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Full Version: Add new page: prepopulate fields from http get parameters
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For my I18N plugin I needed to call the edit page in a way that some meta data was prefilled.
In order to do this, I needed to patch the admin/edit.php:

if ($id)
  // --- add the following lines
  if (isset($_GET['parent'])) $parent = $_GET['parent'];
  if (isset($_GET['template'])) $template = $_GET['template'];
  if (isset($_GET['metak'])) $metak = $_GET['metak'];
  if (isset($_GET['metad'])) $metad = $_GET['metad'];
  if (isset($_GET['menu-enable'])) $menuStatus = $_GET['menu-enable'];
  if (isset($_GET['menu-order'])) $menuOrder = $_GET['menu-order'];
  if (isset($_GET['private'])) $private = $_GET['private'];
  if (isset($_GET['title'])) $title = $_GET['title'];
  if (isset($_GET['menu'])) $menu = $_GET['menu'];
  if (isset($_GET['newid'])) $url = $_GET['newid'];
  // --- add end
  $buttonname = $i18n['BTN_SAVEPAGE'];

It would be nice to include this in the next release to allow plugins to prepopulate fields to simplify the use of the CMS.
I see what you are trying to do here, but why is your plugin creating a new page?
ccagle8 Wrote:I see what you are trying to do here, but why is your plugin creating a new page?

For the I18N plugin I have a page similar to the pages page, but with multiple columns, one for each language (e.g. first column is default language - en, 2nd is german - de, 3rd is french - fr). If there is e.g. no german page, the column will contain an add-link to add a page in this language, prepopulating:
  • title = title of default page + ' (de)'
  • slug = slug of default page + .'_de' (this is how the language is determined)
  • ...

Similarly, as each content in a CMS should be handled the same, a good news plugin should store news as normal pages (in order to be searchable by a search plugin, ...), this news plugin would create a prepopulated page, when the user clicks the "Add news" link:
  • slug = 'news_' + date (yyyyMMdd) + '_' + time (HHmm)
  • tags = '_news' (to identify news in a search plugin)
  • ...

Currently the only way to prepopulate the metadata for a page without patching GetSimple is to add javascript code during the 'edit-extras' trigger, which will then fill the fields appropriately (implemented in I18N plugin).
However this is quite ugly.

P.S.: I use this javascript to modify the parent and priority selects, too (best try the I18N plugin to see how a better parent and menu position management can look like).
mvlcek Wrote:P.S.: I use this javascript to modify the parent and priority selects, too (best try the I18N plugin to see how a better parent and menu position management can look like).

Bit of a threadjack, but can you break out the parent/child and menu code from the I18N code?

-Rob A>
RobA Wrote:Bit of a threadjack, but can you break out the parent/child and menu code from the I18N code?

The parent/child and menu code is the main part of the plugin. The part supporting multiple languages is quite small, but mixed into the code - the menu needs to be displayed in the correct language.

However, you can use the plugin, even if you do not intend to have multiple languages on your site.