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Full Version: I18N Gallery | You are not logged in
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Hello, [im using GS v3.1]

If i try to add pictures to a new gallery, it says: " You are not logged in"

....and yes.... i already searched in this forum or in google about this problem, but it always says:

Quote:"enable sitewide cookies in your gsconfig.php - remove the # in front of define('GSCOOKIEISSITEWIDE', TRUE);"

So i opened the gsconfig.php- file and searched for the GSCOOKIESITEWIDE stuff...

i didnt found it, thats why i added by my own:

# Make login cookie available sitewide.

and i even made sure to type in the entire name of the website (

..... but it still says: "You are not logged in"

So what did i do wrong?

Heres my entire gsconfig.php code:

* GSConfig
* The base configurations for GetSimple
* @package GetSimple

/** Prevent direct access */
if (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == 'gsconfig.php') {
die('You cannot load this page directly.');

/** Below are constants that you can use to customize how GetSimple operates */

# Make login cookie available sitewide.

# Extra salt to secure your password with. Default is empty for backwards compatibility.
#define('GSLOGINSALT', 'your_unique_phrase');

# Turn off auto-generation of SALT and use a custom value. Used for cookies & upload security.

# Default thumbnail width of uploaded image
#define('GSIMAGEWIDTH', '200');

# Change the administrative panel folder name
#define('GSADMIN', 'admin');

# Turn on debug mode
#define('GSDEBUG', TRUE);

# Ping search engines upon sitemap generation?
define('GSDONOTPING', 1);

# Turn off CSRF protection. Uncomment this if you keep receiving the error message "CSRF error detected..."
#define('GSNOCSRF', TRUE);

# Set override CHMOD mode
#define('GSCHMOD', 0755);

# Enable Canonical Redirects?
#define('GSCANONICAL', 1);

# Use Uploadify to upload files?
#define('GSNOUPLOADIFY', 1);

# WYSIWYG editor height (default 500)
#define('GSEDITORHEIGHT', '400');

# WYSIWYG toolbars (advanced, basic or [custom config])
['Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', 'NumberedList', 'BulletedList','JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight',
'JustifyBlock', 'Table', 'TextColor', 'BGColor', 'Link','Unlink', 'Image', 'RemoveFormat', 'Source'],

# WYSIWYG editor language (default en)
#define('GSEDITORLANG', 'en');

# WYSIWYG Editor Options
#define('GSEDITOROPTIONS', '');

# Set email from address
#define('GSFROMEMAIL', '');

# Autosave within edit.php. Value is the autosave interval in seconds
#define('GSAUTOSAVE', 900);

# Enable the External API to be shown on settings page
#define('GSEXTAPI', 1);

# Set PHP locale
#setlocale(LC_ALL, 'en_US');

# Disable loading of external CDN versions of scripts (jQuery/jQueryUI)

Have you cleared your browser cache?
You must look on the official topic :

Quote:mvlcek wrote :

Problem Solving

If you get "Not logged in" when trying to add images to a gallery
  • enable sitewide cookies in your gsconfig.php - remove the # in front of define('GSCOOKIEISSITEWIDE', TRUE);
  • make sure that "Website Base URL" in Settings/General Settings in the GetSimple administration is set to the correct host name, with which you log in, e.g. if you log in using then the website base URL must be and not

If you encounter problems when creating and saving or deleting galleries in the back end,
  • check if the file plugins/i18n_gallery/loadtab.php was copied to admin - correct it manually if necessary
  • check if a directory data/i18n_gallery exists and is read- and writeable - correct it manually if necessary
  • check if a directory backups/i18n_gallery exists and is read- and writeable - correct it manually if necessary

If you can't view a gallery from the edit-gallery page
  • check if the file plugins/i18n_gallery/gallery.xml was copied to data/pages - correct it manually if necessary

If your gallery is not displayed correctly on your site
  • check, if your template calls get_header() - if not, include <?php get_header(); ?> in your template
  • if you still only see (% gallery %) instead of the gallery, your hosting provider probably disables/filters out ASP tags - ask him to turn this off or look for another provider.
  • check, if jQuery is already included in your template - if it is
    • make sure, it is at least version 1.4
    • switch on "Do not include jQuery" in the Gallery Settings
    • make sure jQuery is included before the get_header call
Quote:Have you cleared your browser cache?

Yes, i did...

Quote:You must look on the official topic :

uhmm..well ....i'll wirte it again (even though its written in my first post):

1. i added by my own (cause i couldn't find it in the gsconfig.php):

Quote:# Make login cookie available sitewide.

2.and i even made sure to type in the entire name of the website (

in other words: i tried the options named in the official topic ...but it still doesnt work
did you try: ?

Maybe it needs http://
Quote:did you try: ?

Maybe it needs http:// still doesnt work...
hanoiii87 Wrote:2.and i even made sure to type in the entire name of the website (

The website base URL does NOT include /admin (unless you install GetSimple itself in a folder admin).
Quote:The website base URL does NOT include /admin (unless you install GetSimple itself in a folder admin).

I got you...but how would you solve my problem? did i maybe made a programming mistake in gsconfig (see my first post)?