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Hi, I need templates in ckeditor.
I managed to display the link in the Editors Functions Bar, but when I cklick the screen freezes.
I guess I need do add support for it in the ckeditor - any ideas how to accomplish this?


I did include templates in our editor at and it works
I think I once described how to do it,

in the custom config-file I activated the template-plugin

CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config )
    config.extraPlugins = 'fileicon,video,syntaxhighlight','templates',

in /admin/template/js/ckeditor/plugins/templates/templates/default.js I defined like this:

// Register a template definition set named "default".
CKEDITOR.addTemplates( 'default',
    // The name of the subfolder that contains the preview images of the templates.
    imagesPath : CKEDITOR.getUrl( CKEDITOR.plugins.getPath( 'templates' ) + 'templates/images/' ),

    // Template definitions.
    templates :
                title: 'Hinweis',
                image: 'lightbulb.gif',
                description: 'Hinweis mit Glühbirne',
                    '<p class="hinweis"><strong>' + '<img alt="enlightened" class="ohne-border" height="20" src="" title="enlightened" width="20" /> Hinweis</strong>: Überschreibe diesenText.' + '</p>'
                title: 'In der Presse',
                image: 'newspaper.png',
                description: 'Für die Presseliste',
                    '<H2>ÜberschreibediesenTextmitTitel</h2>' + '<p>LinkzuArtikel</p>'
                title: 'DefinitionList',
                image: 'definitionlist.gif',
                description: 'Zum Erzeugen von Definition-Listen.',
                    '<dl>' + '<dt>Begriff' + '<dd>Erklärung</dd>' + '</dl>'
                title: 'Definitionlisten-Eintrag',
                image: 'definitionlist.gif',
                description: 'Um weitere Definitionen einzufügen',
                    '<dt>nochein Begriff' +
                    '<dd>noch eine Erklärung</dd' + '</dt>'

and it works

                title: ' ',
                image: ' .',
                description: '',
                    '  '</p>'

defines one template
Thanks a lot for your quick response!
I first - however - had to upload the template plugin from a full ckeditor package.
Then I changed the ckeditor's config.js as you wrote.
Now it works fine.