple theme with background the people is surfing in beach. This template have nice menubar, valid... Tagged: valid xhtml fixed width 940 contact block info block on right side
BhMadBuilding 1.1
Free GetSimple theme with nice header, footer, menubar, xhtml, fixed width. Also Have additional Block to... Tagged: fixed width 960px xhtml rightside bar contact block
BhMadeCity 1.1
GS theme with nice header and menubar, valide xhtml, fixed width, published date on page footer What new... Tagged: fixed width 900px xhtml fast light wide right sidebar
ArchiteXture 1.1
A simple lightweight theme. Original found... Tagged: html5 fast light
Nest Theme 1.0
Nest Theme is our first Getsimple Theme. It's a simple green theme. We used HTML5 and the default based... Tagged: green simple nest html5
GS Steps 1.0
GS Steps theme HTML5 fixed width 2 column (content & right sidebar) with header & footer... Tagged: GetSimpleCMS theme
andreas00 001
From the author's website: "Dual-layout XHTML/CSS template originally based on andreas01 but... Tagged: themes XHTML simple
Tunning 1.0
This Theme is created to Get-Simple. Include 2 collumns, jQuery drop-down for Sub-Menus and more. Tagged: cars tunning black 2 collumns drop down menu
Flamingo 2.2.2
2.2.2 UPDATE: Reference fix for background images (again) 2.2.1 UPDATE: Fixed validation errors. Charts... Tagged: theme responsive flamingo mobile optimized theme html5
GSPixia 3.1
Theme with automatic slide and possibility of 4 blocks in the footer. The slider can be used or not on the... Tagged: theme slider
Technologies Theme 1.0
English: This template belongs to and was adapted for GetSimple 3.1. If they notice... Tagged: new theme theme 3.1 technologies theme
myApp theme 1.05
simple 2 column theme with some ilustration images in right column. By default contains 3 templates with 3... Tagged: theme myapp simple 2 column
Metro Theme 1
Read and post questions in the forum post. Tagged: simple mobile clean
SimpleMin 1.0
Simplico 1.0
Simplico is a simple and clean template with additional design page for: - home page - full with page. -... Tagged: clean simple
Maroon 1.01
This is a theme I created for my website, but I thought people might find it useful. Integrated File... Tagged: Theme Maroon Twiiter Widget Weather Widget
WhatHappened 0.1
A simple 2-column theme with integrated Facebook and Twitter share buttons/ Tagged: 2-column
Elegant Responsive 0.1
Elegant Responsive theme is a very simple and minimal themes for elegant works. It's completely... Tagged: Elegant minimal responsive html5 white green
NW Format 0.1
NW Format theme does not use the default style.css, rather it combines the small CSS footprint into the... Tagged: 2 column footer no sidebar
Adsense Ready Blog 1.00
Adsense Ready Blog is that theme that you can you if you are creating a blog or simple magazine to earn from... Tagged: adsense ready simple themes blog themes
Dark Moon 0.1
Dark Moon is a simple theme build on the html5boilerplate, and that provides a full screen background image.... Tagged: html5 responsive mobile dark css3
Skeleton Theme 0.1
Here's a theme based on the Skeleton framework, responsive and mobile ready. It can be used both as a... Tagged: html5 css3 responsive mobile minimal framework
Erasure 1.0
Free theme converted for GS The original is here: Tagged:
Flower 1.0
Free theme converted for GS The original is here: Tagged: flower
Greyflower 1.0
Free theme converted for GS The original is here: Tagged:
Morningswim 1.0
Okeanos 1.0
Free theme converted for GS The original is here: Tagged:
Oranges 1.0
Free theme converted for GS The original is here: Tagged:
Sandstorm 1.0
Free theme converted for GS The original is here: Tagged:
Skyvalley 1.0
Free theme converted for GS The original is here: Tagged:
Transmission 1.0
Resolved 1.0
Free theme converted for GS The original is here: Tagged:
Redlava 1.0
Free theme converted for GS The original is here: Tagged:
Template vtbfree-6 1.0
Standard theme vtbfree-6 for getsimple, has made slider Tagged: theme
Template Origami Ornaments 1
Free CSS template created in original origami style. Very clean, modern template for people who want to... Tagged: theme
Simple vCard 1.0
This is a custom built 1-page vCard theme for GetSimple. It is built with responsive CSS so that it looks... Tagged: html5 responsive css3 vcard simple
Aryze 1.0
Aryze is an easy to use theme with three page templates, drop down menu feature and a breadcrumb feature. You... Tagged: HTML5 CSS3 Simplicity easy-to-use
Template 0260 1.0
Simplicity 1.1
A simple theme with little setup needed and an automatic blog & search plugin downloader **Change... Tagged: simplicity theme blog search
Humarkise 1.0
This is a two-column theme (primarily developed for the site <>) with a completely... Tagged: theme liquid two-column flexible
Paivi K 1.1
Portfolio template from a template contest over at uses component sidebar Leave... Tagged:
Vivid 1
Uses component "sidebar" for the sidebar Uses component "tagline" for the... Tagged:
Faulkner 1
Retro Template uses component sidebar leave the credit Tagged:
Lime Jungle 1
Lime Jungle template uses the components sidebar, sidebar2 and tagline leave the credit and read the... Tagged:
White Space 1
Uses component "sidebar" for the sidebar Uses component "tagline" for the... Tagged:
Paperlike 1
Hey there, i adapted paperlike from free css templates for get simple If you want to display things in the... Tagged:
Tongue 1.31
Theme with logo and integrated adsense both of which are editable via admin area. 1.31 - changed sidebar... Tagged: theme editable logo adsense
Terra Firma 0.3
A 2 column theme. The theme includes breadcrumbs for easy user navigation. Tagged: sidebar 2 column
getPro Theme 1.2
a free theme for getsimple with a fixed with, sidebar and header component. The CSS code is compressed for... Tagged: light orange fixed pro sidebar components
Clean-Simple 0.3
A clean, no image, 3 column theme. Tagged: clean 3 column no images
GreenStream 0.2
A simple, white background theme consisting of a template.php and style.css. GreenStream is designed to load... Tagged: simple no images green white
SourceDesign 1.3
a free theme for getsimple with a fixed with, sidebar and no images. licence: CC BY-SA 3.0 Tagged: free blue elegant sourcedesign fixed two sidebar
Highway 1
A two-column, fixed-width design adapted for GetSimple. Originally created by Free CSS Templates. Licensed... Tagged: highway theme template orange black fixed width
Flower White 1.2
Dark theme with static white flower background Tagged: flower white theme
Flower Rose 1.2
Dark theme with static rose flower background Tagged: rose flower theme wedding
Flower Purple 1.2
Dark theme with static purple flower background Tagged: flower purple theme
Flower Pink 1.2
Dark theme with static pink flower background Tagged: flower pink theme
Flower Orange 1.2
Dark theme with static orange flower background Tagged: flower orange theme
Access Purple 1.2
Basic purple theme with accessibility options Tagged: accessibility purple
Access Pink 1.2
Basic pink theme with accessibility options Tagged: accessibility pink
Access Green 1.2
Basic green theme with accessibility options Tagged: accessibility green
Brown Stone 1
A two-column, fixed-width design adapted for GetSimple. Originally created by Free CSS Templates. Licensed... Tagged: brown stone template theme fixed width two column
Earthling Two 1
A two-column, fixed-width design adapted for GetSimple. Originally created by Free CSS Templates. Licensed... Tagged: green blue earth sky ground theme template two-column fixed width
Indication 1
A two-column, fixed-width design adapted for GetSimple. Originally created by Free CSS Templates. Licensed... Tagged: blue green theme template two-column fixed width
Atmosphere 1
A two-column, fixed-width design with dark color scheme. Originally created by Free CSS Templates. Licensed... Tagged: atmosphere theme blue free
gadget 0.1.1
Taken from []( Modified and adapted... Tagged: Theme White Gray Clear Carousel Footers
vtbfree-4 1.0
Has made the fourth standard theme vtbfree-4 for getsimple. The theme is executed in dark tones, has made... Tagged: Theme dark slider
GetSimpleThemes PixelStudio 1
PixelStudio is a neat, single-page template, suitable for creative professionals and businesses. It’s... Tagged: getsimplethemes theme single page theme one page theme
Doc Template 1.01
This is a free template made by Chris Coyier. I just tried to make it compatible to GS. I've added ... Tagged: Themes
Glaz 1.1
A very attractive theme with translucent content boxes and a slight rainbow background. You can try out the... Tagged: glass glaz theme andrew suzuki
2bars 1.0
Notice that is created with CSS3 border-radius property that only works in the lasts browsers. In old IE... Tagged: 2-columns fluid
Particles 1.1
- Get logo title from site name - Change multilingual to one language support Tagged: fixed 2-columns
Codex 1.1
A simple theme, based on the theme "Artton". To see a working demo, please visit this... Tagged: orange red brown japanese garden
Strangegreen 1.0
Nice easy gray-green theme . Taken from and adapted for GETSIMPLE 3.0 Tagged: green template simple light
Grey-blog 1.0
Nice grey blog theme. Taken from and adapted for GETSIMPLE 3.0 Tagged: blog theme grey simple theme
BlueSquareShadow 1.0
Simple blue theme Tagged: theme blue simple theme light
SprayedStrokes 1.0
Sprayed Strokes theme by Free CSS Templates. A simple theme, modified for GetSimple v3.0. Tagged: two-column fixed-width dark
Artton 0.9
A little work with CSS3 and HTML5. Rather experimental, but I hope, a fully functional GetSimple theme. Tagged: artton theme
GreenTheme 1.0
Here is a theme I developed using a combination of the simpletheme and a web template called "Green... Tagged:
WatchThis 2.0
WatchThis theme by Free CSS Templates and Cagintranet Tagged: red gray black two column
Emporium 2.0
Emporium theme by Free CSS Templates and Cagintranet Tagged: two column blue gray black white
Innovation Theme 1.1
This is the new default theme for GetSimple powered websites as of the 3.0 release. This has not been tested... Tagged: default theme html5 plugin-enabled
SimpleFolio 0.0.1
gumamela 1.0
Gumamela is a free template from Free CSS Templates released under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5... Tagged: theme fleur gumamela
Elegant_Site v.1.0
This is a simple elegant theme for Get-Simple. Check the forum thread for more information! If you like... Tagged: Elegant theme site
InsAcademy 1.5
The latest version can be found at: (choose... Tagged: theme classics design
Old Default GetSimple Theme 2.0
With the impending 3.0 update to GetSimple, this default theme is being retired. A new default theme will... Tagged: default theme simple
Yasha 1.7
I adapt the yasha theme for Get-Simple : [like this]( Tagged: yasha theme
Staseo 1
SEO GetSimple Theme: Very simple, old tables style GetSimple theme. Very fast theme loading, maybe the... Tagged: seo seo theme table
Cardinal 1.0
Comes with the default install of GetSimple Tagged: cardinal red two column