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Full Version: Blank page after install and login
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I just installed Getsimple in "one click" on my hosting service, After install completed, I logged in and then got a blank page.
I activated debug mode, and got this :

What shoud I do ?
Quote:Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function get_magic_quotes_gpc() in /home/clients/f4eaab6e24619d6355c413125527cfbb/sites/ Stack trace: #0 /home/clients/f4eaab6e24619d6355c413125527cfbb/sites/ safe_slash_html('admin') #1 /home/clients/f4eaab6e24619d6355c413125527cfbb/sites/ GS_Logging_Class->add('Username', 'admin') #2 /home/clients/f4eaab6e24619d6355c413125527cfbb/sites/ include_once('/home/clients/f...') #3 /home/clients/f4eaab6e24619d6355c413125527cfbb/sites/ include('/home/clients/f...') #4 {main} thrown in /home/clients/f4eaab6e24619d6355c413125527cfbb/sites/ on line 689
(2023-09-01, 17:07:36)Mustard Wrote: [ -> ]I just installed Getsimple in "one click" on my hosting service, After install completed, I logged in and then got a blank page.
I activated debug mode, and got this :

What shoud I do ?
Quote:Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function get_magic_quotes_gpc() in /home/clients/f4eaab6e24619d6355c413125527cfbb/sites/ Stack trace: #0 /home/clients/f4eaab6e24619d6355c413125527cfbb/sites/ safe_slash_html('admin') #1 /home/clients/f4eaab6e24619d6355c413125527cfbb/sites/ GS_Logging_Class->add('Username', 'admin') #2 /home/clients/f4eaab6e24619d6355c413125527cfbb/sites/ include_once('/home/clients/f...') #3 /home/clients/f4eaab6e24619d6355c413125527cfbb/sites/ include('/home/clients/f...') #4 {main} thrown in /home/clients/f4eaab6e24619d6355c413125527cfbb/sites/ on line 689

Hey Mustard,
Could you give a little more info? The error sounds familiar, but I cant seem to replicate it.
  • What version of GS did you install?
  • What version of PHP are you using?
  • Is this error only present when debug is active, or always?
  • In "one-click", is this a from your host or from our CE script?
Hope we can get this up and running for you soon!
Hi there,

I ran into a similar issue recently. The problem usually stems from using a newer version of PHP where get_magic_quotes_gpc() has been removed. Here are a few steps you can try to fix this:

Downgrade PHP: If your hosting service allows it, try downgrading PHP to version 7.3 or earlier. This function was removed in PHP 7.4.

Modify Code: If downgrading PHP isn't an option, you might need to modify the code. Replace instances of get_magic_quotes_gpc() with false in your basic.php file. This isn't ideal for long-term maintenance but can be a quick fix.
geometry dash
Update GetSimple: Ensure you are using the latest version of GetSimple CMS. Sometimes, updates are released to address compatibility issues with newer PHP versions.

Contact Hosting Support: If you installed GetSimple using a one-click installer from your hosting service, they might have more insights or a quick fix for this common issue.

Let us know how it goes or if you need more detailed instructions on any of these steps!