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Full Version: Allow a theme to call a plugin's functions
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I am making a theme and have a plugin to add additional settings. The theme works without the plugin, the plugin just adds additional capabilities. I would rather not place plugin related functions inside the theme functions location. How can I call functions inside of the plugin/NAME/common_functions.php file inside of the Theme template.php? Sorry if there is an obvious answer, I thought I would find something in hooks but I didn't (new to developing for GetSimple).
once the plugin is activated and the common_functions.php file has been included as part of the plugin, all the functions are available to your theme.
n00dles101 Wrote:once the plugin is activated and the common_functions.php file has been included as part of the plugin, all the functions are available to your theme.

I believe that is the case but it is not working. Do I need to do anything other than just putting the common_functions.php in the folder? Link it in NAME.php?


UPDATE: Actually the problem may lie in the layout of common_functions.php, this is the skeleton of what I have:

Plugin Name:
Author URI:

* FunctionName

function function_name() { return true; }

* Another Function
* @return int
function another_function($value) {

return $value * 1000;
Shouldn't they always be available ? I thought the template system wasn't initialized until after plugins are loaded.

You should be able to just call them.
in NAME.php make your you include the common_functions.php file. like this:

include GSPLUGINPATH.'/NAME/common_functions.php';
n00dles101 Wrote:in NAME.php make your you include the common_functions.php file. like this:

include GSPLUGINPATH.'/NAME/common_functions.php';

That's what I was thinking, however adding that gives me a "HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request". (The common_functions.php file is in plugins/NAME/common_functions.php) The permissions on it are rw-r--r-- (644). Changing to 755 didn't help.

UPDATE: I found that when outputting that include statement in the template.php file I got the following: /home/username/ Removing the /home/username part removed the 500 error. But this now hard codes the location in. Also the template.php file still cannot call code inside common_functions.php

Update #3: Fixed it! Yay! Here is the published theme's forum post: