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I needed a function for a web width multilanguage support. I saw the plugin: Support for multilanguage sites, Internationalization (I18N), but it wasn't i what i needed.

The web of test:

The function:
//** FUNCTION: lang_navigation()                      
//**  Returns the main menu of the site with      
//**  the language selected in /data/other/lang    

function lang_navigation($currentpage) {
    if (@$_GET['lang'] !=''){
        file_put_contents(GSDATAOTHERPATH."/lang", @$_GET['lang'] );
        global $PRETTYURLS;
        global $SITEURL;
        global $LANG;
        $file_lang = trim(file_get_contents(GSDATAOTHERPATH."/lang"));

        if ($PRETTYURLS == 1){
                    $n = 1;
         } else {
            $n = 0;
        if ($file_lang != substr($LANG,0,2)){
        } else {
        $menu = '';

        $path = GSDATAPAGESPATH;
        $dir_handle = @opendir($path) or die("Unable to open $path");
        $filenames = array();
        while ($filename = readdir($dir_handle)) {
            $filenames[] = $filename;
        $pagesArray = array();
        if (count($filenames) != 0) {
            foreach ($filenames as $file) {
                if ($file == "." || $file == ".." || is_dir(GSDATAPAGESPATH . $file) || $file == ".htaccess"  ) {
                    // not a page data file
                } else {
                    $data = getXML(GSDATAPAGESPATH . $file);
                    if ($data->private != 'Y') {
                        $pagesArray[$count]['menuStatus'] = $data->menuStatus;
                        $pagesArray[$count]['menuOrder'] = $data->menuOrder;
                        $pagesArray[$count]['menu'] = stripslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($data->menu, ENT_QUOTES));
                        $pagesArray[$count]['url'] = $data->url;
                        $pagesArray[$count]['title'] = stripslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($data->title, ENT_QUOTES));
                        $pagesArray[$count]['parent'] = $data->parent;
                        $pagesArray[$count]['translate'] = $data->translate;
                        $pagesArray[$count]['labellang'] = stripslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($data->labellang, ENT_QUOTES));
                        $pagesArray[$count]['orderlang'] = $data->orderlang;

        $pagesSorted = subval_sort($pagesArray,'orderlang');
        if (count($pagesSorted) != 0) {
            foreach ($pagesSorted as $page) {
                $sel = ''; $classes = '';
                $url_nav = $page['url'];
                if (($page['menuStatus'] == 'Y' && $fl == '') || ($page['menuStatus'] != 'Y' && substr($url_nav, -3,3) == $fl && $page['parent'] =='')) {
                    if ("$currentpage" == "$url_nav") { $classes = "current ". $page['parent'] ." ". $url_nav; } else { $classes = trim($page['parent'] ." ". $url_nav); }
                    if ($page['menu'] == '') { $page['menu'] = $page['title']; }
                    if ($page['title'] == '') { $page['title'] = $page['menu']; }
                    if ($url_nav == 'index'){
                         if ($page['translate'] == 'y') {
                            if ($PRETTYURLS == 1) {
                                $menu .= '<li class="'. $classes .'" ><a href="'.$SITEURL.'index" title="'. strip_quotes($page['title']) .'">'. $page['labellang'].'</a></li>'."\n";
                            } else {
                                $menu .= '<li class="'. $classes .'" ><a href="'.$SITEURL.'index.php?id=index" title="'. strip_quotes($page['title']) .'">'. $page['labellang'].'</a></li>'."\n";
                       } else {   //not translate
                            $menu .= '<li class="'. $classes .'" ><a href="'.$SITEURL.'" title="'. strip_quotes($page['title']) .'">'. $page['labellang'].'</a></li>'."\n";

                    } else {   //not is index
                        $fu= find_url($page['url'],$page['parent']);
                        $menu .= '<li class="'. $classes .'" ><a href="'. $fu.' " title="'. strip_quotes($page['title']) .'">'.$page['labellang'].'</a></li>'."\n";
        echo exec_filter('menuitems',$menu);

This function has its source in the function of getsimple: get_navigation() .

I have used the customfield plugin, too.

To use the function lang_navigation($currentpage), it is necesary:
  • a file called lang in /data/other
  • 3 fields in data/other/customfields.xml
the fields are:
  • Pages of language of admin:
    - only must to have enable 'Add to Menu'.
    - Field 'translate' = n (lowercase)
    - Field 'Label_lang' : is the caption that will appears in the menu.
    - Field 'Order_lang' : is the order that we will appears in the menu.

  • The other pages with other language:
    - NO enable 'Add to Menu'.
    - the name of page, must have the same slug/URL that original but finished in: dash + two letters for code language (-de for example to deutsch, -es for spanish, -it for italy, -en for england....).
    - Field 'translate' = y (lowercase)
    - Field 'Label_lang' : is the caption that will appears in the menu.
    - Field 'Order_lang' : is the order that we will appears in the menu.

  • What we do is call the language in which appear all pages translated. To call to language, for example, in header:
    - a href="/index.php?lang=es" , for the language of admin
    - a href="/index.php?id=index-en&lang=en", for language england
    - a href="/index.php?id=index-de&lang=de", for language deutsch

  • Works with 'Fancy URLs' too.
  • PD: i forgot to call of function in the template. Tou must replace:
    <?php get_navigation(return_page_slug()); ?>

    <?php lang_navigation(return_page_slug()); ?>
  • The function lang_navigation($currentpage), must be in functions.php of you theme; or could be in a plugin too...

I think that i don't have left anything.

Pleased test it.

As always, i'm sorry for my english.
