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In the failed connections file I find a few IPs with failed connection attempts that I don't recognize. How can I block access to these IPs?
(2024-01-13, 17:39:24),LogicPHP Wrote: [ -> ]In the failed connections file I find a few IPs with failed connection attempts that I don't recognize. How can I block access to these IPs?

Use your existing .htaccess file located in the root, add something similar to the following:

# Blocked IP Addresses
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from
Deny from
(2024-01-13, 20:08:11)islander Wrote: [ -> ]
(2024-01-13, 17:39:24),LogicPHP Wrote: [ -> ]In the failed connections file I find a few IPs with failed connection attempts that I don't recognize. How can I block access to these IPs?

Use your existing .htaccess file located in the root, add something similar to the following:

# Blocked IP Addresses
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from
Deny from

thanks for the reply