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Johonwayni Wrote:Hi mvlcek,

9. photo after the installation stops.
I checked several times but the result is the same, continuous 9 photo stops.

Gallery; Supersized
GS Ver: 3.1b

What do you expect with this page? It's a wonder anything is shown at all:
  • no document type
  • no html, head and body elements
  • jquery.min.js included which returns a 404 error
  • why do you include photo gallery?
mvlcek Wrote:
Johonwayni Wrote:Hi mvlcek,

9. photo after the installation stops.
I checked several times but the result is the same, continuous 9 photo stops.

test: ---
Gallery; Supersized
GS Ver: 3.1b

What do you expect with this page? It's a wonder anything is shown at all:
  • no document type
  • no html, head and body elements
  • jquery.min.js included which returns a 404 error
  • why do you include photo gallery?

I prepared everything, mvlcek No progress after photo-9
The problem continues.

I have adapted the I18N gallery plugin to default to 'cycle' for a client's website, but I am wondering whether I can also pre-fill some other information to save my client from having to make changes. They are not very technical, and almost all of their galleries will be the same.

Is it possible to pre-fill the maximum image dimensions, text position, time between slides, effect and navigation type - but also allow for them to be altered if necessary? If it can be done, where would I need to make these changes?

Very, very much appreciated!

Also, koenig:
I had the same issue with the Galleries tab (in Chrome) and added the following to the styles (around line 72) in i18n_gallery.php

Look for the '#loadtab .wrapper .nav li a.i18n_gallery_selected' style and then include the following:

background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(3%,white), color-stop(100%,#F6F6F6));
Johonwayni Wrote:I prepared everything, mvlcek No progress after photo-9
The problem continues.

I just added some pictures on my site and Supersized also freezes after the 7th or 8th picture (weird javascript error). Might be a problem with Supersized.
Just installed latest GS & i18N, great plugin everything went fine, until i tried to create custom theme based on Innovation theme, now is just that the image won't pop-up like it used to, when it clicked images opened in new window.

I've tried basic problem solving solution (get header call on template) still not working, what did i miss?
Welcome to the forum.

Make sure you have

<?php get_header(); ?>

in the head section of your modified theme.
SG Wrote:I've tried basic problem solving solution (get header call on template) still not working, what did i miss?
  • make sure to include jquery only once - if it's in the template already, switch it off in gallery settings
  • make sure jquery is included before get_header() call
Thanks @n00dles101 @mvlcek

So where do I put the
<?php get_header(); ?>
properly? I'm just following based on Innovation, has separate header, template & footer files. Here's what I have on template.php
<?php if(!defined('IN_GS')){ die('you cannot load this page directly.'); }
* @File:         template.php
* @Package:        GetSimple
* @Action:        Tons of Friends by Innovation theme for the GetSimple 3.0

# Get this theme's settings based on what was entered within it's plugin.
# This function is in functions.php
get_header(); //here it is

# Include the header template

Also I have jquery just before the closing body tag which mean in the footer.php file, almost every script I put there, could that be the problem?
The innovation theme already calls get_header in header.php, so you should not call it yourself.
And you need to include jquery before this call in header.php, as the other script libraries depend on it.
mvlcek Wrote:The innovation theme already calls get_header in header.php, so you should not call it yourself.
And you need to include jquery before this call in header.php, as the other script libraries depend on it.

Seems I forgot to include get_header, here's what I have now on my header.php
<script src="<?php get_theme_url(); ?>/js/libs/jquery-1.6.2.min.js"></script>
<?php get_header(); ?>

Is that correct? Gallery works fine now, fancybox acting weird though, but it's fine I'll use prettyphoto.

Thank you!
Hello, you css-gurus,
I need some help with CSS in cycle-styling ;=)

I use the cycle-gallery and it works well. Each entry has <h2> for the title and the rest sits in <p>

I defined the css for the h2 like this and it works well:
#content .gallery .gallery-text h2 {font-size:14px !important;color:green;text-transform:none !important;background:url(images/img09.gif) no-repeat right bottom !important;}

a lot of important things, I am sure I will get rid of them.

Now I want to change the background-images for h2, using :nth-child-property, but I have no success

I have 4 different images, so I want to use the pseudo-element for

and so on

<h2>sits in .gallery-container n-times, but I cannot assign different graphics, I tested with FF and IE9
Connie Wrote:Now I want to change the background-images for h2, using :nth-child-property, but I have no success

The n'th child must be applied to the slide, not the h2 (because there is only one h2:
#content .gallery .gallery-slide:nth-child(1) h2 { ... }
#content .gallery .gallery-slide:nth-child(2) h2 { ... }
However, this is CSS3 and will not work in all browsers.
You can also do it using CSS2:
#content .gallery .gallery-slide h2 { ... }
#content .gallery .gallery-slide + .gallery-slide h2 { ... }
#content .gallery .gallery-slide + .gallery-slide + .gallery-slide h2 { ... }
I didn't see the forest because of the trees ;=)

thanks! I tested and it immediately worked, now I will decide which version I will use

you are such a great help, danke!

I found this info, so I think it will be possible to use it:
Quote:One saving grace here is that if you are using jQuery, which supports all CSS selector including :nth-child, the selector will work, even in Internet Explorer.

this comes from

Connie Wrote:I found this info, so I think it will be possible to use it:
Quote:One saving grace here is that if you are using jQuery, which supports all CSS selector including :nth-child, the selector will work, even in Internet Explorer.

This means it will work with javascript as in
$('#content .gallery .gallery-slide:nth-child(1) h2').css('font-size','14px').css('color','green');
mvlcek Wrote:The plugin files are zipped with Ubuntu from an NTFS drive, which has no permissions, thus no permissions are stored.
In this situation, the permissions come from the mount point. This is simpler to control if you make an entry in /etc/fstab for the ntfs partition (rather than relying on automounting) and set appropriate fmask and dmask values.

Refs : (not Suse specific, but I just found it first); man mount.ntfs-3g.

With respect, I think this is something that you need to fix, especially as the target audience will probably have a Windows background and be installing on a Linux server. At least one European host (OVH) gives a 500 error if PHP files have permissions of 0777.

mvlcek Wrote:If you know an easy way (like select the directories and files in a file manager, then right-menu or click to archive), let me know.
With nautilus and file-roller installed, you should be able to select files and directories, then use the 'Compress...' option in the nautilus right-click menu. (You may need to install additional file compression libs to have a .zip option.)
I have a problem with this plugin.

If I put the code in the template will let the photographs do show just works "Cycle" is not and he puts the numbers and arrows to the left under the photo down.
<?php get_i18n_gallery_header('my-gallery-name'); ?>

I put down the following code in the page then everything works fine.
(% gallery name=my-gallery-name %)

It's like he is the css code plugin_cycle.php can not reach. I also tried to include this css into my css of the template.

The idea then came what was to use 'I18N Custom Fields "to a custom field, and here the code normally placed on the page. But unfortunately it did not work.

Another option was to do a custom field to create what the name "content" and here is the information from the website and to put the code in the standard box and places it does work. Unfortunately all that cumbersome way to work.

Someone a solution?
mvlcek Wrote:
koenig Wrote:
mvlcek Wrote:You have an old loadtab.php installed in /admin. Replace it with that in /plugins/i18n_gallery.

Unfortunately not; they are the same (verified with both diff and md5sum).

Then you probably have another plugin using loadtab.php, e.g. squareit-loadtab (part of e.g. GSGallery). I think the culprit is the function squareit_tabLoadStyle: remove the add_action('header', ...) line in this plugin. But in this case you don't need the whole plugin, if you use I18N Gallery.

The only plugins I have are I18N [Base, Navigation, Gallery]. I'm trying to stay faithful to you, you see... :-)
trmash Wrote:background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(3%,white), color-stop(100%,#F6F6F6));

Thanks mate! That did the trick!
Another question, while I'm at it: I have a gallery on the first page, displaying logotypes from different companies I have worked with. It would be splendid if I could center this on the page (or rather column) but the center text button has no effect on the gallery. Is there an easy way to do this?
I'm having an issue where my thumbnails appear, but when I click on them to start the slideshow (I'm using prettyphoto, but it happens with any slideshow), it loads a page with the photo and not the slideshow. The plugin used to work perfectly, and to be honest, it's been several weeks since I looked at my site, and I haven't done any changes except content (adding photo files and pages to the site).
pup975 Wrote:I'm having an issue where my thumbnails appear, but when I click on them to start the slideshow (I'm using prettyphoto, but it happens with any slideshow), it loads a page with the photo and not the slideshow. The plugin used to work perfectly, and to be honest, it's been several weeks since I looked at my site, and I haven't done any changes except content (adding photo files and pages to the site).

1) JQuery is activated?

2) Javascript activated?

3) Which browser?

4) URL Please! If you want us to find explanations ...
koenig Wrote:Another question, while I'm at it: I have a gallery on the first page, displaying logotypes from different companies I have worked with. It would be splendid if I could center this on the page (or rather column) but the center text button has no effect on the gallery. Is there an easy way to do this?

Just define the following rule in your CSS file:
Code: {
  margin-left: auto;
  margin-right: auto;
You can also use as selector if you only want to center a specific gallery.
Connie Wrote:
pup975 Wrote:I'm having an issue where my thumbnails appear, but when I click on them to start the slideshow (I'm using prettyphoto, but it happens with any slideshow), it loads a page with the photo and not the slideshow. The plugin used to work perfectly, and to be honest, it's been several weeks since I looked at my site, and I haven't done any changes except content (adding photo files and pages to the site).

1) JQuery is activated?

2) Javascript activated?

3) Which browser?

4) URL Please! If you want us to find explanations ...

I have JQuery activated, I've got Javascript activated on my browser, I've tried it on Firefox and IE on 2 different computers. I've also tried loading a different theme and get the same problem. When I hover over the thumbnails, the browser shows just a link to the actual picture. Is this how it's supposed to show up as?

Here's a link to a test page on my site:
I did a check :

and I see that there are script-tags without type-attributes
that is absolutely wrong
how can the browser identify that it is Javascript or CSS or whatever?

Did you add the script to the template?

Try to fix the errors and check again,

cheers Connie
pup975 Wrote:I have JQuery activated, I've got Javascript activated on my browser, I've tried it on Firefox and IE on 2 different computers.

You are including jQuery twice (I18N Gallery and Photo Gallery). Make sure you include it only once and it is included before all other javascript.