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Hi every one.

On my landing page I want to display some "teaser" of some "normal" pages.

First I use a template just for this page.

For now I have 2 techniques for this.

1-I create child page of my landing page and then :

  <h3><?php getPageField('MyChildPageName1','title');?></h3>
    <p><?php getPageContent('MyChildPageName1'); ?>
    <h3><?php getPageField('MyChildPageName2','title');?></h3>
    <p><?php getPageContent('MyChildPageName1'); ?>


2-I use the new "Snippet" Menu to create different "teaser" and then :

<?php get_snippet("snippetName1");?>
<?php get_snippet("snippetName2");?>

I would like to find a way like a hook to get all the ChildPageName in getPageContent and GetPageField OR a hook to get all the snippetName ... if they exist.
So that I don't have to modify my theme to add each new Snippet or New Child Page to be displaued on my landing page.

May be a plugin like IN18 specialPage do this ??? but I prefer without a plugin and just with a bit of code in my theme


My landing page
(2024-04-23, 00:49:25)daminoweb Wrote: [ -> ]May be a plugin like IN18 specialPage do this ??? but I prefer without a plugin and just with a bit of code in my theme

You can do this with i18n_search or with i18n_navigation. To style the output, you can use a component.

(% searchresults component=teaser HEADER='' %)