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Full Version: Nested Children Page order. Menu display
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This is in the Innovation Theme, GS 3.2

I am not getting an accurate display for parent->children in the case of where I have a page that has nested children. I have taken some screen shots to demonstrate accurately:

In the first attachment, you can see I have nested pages where Categories is the main page, followed by Features, followed by Collision Detection.

So I expected when viewing The Collision Detection Page to see in the header Home : Categories : Feature : Collision Detection

but instead i just see the second attachment:
Home : Features : Collision Detection

I was wondering how to change this behavior to how I desire it?? Which would be the full connection of parent -> siblings all the way down the "tree" for each page.

Thank you,
get_navigation only supports 1d menus.

You can use the i18n menu plugin, or write your own menu function to do nested