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Full Version: Multilanguage page: Language switches back to default
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first thanx for the plugin i18N which is great! I installed it on my first GetSimple Website and it works fine.

I have only one problem. I guess, it´s a "beginners problem, but didn´t find anything in the forum yet. ":

Default language is german. I have two language choosing links on the top position of the website (deutsch / english). When I choose english, it switches to the english version of the page. But when I go further in the navigation it switches back to the german page. How can I manage to stay on the english pages?

Thank you for your help
SoHo22 Wrote:Default language is german. I have two language choosing links on the top position of the website (deutsch / english). When I choose english, it switches to the english version of the page. But when I go further in the navigation it switches back to the german page. How can I manage to stay on the english pages?

Normally using ?setlang=en will permanently switch the language while ?lang=en will only switch it for the current page. What are you using? Are you using standard settings or do you include the language in the fancy URL?
Thank you for your quick response. setlang was the solution. Now everything works fine.
