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Full Version: An amateur and easy GS site plus some previous efforts
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I uploaded my first GS site last night. It all seems to be working. technically there is nothing much of interest here - I altered the 'Green' theme a bit and used the news manager and the contact form. Easy & simple:

Previously I set up a couple of sites using pluck cms, one is here:
but I think I am going to use Get Simple from now on. Pluck is probably a bit easier to use for an amateur but GS has a few more useful features. Mainly though pluck cms is a bit like the Marie Celeste at the moment - they released a new version then closed the forum and everything went quiet so there are hardly any themes or modules available for the new version. It is very strange and very frustrating because it is a good cms. I heavily altered and adapted one of the few off the shelf themes for

so:- Get Simple yes, an excellent program. What I really like is that it runs without MySQL which means that for a low traffic site I can use the 20MB of space that I get for free just by registering the domain. I think it would be better if a few modules were already included and configured in the package. I was also considerably delayed in my 5 min setup by not realising that when I unzipped the download I had a GetSimple folder in a GetSimple folder, but that may be Windows doing something stupid, not you guys.

Nice site. You should stick with a cms that is growing. Pluck CMS is okay but it seems stagnant. It's good to know that you can accommodate us non-believers also. Smile