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Full Version: excerpts show only "..."
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sorry for my very bad english...
I can't use the <?php get_page_excerpt('index',60); ?> function in my site, i have read much topic on that but i don't find the solution..
if I enter the code in my template, I can see only three points where instead I was expecting the 60 characters of the specified page ..
In version 3.2.3 the plugin doesn't need to be installed and enabled, right? it is enable by default? What should I check for this problem?
thanks in advance
In debug mode, i can see that..
Warning: mb_substr() expects parameter 3 to be long, string given in /membri/../../inc/theme_functions.php on line 56
i have add (int) in line 56:
$content_e = trim(mb_substr($content_e, 0, $n)) . '...';
$content_e = trim(mb_substr($content_e, 0,(int) $n)) . '...';
the error disappear but the plugin don't display the post line..
get_page_excerpt only excepts the current page.

You are sending a slug as param 1,

PHP Code:
* @param string $n Optional, default is 200.
* @param bool $html Optional, default is false.  
 *                 If 
this is trueit will strip out html from $content
* @return string Echos.
get_page_excerpt($n=200$html=false) { 
good Sad
so i can't have a excerpts from another page?
I have read some workaround, but it isn't so easy implement it in my contest..
ex. a div with fix height and overflow hidden..

thank's for reply..
There are excerpt plugins