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I'm still struggling with i18 Gallery!

Going through the troubleshooting checklist:

* There's no option to "enable sitewide cookies in" my gsconfig.php file. How do I do it manually?
* The file gallery.xml doesn't exist on my installation, so it isn't "copied to data/pages".

I'd be grateful for some help here, please.

(2014-03-10, 09:28:35)jimford Wrote: [ -> ]Going through the troubleshooting checklist:

* There's no option to "enable sitewide cookies in" my gsconfig.php file. How do I do it manually?
* The file gallery.xml doesn't exist on my installation, so it isn't "copied to data/pages".

Both should not be necessary for current GetSimple and I18N Gallery (updated problem solving description).
What's the problem?
(2014-03-10, 03:19:39)mvlcek Wrote: [ -> ]Just replace /plugins/i18n_gallery/images/cycle/*.png with your images (and make sure to keep them when updating the plugin). That's better than patching PHP code.

My arrows are *.gif.. Perhaps it is now time to create new png-arrows.

I'll also check xxdex's idea. Thanks.
(2014-03-10, 17:20:47)mvlcek Wrote: [ -> ]
(2014-03-10, 09:28:35)jimford Wrote: [ -> ]Going through the troubleshooting checklist:

* There's no option to "enable sitewide cookies in" my gsconfig.php file. How do I do it manually?
* The file gallery.xml doesn't exist on my installation, so it isn't "copied to data/pages".

Both should not be necessary for current GetSimple and I18N Gallery (updated problem solving description).
What's the problem?

I get the thumbnails, but if I click on one I just get a box with the navigation icons and a broken image link. The page takes a very long time to load.

I'm beginning to think that my router just isn't up to the job. 'Top' often shows /opt/bin/php-fcgi hogging the CPU at 100%, often for several minutes. Sometimes there's two /opt/bin/php-fcgi processes running which makes it even worse!

Maybe I could get away with using a less demanding gallery plugin than i18N - if there is one?

Thanks for the reply 'mvlcek'


I found few bugs:

When you look at your example:
you can see that nothing happend becouse of 0 in pic variable. So what should I do when I need to display first image in gallery?

in file: plugins/i18n_gallery/browser/pic.php, p variable need to be urldecoded when you take it from _GET.

Thx for answer Smile
there is any option to get gallery in one site template?.
i know that's plugin is giving a write in head section and body.. but..
if script what should be in head section input in body too?
and giving back it in front end from (% gallery name=namegallery %) ?
now in one page template script is not working.. i'm see only (% gallery name=namegallery %).

i can input it in php file lines (in body and it will works):
<?php get_i18n_gallery_header('namegallery'); ?>
<?php get_i18n_gallery('namegallery'); ?>

but this is little more problematic.
there is any option to full management as in the normal template?
Did you try with <?php get_i18n_gallery_header('namegallery'); ?>
in the <head> section, and (% gallery name=namegallery %) in the page?
(2014-03-13, 23:12:59)Carlos Wrote: [ -> ]Did you try with <?php get_i18n_gallery_header('namegallery'); ?>
in the <head> section, and (% gallery name=namegallery %) in the page?

yes.. in header this is working (it's giving back me a header all gallery scripts
but when i use in template area content: (% gallery name=namegallery %) only giving back a:

when i using a <?php get_i18n_gallery('namegallery'); ?> then is working.

for a give back a content i using:
PHP Code:
global $pagesArray;
$pagesSorted subval_sort($pagesArray,'menuOrder'); // or 'title', 'menu', 'url', ...
foreach (return_i18n_menu_data('menuone',1,1) as $page) { // "menuone" is name of menu where is a submenu and it's giving back me a submenu
$pag $page['url'];
<h2><?php getPageField($pag,'title'); ?></h2>
<?php getPageContent($pag); ?>
gallery not working with this (it's giving back " (% gallery name=namegallery %) "

seccond question:
for a simplest use gallery in one site template is possible? to add
all of gallery's script in header like:



maybe in some of foreach ? or some else loop?
i'm want to automate this..for simple use with (% gallery name=namegallery %)
(2014-03-14, 01:32:52)xxdex Wrote: [ -> ]yes.. in header this is working (it's giving back me a header all gallery scripts
but when i use in template area content: (% gallery name=namegallery %) only giving back a:

"template area content"? You don't have to insert the (% ... %) placeholder in the template. It has to be in the body/content of a page. In the template you must use function get_i18n_gallery.

(2014-03-14, 01:32:52)xxdex Wrote: [ -> ]for a simplest use gallery in one site template is possible? to add
all of gallery's script in header like:



maybe in some of foreach ? or some else loop?
i'm want to automate this..for simple use with (% gallery name=namegallery %)

I don't know if I18N Gallery supports displaying several galleries at the same time. If it does, it could be like this:

foreach (array(
  // ...
) as $galleryid) get_i18n_gallery_header($galleryid);
thank You Carlos. But
1. i want to get gallery by (% ... %) by the placeholder in back-end edit page (ckeditor). And when
someone in cms back-end write this (% gallery name=namegallery %) in ckeditor then in front-end it will be visible like a gallery name of: namegallery. not as php code...

2. to do a simple placeholder in all pages (% ... %) . i think... i must integrate all of gallery what is exist.. in <head> lines do this i must create a some of loop i think so.. i don't know how many gallery will be exist in end project.. and how name's will be have a gallery's.
So i think the simplest idea will be integrate all of the gallery in one <head> captions (style and other files).. and ... only call it on place holder (% ... %) where it will be needed.
it's working in normal get simple page's... but when i will using a template "one page template"

Carlos please do not be angry, just badly expressed what I mean. Great for helping. and I thank you for that very much
Not angry at all :-)

I just tested using (% gallery ... %) with a one-page template. Sorry, you were right, it doesn't work. Perhaps I18N Gallery does some check for the current page or something.

I suppose the solution then would be adding some conditional to call function get_i18n_gallery inside the foreach loop (but that's less simple...)

Try this (if you wish) in your one-page template:
Hi, i have problem with my gallery urls, when i click in admin panel # (url to gallery) i have site not found error.
example url:

The rest of the functions work ok
I18N Gallery version 2.1.1:
  • corrects the view links in the gallery overview of the administration (@misio1024)
Hello Forum - here's my first post.

I've just successfully installed GetSimple with i18n_base, i18n_navigation and i18n_gallery.
The test site has a couple prettyphoto galleries and is configured to be multilingual (two languages) and it all works beautifully.

There's only one minor thing that I could not figure out by myself, and that's the image gallery localization.


Is it possible to localize prettyphoto gallery images title and description fields? (and if it is - how is it done)

I've been browsing the forum for a couple of hours but for some reason I couldn't find a help for that specific issue.

Any thoughts?

For GetSimple crew & mvlcek: Thank you, kudos & maximum respect for excellent piece of software.
For others: Click on that "Donate" and click again (- they deserve to be filthy rich :o)
(2014-03-18, 23:04:23)JmT Wrote: [ -> ]I've just successfully installed GetSimple with i18n_base, i18n_navigation and i18n_gallery.
The test site has a couple prettyphoto galleries and is configured to be multilingual (two languages) and it all works beautifully.

There's only one minor thing that I could not figure out by myself, and that's the image gallery localization.

Is it possible to localize prettyphoto gallery images title and description fields? (and if it is - how is it done)

On the top of the gallery administration page is a language selection box, if you have pages in multiple languages. Switch the language and enter the titles and descriptions for that language.
The gallery should then be displayed in the language of the page it is embedded in.
Got it. It was all too obvious.
(I should have studied the admin pages before the forums)

Thanks again.
Talking about gallery administration page:

I was wondering if there a reason not to have placeholder attributes for title, tags and description fields?
If and when the field labels are placed only on top or page, (localizable) placeholders might improve usability and the element height would still remain the same.
Thanks for the updated version. The problem I'm having though is that when adding images to a gallery the pop up tells me I'm not logged in. I added the line to gsconfig about cookies but it has made no change. Any ideas? Wonderful plugin by the way and I've never had any difficulties with it on previous installations. :-)
(2014-03-19, 01:56:42)JmT Wrote: [ -> ]I was wondering if there a reason not to have placeholder attributes for title, tags and description fields?

Just that the plugin dates back to times with less-than-optimal HTML5 support in browsers.
It's fine now. I was still using the older version of i18n base and it didn't like it. Sorted. :-)
Question about thumbnails:
I've set up I18n Gallery with PrettyPhoto default skin. The thumbnails are auto-generated 140px cropped squares. I tried to redefine/recrop some of the auto-generated thumbnail with the Image Control Panel tool.

The recropped thumbnail is generated but the original auto-cropped image remains visible in the gallery.

How to replace a few auto-cropped thumbs with these new "custom thumbs" in gallery page?
(I like the idea of auto-cropping that saves lots of time, there are only few thumbs that could use fine-tuning)

Is there perhaps a setting that I have missed?

Any thoughts?
I've tried to search a solution for my problem into this long thread, but I haven't found it, so apologize me if you've already replied to something like it.

Using this (great) gallery, is there a way to transform (directly in backend) the title of the images into link to pages?

(2014-04-03, 01:50:17)MicroCAD Wrote: [ -> ]Using this (great) gallery, is there a way to transform (directly in backend) the title of the images into link to pages?

What do you want to achieve? Dependent on the gallery type the title is put into the alt or title attribute of the images in the generated HTML or not used at all. What the types of gallery do with it is also different. So you might get a link if you put <a href="...">My title</a> into the title field or you might get the HTML verbatim. There is no automatic way to add links.

But maybe a solution is to use I18N Special Pages and I18N Search, add an image field to the special page type and use search to display a customized list of images and page titles with links?
(2014-04-03, 02:59:05)mvlcek Wrote: [ -> ]What do you want to achieve? Dependent on the gallery type the title is put into the alt or title attribute of the images in the generated HTML or not used at all. What the types of gallery do with it is also different. So you might get a link if you put <a href="...">My title</a> into the title field or you might get the HTML verbatim. There is no automatic way to add links.

But maybe a solution is to use I18N Special Pages and I18N Search, add an image field to the special page type and use search to display a customized list of images and page titles with links?
I tried to put <a href="">title</a> into the title field and you're right, prettyphoto and fancybox both works exactly how I need. Before I've tried only using cycle (or S3slider). Do you think there's a way to edit the function to get the same results also in this type of galleries? I see that the description field in cycle gallery correctly read <a>

What I want to achieve is to spotlight some content into the homepage trough the gallery, something similar is used by (they have buttons, I need just a link).

Thanks for the quickly reply!