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Full Version: Updates on backend not reflected live
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Working on version 3.3.16 of Get Simple.

This is probably a simple solution and user error, but I'm new to Get Simple...We have a person who manages the site but they've been MIA and we need to make some urgent changes to the site. 

When I make the necessary changes to copy/links on the backend, it's NOT reflected on the front end. I'm making the changes directly in Pages and I have Admin access. I do not have access to the server. 

See attached screenshots for reference. 

Help -Is there a simple solve?
My problem maybe the same as the OP.
Selecting 'Save Updates' directs to admin/changedata.php but that page/link is blank
(2023-02-10, 03:13:09)Lucianp Wrote: [ -> ]My problem maybe the same as the OP.
Selecting 'Save Updates' directs to admin/changedata.php but that page/link is blank

Easy, you use php 8.x - try this version
I am using PHP 8.2.0
Easy, you use php 8.x - try this version

that worked for me. Thanks
(2023-05-18, 17:29:57)Aashi Wrote: [ -> ]
(2023-02-10, 03:13:09)Lucianp Wrote: [ -> ]My problem maybe the same as the OP.
Selecting 'Save Updates' directs to admin/changedata.php but that page/link is blank

Hi friend
If selecting 'Save Updates' in GetSimple CMS redirects to a blank admin/changedata.php page, it could indicate a technical issue.networth

What version of GetSimple are you using and what version of PHP are you using?