GetSimple Support Forum

Full Version: Uploaded images cant be viewed
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Hello there,

when i upload my images so that i can embed them into my pages that happens successfully but when i embed them using the wyswig they dont appear i get and x image. What do you think would be the cause and how would i solve that ?

go to support / Healt Check and tell us the result

If I remember well there were some cases like that already, all of them because of misconfiguration or missing rights

did you run a search in the forum here?
any one to help me?
When i ran the health check all other results are okay and then this is the only query i have now.

.htaccess Existance
/data/ Good 'Deny' file - OK
/data/uploads/ Good 'Allow' file - OK
/data/thumbs/ Good 'Allow' file - OK
/data/pages/ Good 'Deny' file - OK
/plugins/ Bad file - Warning
/data/other/ Good 'Deny' file - OK
/data/other/logs/ Good 'Deny' file - OK
/theme/ No file - OK
give us the URL of your page

are the links to the images correct?
Connie Wrote:give us the URL of your page

are the links to the images correct?
the links to the images are correct because i uploaded them via the file module and they appear but when i embed them to a page they dont example below
the image brings a 500 server error

500 means "unexpected server error"

is there a .htaccess file with which content?
does it happen as well when you upload to /data/uploads directly?
which are the user rights for these images? You can check that with FTP program

we have a list of "specific hosters" in our WIKI,
is your hoster listed there?