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Full Version: Admin slide menu - remember state
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I'm working on one user plugin so I have on plugin Administration - slide navigation and page navigation on each page.
Problem was that slide menu didn't remember state when I call any of pages from page navigation. I solve this problem and I hope that someone can use this.

I add action to plugin slide bar menu item.

Quote:add_action($thisfile.'-sidebar','createSideMenuState',array($thisfile,'User Management', array('users_statistic', 'create_user', 'user_list', 'search_user', 'user_comments', 'user_files')));

'users_statistic', 'create_user', 'user_list', 'search_user', 'user_comments', 'user_files'
are navigation inside User Management page.


I didn't change core but I add 2 functions into admin/inc/plugin_functions.php:
* Create Side Menu (Modification) - remember state when you are calling submenus
* This adds a side level link to a control panel's section
* @param string $id of the link you are adding
* @param string $txt Text to add to tabbed link
* @param array $action
* @param bool $always
function createSideMenuState($id, $txt, $action=null, $always=true){
$current = false;

$check_action = check_array($action);

if ($check_action) {
$current = true;

if ($always || $current) {
echo '<li id="sb_'.$id.'"><a href="load.php?id='.$id.($action[0] ? '&amp;'.$action[0] : '').'" '.($current ? 'class="current"' : '').' >'.$txt.'</a></li>';

* Find action in address
* @param array $action
* @return multitype:
function check_array($action){
$action = array_flip($action);
$data = array_intersect_key($action, $_GET);
return $data;

I hope that this would help to someone.