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Just found another one, this time relating to the custom fields.

The default values set in manage custom fields did not show when creating a new post.

To fix:
- In 'manage_custom_fields.php' on line 266, change:
$value = (isset($_GET['edit_post']) && $_GET['edit_post'] != "") ? $data_edit->$key : ' ';
$value = (isset($_GET['edit_post']) && $_GET['edit_post'] != "") ? $data_edit->$key : $the['value'];
This one is interesting. In the blog settings tab, under CSS settings, any text in the supplied textarea, like the default below:

.blog_post_thumbnail {

.blog_post_container {

Shows up in the home page meta description:

<meta name="description" content=".blog_post_thumbnail { width:200px; height:auto; float:left; padding-right:10px; padding-bottom:10px; } .blog_post_container { clear:both; }" />

Is this a known issue?
Hello, I'm trying to use this plugin with Multi User (1.8.2) and there's some sort of conflict. If I enable Multi User and then go into Blog Manager, only the "Posts" button is there (missing Create Post, Categories, RSS Feeds, etc.) so I'm unable to do anything except open existing blog posts. I haven't noticed anyone else with this issue - hoping there's an easy fix... See attachment.

Great plugin though, really happy with how easy this is =)

[Image: gs-blog-multi-user-conflict.jpg]
@bensayers - There does seem to be some sort of a glitch with either the blog or multi-user plugins. The only way I have been able to get them to work together is to modify the custom permissions of the use by checking at least one of the options...I usually chose "Blog RSS Importer".
(2013-06-07, 06:25:02)influxweb Wrote: [ -> ]The only way I have been able to get them to work together is to modify the custom permissions of the use by checking at least one of the options...I usually chose "Blog RSS Importer".

Thank you @influxweb - that did the trick =)
I have examined this forum and failed to find a solution to my problem, so here it is:

When a blog post contains any html formatting, the formatting marks appear in the RSS feed, making the entries look silly and unprofessional.

If I can't get this fixed, it's a show stopper for me. I am not a coder, so I'm not qualified to pick apart the php files or whatever, but I am capable of following instructions, so if anyone knows what causes this and how to fix it please tell me.

Here's my GS Blog feed:

Here's another one I cobbled together in another CMS which displays correctly:

The top post in each feed is the same item, but in one it displays as code, and the other looks pretty the way it's meant to.

Thanks for any help.
Latest Get-Simple - new installation
Latest GS Blog
Only plugin

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/a4218732/public_html/plugins/blog/class/primary/Blog.php on line 151

Warning: usort() [function.usort]: The argument should be an array in /home/a4218732/public_html/plugins/blog/class/primary/Blog.php on line 163

Can some one a help my and upgrade very good function :

<?php show_blog_recent_posts(true, 80, true, 'read more'); ?>

this function is give to us all cathegory shrot post ...

how to get only one cathegory recent posts ?
I'm looking at the function plz try this it should work for u

PHP Code:
function show_blog_tag_home($tag)
$Blog = new Blog;
$all_posts $Blog->listPosts(truetrue);
    foreach (
$all_posts as $file
$data getXML($file['filename']);
$tags explode(','$data->tags);
            if (
show_blog_post_side($file['filename'], true);    

add it inside " frontEndFunctions "

(2013-06-23, 03:53:29)xxdex Wrote: [ -> ]Can some one a help my and upgrade very good function :

<?php show_blog_recent_posts(true, 80, true, 'read more'); ?>

this function is give to us all cathegory shrot post ...

how to get only one cathegory recent posts ?
I installed GetSimple 3.2.1 and GS Blog 1.5. I activated 'Display Read More Link' and I typed a personal 'Read More Link Text'. On the blog page, the read more links are empty.
<a href="" class="read_more_link">
I fixed this by altering the file FrontEndFunctions.php. I changed this:
echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp<a href="" class="read_more_link">'.$blogSettings['readmore'].'</a>';
To this:
echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp<a href="' . $Blog->get_blog_url('post').$post->slug . '" class="read_more_link">'.$blogSettings['readmore'].'</a>';
Is this the correct way to fix it?
(2013-06-29, 03:00:59)SteveSy Wrote: [ -> ]I'm looking at the function plz try this it should work for u

PHP Code:
function show_blog_tag_home($tag)
$Blog = new Blog;
$all_posts $Blog->listPosts(truetrue);
    foreach (
$all_posts as $file
$data getXML($file['filename']);
$tags explode(','$data->tags);
            if (
show_blog_post_side($file['filename'], true);    

add it inside " frontEndFunctions "

(2013-06-23, 03:53:29)xxdex Wrote: [ -> ]Can some one a help my and upgrade very good function :

<?php show_blog_recent_posts(true, 80, true, 'read more'); ?>

this function is give to us all cathegory shrot post ...

how to get only one cathegory recent posts ?

thank You very much. i was save this function in frontEndFunctions.php but when i write in template file a line:

<?php show_blog_tag_home('nameofcategory')?>

then i'm no taken any post from category list...
what i do wrong ?

it is only a proposed Appendix
This plugin is really cool.
Development and handy to the comments for each entry and management comments
Hi there, I just started using GS CMS today and I installed our Plugin.

I got it working and now I am implenting it in my template, but I have a few questions I hoped you could anwser.

1e can you tell me why I aint getting dates echo't out ? When I Check the output sourche there is a <div> or <p> Element but there is no date in it.

2e How can I custom the looks of the blog. I whould like 2 create a few links in the page I am making like lists with latest post , categories e.g.

I hope you can help me with my questions, just for the record, I am running the CMS Localy at this moment at Xampp software.

( sorry if the english is bad ) :-)
This plugin is 95% perfect... There is only one issue:

Is it possible to have editable Custom URL's for categories?? At the moment it will show:


where it should be possible to make it:


Apologies if someone already made a fix for this as I couldn't easily find an answer!

Also, it would be nice to have page titles working better for SEO.

I can show a blog post's title in the title tag but then when you go to a category page it also shows a random post's title.

It'd be nice to have:

Category Page: Category name - Whatever - Whatever
Posts Page: Post name - Whatever - Whatever

I've managed to get category and post titles working but there are some glitches....

<title><?php echo $post->title, ' - '; echo $post->category, ' - '; get_page_clean_title(); ?> - <?php get_site_name(); ?></title>

It works great except for when you're on the main blog page it shows the first category in the page title??
If that code you posted more-or-less works, then this one may do the trick:
  if(isset($_GET['post'])) echo $post->title,' - ';
  if(isset($_GET['category'])) echo $post->category,' - ';
  get_page_clean_title(); ?> - <?php get_site_name();

(Not tested.)
That's brilliant, Carlos! It works perfectly.

Other than my initial issue (the post above the one on page titles), this plugin works wonders.

Loving GS more and more each day Smile

(2013-07-18, 23:29:51)Carlos Wrote: [ -> ]If that code you posted more-or-less works, then this one may do the trick:
  if(isset($_GET['post'])) echo $post->title,' - ';
  if(isset($_GET['category'])) echo $post->category,' - ';
  get_page_clean_title(); ?> - <?php get_site_name();

(Not tested.)
Could somebody tell me how can I put "% Comments and % Reactions" from Disqus to header of my post with excerpt? This is my site - and this line is only in full post, I don't know how to put it in the shorter version.
I created a custom blog and named it blogpost.php I implemented code....

    <article class="entry">
<!--Dates -->
<div class="date"> <?php echo formatPostDate($post->date); ?> </div>

<!-- Thumb Images -->
<img src="<?php echo $post->thumbnail; ?>" class="thumb" width="150" height="150">

<!-- Title -->
<h1 class="topic"><?php echo $post->title; ?></h1>

<!-- Post Entry -->
<div class = "post">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa, sequi...</div>


and I am getting error ' SCREAM: Error suppression ignored for ' Yet I have no idea what the error was, I believe I missing something.
I have went though (pages 1-18) in this post... I have not find one explanation on proper way to implement codes for custom theme nor any template examples. Can anyone show tell me what problem I am having or share code example so I can understand where to start?

Thanks in advance
Any plans for being able to add Meta data?? And 1.5 is the latest, right?
The feed output shows HTML? Is there something to fix this to just show text instead of <p><img src...... etc

I just installed this blog plugin, uns in principe it works.

The thing is, I create a post with a mix of text and an immage.

When I press the button to save the entry, all works fine. Both, the text and the image is visibel on the blog page.

Then I see, I typed something wrong, and I will edit the posting. So I open the mistyped entry, and what do I see: a broken link to the image. When I click then on the "source" button in the editor something like this is visibel:

<img alt="\&quot;\&quot;" biere="" height:="" src="\" style="\&quot;width:" /></p>"

I must clear the image link and insert the image again. than it works again.

Any idea how i can avoid always to reload the images when i wont to edit an entry in the blog?


Might be because of magic quotes. See here:
(2013-08-05, 05:45:05)Carlos Wrote: [ -> ]@gschwar

Might be because of magic quotes. See here:

Hey, that works - perfect thanks!

I have looked and searched, but the link, you've posted I did not see ...

Hmph, anybody could help me with "% Comments and % Reactions" from Disqus to header of my post with excerpt? When I add this manually there is this line in excerpt, but in "more" of post there are two the same links.
(2013-06-19, 01:21:02)sirjimbo Wrote: [ -> ]I have examined this forum and failed to find a solution to my problem, so here it is:

When a blog post contains any html formatting, the formatting marks appear in the RSS feed, making the entries look silly and unprofessional.

Does anyone know of a fix for this issue of HTML visible in the RSS feed? As an example a simple test post of "Hello, world!" looks fine in the CMS software but shows as, "<P>Hello, world!</P> in the RSS.
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