oeborg! Thank you very much! fahcybox, cycle, s3slider, prettyphoto - all titles-descriptions show!
- - - - - - -
only plugin_supersized.php not functioning - loading ... loading ... not load,
may be this problem somehow solved ?
There seems to be a typo (aka bug) in \plugins\i18n_gallery\browser\pic.php which prevents thumbs for gif files to be shown.
Line 27
case '.gif': $src = @iamgecreatefromgif($imagedir.$infile); break;
should be
case '.gif': $src = @imagecreatefromgif($imagedir.$infile); break;
I18N Gallery version 0.7.3 fixes:
- Texts not showing when using without I18N plugin
- Thumbs/resizing of gifs not working
(thanks to oeborg)
maxmaxmax Wrote:I changed 0.7.2 > 0.7.3 - supersized working, but picture on background... why ?
Screenshot attached.
Is it possible to do foreground, http://mvlcek.bplaced.net/i18ngallery/i1...supersized ?
As described in the description, when you switch the type to supersized, you need to use an empty template for supersized - no navigation, no styles, like this:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title><?php get_page_clean_title(); ?> | <?php get_site_name(); ?>, <?php get_component('tagline'); ?></title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="robots" content="index, follow" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php get_theme_url(); ?>/jquery.min.js"></script>
<?php get_header(); ?>
<body id="choice">
<?php get_page_content(); ?>
Only include jquery, if you do this in your standard template, too (i.e. your I18N Gallery setting "Do not include jQuery" is checked).
Thank you!
It would have been well - in cycle gallery, make numbers in the round button to switch images?
May be numbers in the boxes ?
i18 fancybox and prettyPhoto - no title at thumbnail, how to do it ?
in plugin_prettyphoto.php after line 128
<img src="<?php i18n_gallery_thumb_link($gallery,$item); ?>" alt="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(@$item['title']); ?>"/>
<p class="i18th"><?php echo htmlspecialchars(@$item['title']); ?></p>
.i18th {font:11px Verdana, Tahoma; color:#777;}
plugin_fancybox.php too, after line 105, jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.css
plugin_cycle.php change dots-battons to numbers
replace to '.$i.'
but scrollLeft not work.... and numbers shifted, 0 to img1, 1 to img2... how it fixed?
maxmaxmax Wrote:in plugin_prettyphoto.php after line 128
<img src="<?php i18n_gallery_thumb_link($gallery,$item); ?>" alt="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(@$item['title']); ?>"/>
<p class="i18th"><?php echo htmlspecialchars(@$item['title']); ?></p>
.i18th {font:11px Verdana, Tahoma; color:#777;}
plugin_fancybox.php too, after line 105, jquery.fancybox-1.3.4.css
It's intentional that titles are not shown in the thumbnails, because it is not sure it they will fit and it's not possible to calculate the correct thumbnail size with text.
For prettyphoto the description is shown on mouse over as tooltip, for fancybox the title.
maxmaxmax Wrote:plugin_cycle.php change dots-battons to numbers
replace to '.$i.'
but scrollLeft not work.... and numbers shifted, 0 to img1, 1 to img2... how it fixed?
You'd need to change
'></a>' to
'>'.($i+1).'</a>' in line 170 and
'<a href="#"></a>' to
'<a href="#">'+idx+'</a>' in line 182 - or
(idx+1), just try.
Thank you, mvlcek. Very excellent gallery.
Titles shown in the thumbnails in squareit-gallery, for example... it may well be necessary...
May be make option on/off in admin panel... sorry if this is not...
- if '<a href="#">'+idx+'</a>' - scroll yes, but numbers shifted, 0 to img1, 1 to img2...
- if (idx+1) numbers correct, but scroll no functioning...
may be scroll + correct numbers (from 1234... not from 0123...) ?
*buttons, which css I made, in attachment, just look, what I "invented"
Oleg06 Wrote:after adding
when trying to add a picture says a Not logged in!
I'm having the same issue, (and for some reason, I'm still not able to access mlvek.bplaced.net) can you tell me where did you add that line of code? Thanks. By the way, I'm testing on a local server.
angelazou Wrote:Oleg06 Wrote:after adding
when trying to add a picture says a Not logged in!
I'm having the same issue, (and for some reason, I'm still not able to access mlvek.bplaced.net) can you tell me where did you add that line of code? Thanks. By the way, I'm testing on a local server.
It's in your gsconfig.php, probably it's already there und you just have to uncomment it.
mvlcek, help please!
- if '<a href="#">'+idx+'</a>' - scroll work, but numbers from 0123...
- if (idx+1) numbers from 1234, but scroll no work...
how to make scroll + numbers from 1234...? (not from 0123...)
maxmaxmax Wrote:plugin_cycle.php
- if '<a href="#">'+idx+'</a>' - scroll work, but numbers from 0123...
- if (idx+1) numbers from 1234, but scroll no work...
how to make scroll + numbers from 1234...? (not from 0123...)
I just tried, and scrolling works in both instances - there shouldn't be any difference.
But to make it easy, I have released
I18N Gallery version 0.7.4:
- You can choose if the slide navigation for the "cycle" gallery type should be dots or numbers
You can style the display with your own style sheet: Just make sure the CSS selectors are longer than those generated automatically, e.g. (depends on your template!)
body #main #content .gallery-cycle .gallery-control-numbers a { ... }
many thanks mvlcek, all works, Navigation type - nice option
fancybox, scroll wheel mouse: plugin_fancybox.php line 34 add
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php get_site_url(); ?>/plugins/i18n_gallery/js/jquery.mousewheel-3.0.4.pack.js"></script>
mvlcek Wrote:angelazou Wrote:Oleg06 Wrote:after adding
when trying to add a picture says a Not logged in!
I'm having the same issue, (and for some reason, I'm still not able to access mlvek.bplaced.net) can you tell me where did you add that line of code? Thanks. By the way, I'm testing on a local server.
It's in your gsconfig.php, probably it's already there und you just have to uncomment it.
I can add images now, however, despite the number of images, I don't see them in a slideshow. They are either displayed as thumbnails or just as the image without the next image scrolling through. I configured the 'automatically start slide show' box as well as the delay to be 3500 ms. Is there something I'm missing?
angelazou Wrote:I can add images now, however, despite the number of images, I don't see them in a slideshow. They are either displayed as thumbnails or just as the image without the next image scrolling through. I configured the 'automatically start slide show' box as well as the delay to be 3500 ms. Is there something I'm missing?
Have you followed the
Problem Solving Instructions?
I've enabled site cookies, but I still get the 'Not logged in!' message. I don't understand why, because when I first enabled it it worked, but about 3 days ago it stopped. Any ideas?
Also, incredibly padantic to note, but 'Edit Gallery' says 'Edt Gallery'. Just a tiny spelling thing you may want to fix
Deleted the cookies on the site and re-logged in. Fixed the 'Not logged in' problem xD
However, one thing that may be ideal to include some time soon is
pagination for when galleries get large.
@mvlcek: GREAT, great plugin, you did it ... again!
Had also the need of titles shown in the thumbnails, so did the same as maxmaxmax and used his code snippet.
It works great guys!
One remark/question though ...
On my subdomain get_site_url(); is returning a slash on the end, so ...
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php get_site_url(); ?>/plugins/i18n_gallery/js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js"></script>
... results in
http://getsimple.dare-is.nl//plugins/i18...tyPhoto.js (note the two slashes)
@mvlcek: It is a great plugin and thanks for all of the hard work.
I am using the cycle plugin with the text at the bottom and the navigation dots. That "area" appears to be about 200px tall. I would like to make it about half of that, 100px tall. What do I need to modify to to do that?
ElderGeek Wrote:@mvlcek: It is a great plugin and thanks for all of the hard work.
I am using the cycle plugin with the text at the bottom and the navigation dots. That "area" appears to be about 200px tall. I would like to make it about half of that, 100px tall. What do I need to modify to to do that?
Use the "text width or height" input field in the gallery options to specify the height in pixels.
@mvlcek: get_site_url(); is returning a slash on the end, so by example ...
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php get_site_url(); ?>/plugins/i18n_gallery/js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js"></script>
... results in ...
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.domain.nl//plugins/i18n_gallery/js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js"></script>
Note the two slashes before 'plugins'.
Of course I can remove the extra slash in the code but I assume that this is intended? Or do I have some settings wrong?
But let me be clear ... this is a minor thing ... everthing works! Great work done!
The function
get_site_url() always includes a trailing slash, so I think that's a bug in i18n-gallery.
In fact, the GS functions for returning URLs are not consistent:
- get_site_url() : always has a trailing slash
- get_page_url() : follows the Custom Permalink and Pretty URL settings, except for the site root (home page), when it returns the same as the site url, including trailing slash
- get_theme_url() : never has a trailing slash