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I found this one Smile

I made a slideshow with prettyphoto and it has numbers and titles and thumbnails

see here:

I tried the link which you gave here:
but I see no gallery at all there...

At my site,, I also use "Sliderkit" for some galleries
in a separate template, without a plugin gallery

the only disadvantage for me: it has no loading animation at the beginning, but the author promised me once to include that in a further release
Thanks for the answer Connie
I don´t know that PrettyPhoto had a counter ...
and the link to the website was only to show the counter function.

Now I've found many sites with this feature Smile but they are all different.
My client need each page with only one picture and all thumbnails for the gallery below it.
the next and back button, and also the counter should be below the thumbnails.

Something like this ...

Maybe I can change the PrettyPhoto so it will fit my needs.
Is it realistic make changes in code that gallery show tags too in slideshow? Now I'm trying to read code of plugin_prettyphoto and understand.
mvlcek Wrote:
ChriS Wrote:Is it possible to set for example the following as standard without having to change something when a new gallery is created:
prettyphoto, maximum width, maximum height , theme "dark_square"

This is not possible out-of-the-box.
But I18N Gallery is easily extensible itself: Attached you will find a small plugin which sets default values - just change the values or add additional Javascript instructions for additional fields. Look at the gallery edit page's generated HTML or use your favorite HTML inspector (e.g. Firebug for Firefox) to find out the field names.

Thank you. I have updated to the newest version of I18N Gallery and installed I18N Gallery Defaults Plugin. Great!

Please possibly integrate it in the I18N Gallery Settings for the future. ;-)
mvlcek Wrote:(% gallery name=mygallery thumb=4 %) will only show thumbnail 5 instead of all thumbnails (for fancybox, prettyphoto), special case (% gallery name=mygallery thumb=random %) will show one random thumbnail.
I am trying this but it still shows the entire gallery on the page and not just one thumbnail.
andyash Wrote:
mvlcek Wrote:(% gallery name=mygallery thumb=4 %) will only show thumbnail 5 instead of all thumbnails (for fancybox, prettyphoto), special case (% gallery name=mygallery thumb=random %) will show one random thumbnail.
I am trying this but it still shows the entire gallery on the page and not just one thumbnail.

This happens if you have pagination switched on: add pagify=0 or pagesize=0 or install

I18N Gallery version 1.7.3:
  • setting thumb=... will now override any pagination settings.
What about split gallery into pages in frontend and backend?

I can't create new gallery and when I try to upload image it opens a new window and says,

Uploaded Files
/ uploads /

I created the folder manually and added some images but still the same.
mosa Wrote:hi,

I can't create new gallery and when I try to upload image it opens a new window and says,

Uploaded Files
/ uploads /

I created the folder manually and added some images but still the same.

You don't need to create a folder, it already exists (/data/uploads).
You have do upload your images using the Files tab in the administration (or with FTP).
DiDae Wrote:What about split gallery into pages in frontend and backend?

Paging on the frontend is available for galleries which display thumbnails (fancybox and prettyPhoto).
Otherwise you have to create multiple galleries.
Hello, I've tried to look for this problem but could not find it. Please direct me to the correct posting if it's been addressed elsewhere.

My Gallery works great as does the gallerylink option on any of my pages so it's all setup correctly.

I now want to put a random thumbnail image in the sidebar. I have in my template the following code.

div id="sidebar">
<?php echo get_page_by_id('sidebar'); ?>

The Sidebar content is just another page but only specified in the template (This "page" can be edited as normal in the backend and is displayed on every page at the front end)

When the following code is put on the "Sidebar page" only the text appears at the front end not the random image.

(% gallerylink name=gallery url=gallery thumb=random %)

Looking at the source code the i18n gallery script and other header info is not inserted. I don't know if this fact is the cause of the issue or not.

Is there any solution or workaround for this?

Would anybody have any idea on the above issue or if there is a workaround?

div id="sidebar"><?php get_i18n_gallery(array('name'=>'my-gallery-name')); ?>

<?php get_i18n_gallery(array('name'=>'my-gallery','type'=>'prettyphoto','autostart'=>true)); ?>

<?php get_i18n_gallery('gallery',array('url'=>'gallery')); ?>
Thankyou Oleg06,

I still could not get it to work with the following text in the actual sidebar "page".

(% gallerylink name=gallery url=gallery thumb=random %)

but have implimented it in the div on the template itself.

Not really an optimal solution as it doesn'nt allow custom content above and below the random image as the above statement would give but at least it works OK.

Will try to experiment later when I get a spare hour or so.
How do you disable right click from Fancybox (or any of the gallery types, for that matter)?
Where to put the function?
I'd like to restrict image downloading but don't really want to watermark, I know Imagizer does that...
Ok here's what I am working on, I want to implement a slide show (fade) in the template followed instructions and the slide show won't appear!

Anyone have any idea what it is I'm doing wrong?

<?php get_i18n_gallery_header('banner'); ?>

That's the call I used, looks ok to me......
devaintfire Wrote:<?php get_i18n_gallery_header('banner'); ?>

Is this between <head></head>?
vasitellapahki Wrote:How do you disable right click from Fancybox (or any of the gallery types, for that matter)?
Where to put the function?
I'd like to restrict image downloading but don't really want to watermark, I know Imagizer does that...

Surely there's a javascript solution for this, i.e.
vasitellapahki Wrote:<?php get_i18n_gallery_header('banner'); ?>

Header is as follows : <head>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<?php get_i18n_gallery_header('banner'); ?>
<title><?php get_page_clean_title(); ?> &lt; <?php get_site_name(); ?></title>

<meta name="robots" content="index, follow" />
<link href="<?php get_theme_url(); ?>/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<?php get_header(); ?>

Am I just being dumb? Is it a CSS thing? I thought maybe the z-index but no joy there Sad
vasitellapahki Wrote:How do you disable right click from Fancybox (or any of the gallery types, for that matter)? I’d like to restrict image downloading but don’t really want to watermark, I know Imagizer does that…
Note that any download blocking techniques are like obfuscation techniques. They are a pain to the user and will not stop downloading or copying in any way. Google will still index the images in their image search, I can just go there to get it. Or I can select it on the page and press CTRL+C (or CMD+C) to copy it.

The browser will always download the image to be able to display it, this means I can always get this image somewhere.

If you don’t believe me, check out Chris Coyier over at CSS-Tricks, he has an article about fighting image theft. One of the techniques he mentions (#2) would be my favourite: adding a big copyright claim to the bottom of the image and hiding it with CSS. Funny thing, he also puts right-click blocking as ineffective and especially annoying.

Felt like I had to add this point of view to the conversation.
devaintfire Wrote:Ok here's what I am working on, I want to implement a slide show (fade) in the template followed instructions and the slide show won't appear!

Anyone have any idea what it is I'm doing wrong?

<?php get_i18n_gallery_header('banner'); ?>

That's the call I used, looks ok to me......

<?php get_i18n_gallery_header('banner'); ?>
in the head of the template and
<?php get_i18n_gallery('banner'); ?>
in the body.
You are calling get_i18n_gallery_header twice.
mvlcek Wrote:
devaintfire Wrote:Ok here's what I am working on, I want to implement a slide show (fade) in the template followed instructions and the slide show won't appear!

Anyone have any idea what it is I'm doing wrong?

<?php get_i18n_gallery_header('banner'); ?>

That's the call I used, looks ok to me......

<?php get_i18n_gallery_header('banner'); ?>
in the head of the template and
<?php get_i18n_gallery('banner'); ?>
in the body.
You are calling get_i18n_gallery_header twice.

Hi Myvek, thanks for getting back to me, I guessing this is a CSS thing, but now it does this

Arrrrrgh I think I just bit the desk! Smile Maybe it's just easier to do in flash.... but I HATE flash
devaintfire Wrote:Hi Myvek, thanks for getting back to me, I guessing this is a CSS thing, but now it does this

Arrrrrgh I think I just bit the desk! Smile Maybe it's just easier to do in flash.... but I HATE flash

You probably have set text position to top and set no text width/height in the gallery settings.
There is no setting to have the text on top of (over) the image.
And you might need to add some CSS rules, if you don't want the padding and border around the slider.
mvlcek Wrote:
gugu Wrote:Jquery Cycle - Prev & Next with Image Count.

I need something like this:

Prev | Next 1/10

It is someone knows how to do it Wink
That file should I edit ?

You would have to change the plugins/i18n_gallery/plugin_cycle.php.
Adding prev/next should be easy according to the cycle documentation, don't know about the 1/10.


Have somebody figured out how to change 'caption' for output like ?