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Full Version: mixed content for p01-contact
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I'm helping someone with their get-simple website, normally I'm a WordPress user. 

I installed a let's encrypt certificate, changed the website basis URL to https, added to .htaccess. All pages of the website are https now, except the page with a p01-contact form. There I have mixed content, I get this error in the console:

Quote:Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure stylesheet 'http://bradom.beplugins/p01-contact/style.css'.

I installed the force HTTPS plugin, but that doesn't solve the problem.

What can I try next? Thanks!
The mixed content message is well known.
It is not really a problem but simply somewhere in your website
a leftover url that needs to be changed from http to https.

First, you can try Carlos plugin to fix it. This plugin is meant to be used
to migrate a website to a domain with a new url. Since your old url starts
with http and your new url starts with https you can use this plugin also
in this case.

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If that does not work then second, open all files from the p01-contact plugin
in an editor and update the URls in these files using search - replace ...
so let the editor search for http and replace it with https
Thanks a lot! Found the http in the plugin files and replaced it with https. Solved  Smile