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Full Version: SA GS Admin Toolbar
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It does
yes, with "your" templates, but not in either case. Its possible to annul the switch with css :-|
It hooks anywhere here
@media screen and (min-width:50em) {
main { margin-top: 2.7em; }
.logo { width:auto; float:left; }
nav { overflow:visible; float:left; width:auto; display:block !important; height:auto; } ...
and other css.

but didn't find it yet.

from my website

The toolbar will automatically work on most themes. It is designed to fix itself to the top of the browser window and push the content down 28 pixels.
Themes must call the get_footer() and get_header() functions

Some themes may have issues if there is already a fixed toolbar at the top, themes can custom style these using css selector rules. When the toolbar is present the body receives a custom class of .gs-toolbar. To make css adjustments using this selector in your styles use body.gs_toolbar

/* to push a fixed navbar down when toolbar is present */ .navbar-fixed-top{
margin-top:28px !important;

and here is the JS

$('body').addClass('gs-toolbar'); // for special theme styling when toolbar is present, elements{}
                // add margin to body to push down content
                bodytop = $('body').csspixels('margin-top');
                $('body').css('margin-top', (bodytop+28)+'px'); //todo: make the height dynamic based on navbar css

If you have a better way then let me know, but if its a fixed nav bar there is no way I can think of to override the canvas, maybe there is now.
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