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Full Version: Lyriktext
You're currently viewing a stripped down version of our content. View the full version with proper formatting. is a website, dedicated to the great swiss poet Felix Philipp Ingold.

it is in german language only, maybe some russian content will follow

The theme "sits" on a grid from

i18N navigation
Newsmanager 2.2.4

if you find any errors, dead links etc. tell me, please

Cheers, Connie
clean & simple - you know I like such style Smile
Of course there are couple things I'd improve on your side, so here it goes:
- topmenu should have a bit more visible hover effect; try with brighter font color
- leftmenu hover effect: black to red triangles ?
- img border: solid instead of dotted, with brighter border color - you don't have any other dotted element
- I thinkg footer is too high; this solid gray block gets too much attention
make it shorter/lighter with longer top-margin

have fun Wink

edit: aligning topmenu to right would also have a good impact
yojoe ,

thanks for the tipps! I will integrate them in the near time

this job had to be done very fast, a very important site linked to that page and the page (done with CMSimple, no structure at all ) had to be conversed fast...

the bells and whistles will come now.. thanks!

Cheers, Connie
well, I kept the topmenu, but realized your suggestions

it works better now, you are right

Cheers, Connie
Connie Wrote:well, I kept the topmenu, but realized your suggestions

it works better now, you are right

Cheers, Connie

hah, you misunderstood 1 thing in topmenu: normal font color should be brighter, thus hover effect (dark color) would be more visible Wink
And the photo on index page could have at least 10px right/bottom margin.

Rest seems to be ok.
I will think about it ;=)