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Full Version: Accessing a ZIP file
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Hello all,

I am currently helping do maintenance on, which is powered by GetSimple.

Under the 'PRESS" tab, there is an option to download a .zip press kit. I wanted to swap out the one which is currently there with another one. I compressed the file down to 6.6 MBs and uploaded it to the files tab on the CMS. However, whenever I inserted the code into the href, it gives me an error page when I test it out. It's not accessing the new file I uploaded.

Anyone think they know what I may doing wrong?

is this link /theme/MFTBH/files/ the one you created in page's editor, or is it a hardcoded link in template ?

If its the second thing, then create on the hosting account through FTP a new files directory, and upload there your file.
the actual ZIP sits in the folder "files" which is not the upload-directory for Getsimple (this would be /data/uploads/)

so I think this is hardcoded, too

you have 2 chances:

a) replace the original file by a new one, using FTP to the host

b) - edit the template, delete the link to the hardcoded file there
- upload the new file to the /data/uploads/-directory and include the link to the new file in the template

One more hint:

very often pages offer download-presskits. And mostly these files have filenames that not one journalist will be able to identify the file in his download-directory later ...

I always preach (as I am doing many artists pages) to name the presskits with speaking names, in your case for example ""

so it can be found later in the download-folder ;=)