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shawn_a Wrote:Is there a way to do essentially a type=none ?
I don't want any javascript inserted, just a gallery output as a list that my theme can take care of itself.

No there isn't because the HTML structure and attributes needed for Javascript galleries vary.
But you can create a new gallery type none like described here and copy/adjust the (non-javascript related) code of function i18n_gallery_none_content from e.g. plugin_fancybox.php. The other functions i18n_gallery_none_edit and i18n_gallery_none_header can stay empty.
mvlcek Wrote:
shawn_a Wrote:Is there a way to do essentially a type=none ?
I don't want any javascript inserted, just a gallery output as a list that my theme can take care of itself.

No there isn't because the HTML structure and attributes needed for Javascript galleries vary.
But you can create a new gallery type none like described here and copy/adjust the (non-javascript related) code of function i18n_gallery_none_content from e.g. plugin_fancybox.php. The other functions i18n_gallery_none_edit and i18n_gallery_none_header can stay empty.

mvlcek Wrote:
vasitellapahki Wrote:
mvlcek Wrote:Any specific file that causes the problem?

I've tried with several image files and file extensions jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
If I upload anything but image files, f ex a pdf-file, then the file browser window shows ok (tho the pdf does not show up there, but I guess that's the way it should be, after all it's for adding images to gallery..). But when I upload image files, the window goes blank. Remove files and the folders show up... very odd...
Or maybe just odd to me?

Please PM me one of those image files that cause problems.

Installed most recent version of GS (3.1.1) with plugins i18n (3.0.1), i18n base (3.0.1), i18n gallery (1.9.2), debugmode (1.2).
Result: gallery still not working.
Disabled all other plugins than gallery.
Result: gallery still not working, file browser window is blank if any image files present in uploads folder. Remove image and upload folder shows up.


I've contacted the hoster, must be something to do with them, I don't believe for a sec that GS or the plugins are the cause of this... Owner/group thing perhaps, what do you think?


Installed MAMP and I am running site locally.
Result: i18n gallery seems to be working.

So the problem is the hoster. I've contacted them, let's see what they say...
I want to test this plugin on my local machine with WAMPserver, with Windows 7 and Firefox.
No problem to creaet a new gallery.
But when I want to add images, when I use the link Add images, the new window is empty !
Here the URL in this new windows : http://localhost/gs/plugins/i18n_gallery/browser/imagebrowser.php?func=addImage&w=160&h=120
What is the problem ?
Thanks for all !
I18N Gallery version 1.9.3:
  • more defensive code for image browser - hopefully this solves problems with the image browser coming up empty (@vasitellapahki)
  • updated danish (thanks @chrsand)

First of all: "Massive worK" mvlcek!!! GreaT Job !!!

Had some problems to integrate this plugin into the onepage theme 'Pixelstudio'.

So, I followed the instructions from your install-page and putted everything in place.
Then I created a gallery.

Now, it's working perfectly when clicking on the '#' (view) tab next to the gallery name.
But, when inserting (% gallery name=my-gallery-name %) into a page it will insert the same (% gallery name=my-gallery-name %) as output on the page without any thumbs or gallery visualization.

I think there is a problem with the linking from the gallery to the page. I am realy not an expert but from what i saw the links in the adress bar shows an extra " ?id=gallery&name=my-gallery-name " to the base " http://.../my-site/#portfolio " link.

I hope you'll understand what I mean..

Thanks in advance !!!
mvlcek Wrote:I18N Gallery version 1.9.3:
  • more defensive code for image browser - hopefully this solves problems with the image browser coming up empty (@vasitellapahki)
  • updated danish (thanks @chrsand)

Oh yes it did solve the problem - I have absolutely no idea what you did to code but now it works, thank you!
vasitellapahki Wrote:
mvlcek Wrote:
  • more defensive code for image browser - hopefully this solves problems with the image browser coming up

Oh yes it did solve the problem - I have absolutely no idea what you did to code but now it works, thank you!

Ignoring errors, checking, if functions exist, ...
I didn't think about that at first because you wrote:

vasitellapahki Wrote:Latest edition of i18n gallery 1.9.2, GS3.1 (combination has worked spectacularly well before, with the same webhost...)
You probably used a different version of I18N gallery before or moved your site to another host (or the hoster has different configurations), before you experienced this error?
Thank's a lot mvlcek, with this new version, the plugin works perfectly on my local web site with WAMPserver !
Great job !
mvlcek Wrote:
vasitellapahki Wrote:
mvlcek Wrote:
  • more defensive code for image browser - hopefully this solves problems with the image browser coming up

Oh yes it did solve the problem - I have absolutely no idea what you did to code but now it works, thank you!

Ignoring errors, checking, if functions exist, ...
I didn't think about that at first because you wrote:

vasitellapahki Wrote:Latest edition of i18n gallery 1.9.2, GS3.1 (combination has worked spectacularly well before, with the same webhost...)
You probably used a different version of I18N gallery before or moved your site to another host (or the hoster has different configurations), before you experienced this error?

It seems that this hosting company does not have consistent server settings, thus it can happen that two exactly same setups of GetSimple and plugins act differently, I think...
GS Contactable plugin is another that I'm having trouble with because of this inconsistency.

EDIT: For example, one server has php version 5.3.13, another 5.3.6 (GS Contactable works in 5.3.6 server but not in the other one) so me thinks there might something even more sinister things lurking underneath... Outsourcing everything, way to go! :-)
Hi, I get a new simple user. I wanted to establish a gallery, but I could not add i18n Can you please help me ...

Thank you in advance
"The gallery could not be saved," which is now getting an error message Do you have information about the solution of the problem ..
help me please!
In my local version, I added labels for the gallery images in edit.php (starting line 231). Maybe other people might find this useful (or it could be merged into the main branch):

<!-- LABELS -->
<label style="float:left; width:<?php echo 383-$w; ?>px">Name:</label><label style="float:right; width:200px">Tags:</label>
<input type="text" class="text lang lang_" name="post-item_<?php echo $i; ?>_title" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(@$item['title']); ?>" style="clear:both;float:left;width:<?php echo 383-$w; ?>px;margin-right:5px;"/>
<?php if (count($languages) > 0) foreach ($languages as $language) { ?>
<input type="text" class="text lang lang_<?php echo $language; ?>" name="post-item_<?php echo $i; ?>_title_<?php echo $language; ?>" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(@$item['title_'.$language]); ?>" style="clear:both;float:left;width:<?php echo 383-$w; ?>px;margin-right:5px;display:none;"/>
<?php } ?>
<input type="text" class="text" name="post-item_<?php echo $i; ?>_tags" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(@$item['tags']); ?>" style="float:left;width:188px"/>

<!-- LABELS -->
<label>Description: </label>
<textarea class="text lang lang_" name="post-item_<?php echo $i; ?>_description" style="clear:both;float:left;width:<?php echo 588-$w; ?>px;height:14px;margin-top:2px;"><?php echo htmlspecialchars(@$item['description']); ?></textarea>
<?php if (count($languages) > 0) foreach ($languages as $language) { ?>
<textarea class="text lang lang_<?php echo $language; ?>" name="post-item_<?php echo $i; ?>_description_<?php echo $language; ?>" style="clear:both;float:left;width:<?php echo 588-$w; ?>px;height:14px;margin-top:2px;display:none;"><?php echo htmlspecialchars(@$item['description_'.$language]); ?></textarea>
<?php } ?>
Is there a way to add links to the gallery? For example, I host my images on a different domain name, how can I include these pictures in the gallery? I don't want to upload the images to the server GetSimple is installed to. Any help is greatly appreciated!
I don't know why, but for some reason my galary doesn't show my pictures with the fancy popup. I'm using prettyPhoto with jQuery enabled. First there were no problems, but now I got the problems. I've got the latest version (1.9.3), but the pictures are displayed on the webpage instead of showing the picture in a popup with a black background. Somebody got the same problem? Or know a solution?
[img=See galery problem][/img]
Do you have <?php get_header(); ?>, which should be placed between the <head> tags, in your template?
Yes, i've got the simplicity theme and didn't change anything between the <head> tags. After get_page_title comes <?php get_header(); ?>...
I don't know why, but for some reason my Google Maps plugin is interfering with the gallery. Strange, because google is displayed on another page. Maybe the Maps code scrambled the gallery code...
Google maps plugin is very problematic, and most of other plugins refuse to work.
Don't use this plugin, or use one of the old version, allowing to have only 1 map.
Hi, Thanks mvlcek For nice plugin.
I have a question! when i create new album, This plugin set album in default page design systems! if i show albums in another page design (i.e page_template.php) i create newpage -> option -> change template design -> page_template.php and than put code (% gallery name=test %) in new page. This is a long way and not a user friendly.
now for better result, how to set/change another page design (i.e page_template.php) for all gallery default design page ?! any way ?

Best Regrads
persianlity Wrote:Hi, Thanks mvlcek For nice plugin.
I have a question! when i create new album, This plugin set album in default page design systems! if i show albums in another page design (i.e page_template.php) i create newpage -> option -> change template design -> page_template.php and than put code (% gallery name=test %) in new page. This is a long way and not a user friendly.
now for better result, how to set/change another page design (i.e page_template.php) for all gallery default design page ?! any way ?

You can install the I18N Special Pages Plugin to create a page type "Gallery" and set the template. Then instead of "Create New Page" you would select "Create New Special Page" and select page type "Gallery".

Some other options of special pages are e.g. a default content (e.g. set it to "(% gallery name=yournamehere %)" and additional custom fields and templates code for the display of these pages (instead or in addition to the template). See here for more information.
I use this plugin to create an easy-to-edit Slideshow for a client. I do not know why, but it just does not work correctly. I use "Cycle" and want the images to slide from left to the right and use auto-slide. I've tried it with "Include CSS/jQuery" "Don't include CSS/jQuery" but boths do not work for me.
soy Wrote:I use this plugin to create an easy-to-edit Slideshow for a client. I do not know why, but it just does not work correctly. I use "Cycle" and want the images to slide from left to the right and use auto-slide. I've tried it with "Include CSS/jQuery" "Don't include CSS/jQuery" but boths do not work for me.

You must
  • you must have <?php get_header(); ?> in your theme to include the gallery JS/CSS
  • you should not select don't include CSS in the gallery settings (unless you include a lot of CSS for the gallery in your CSS sheet,
  • and if you set don't include jQuery in the gallery settings, you must include jQuery in your template before the get_header call
You don't seem to have a get_header call and you include jQuery only at the end of your page which is much too late.

BTW: There is already a problem solving section in the first post of this topic, which already includes these points (with the exception of the CSS).

thanks for this fast reply. I've read the solving section, but it did not help. I've included a get_header call and although tried all of your steps. With jQuery at the top, get_header below it, "Do not include CSS/jQuery" checked nothing changes. Are code-lines helpfull?

Best regards,
soy Wrote:hey,

thanks for this fast reply. I've read the solving section, but it did not help. I've included a get_header call and although tried all of your steps. With jQuery at the top, get_header below it, "Do not include CSS/jQuery" checked nothing changes. Are code-lines helpfull?

After another check of your site it seems that you include the gallery in the template, not on the page. In this case you have to call <?php get_i18n_gallery_header('my-gallery-name'); ?> in your header as described here.