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Full Version: Can't edit page or save settings (move win -> linux)
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Hi all,

I have a situation:

- I installed GS(3.2.0) on localhost (windows) and then upload to the server (linux).

After that I do adjustment, such as:
  • Change RewriteBase in gspath/.htaccess
  • Change the website url in gspath/data/other/website.xml
  • Chown myuser:myuser all files and directories in gspath/
  • Chmod 0755 all *.xml files in folder gspath/data/pages/ and gspath/data/users/
  • mod_rewrite confirmed that is active and working by visiting the frontpage

The problem is:
  • I can not edit the previous pages I created on localhost
  • I can not save the changes I did in Website Settings, the save button is always redirect me to 404 page

Please help..! Can you suggest what steps I have to do to solve the problem?

Thanks before..
Did you install a vanilla copy of GetSimple on the server then upload selected folders as per the wiki instructions, ? or just upload the whole thing?

I have never done any of the things in your list. Just change the website url in Admin under settings and then go through the site correcting link urls (mainly images)
I did both methods, on each method I keep having the same problem.
Let say the "selective folder" is method 1 and the "whole thing" is method 2,

With method 1:
- i install first the gs default package, i don't get any problem at all.
- after I upload the selective folder, like everything inside data/, plugins/, and themes
- and then doing adjustment steps (as it is written above)
- and the problem arise

With method 2:
- upload the whole package
- adjustment steps
- and the problem arise

I really do not know what is causing the problem, please anyone have an idea?
Sounds like a path problem if you get a 404
hi, thank you for the suggestions.

It seems that i already have the solution. I notice it when i can't upload any files to data/uploads/ folder.
After talking to the hosting owner, they told me that they have to make an adjustment to their apache mod_security configs. I'm not sure what config they have changed to make it works, but it works!
I have to do this also, it detects page submissions as a reflected xss attack.