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An awsome, fully responsive, fluid, tiled, image gallery homepage from Pure plus two more page templates (without the gallery). All the images are changeable through the back end without editing the templates, the footer section is changeable through the back end without editing the templates and the templates are ready for Custom Titles without editing.

Uploaded to Extend

Original template on the Pure Site

gallery template
[Image: screenshotbig.png]

standard template
[Image: pagetwo.png]

Three templates, one with six images and content below, two more with just the first image and the title box, one with sidebar, one full width.

Some simple conditional php in the templates allows you to easily insert your own content in all the image boxes plus the footer plus the normal page, sidebar and tagline

To replace the images: Make a component and name it photo-box-1. Write in the component html image tags for the image of your choice. If for instance you have uploaded to the uploads folder an image named head.jpg you would write the following in your component.
<img src="<?php get_site_url(); ?>data/uploads/head.jpg"  alt="text here">
The image can be a link to a page or site or to itself elsewhere. There is support for photo captions. The full optional syntax for photo-box components is:
<img src="http://image location" alt="Alt Text" title="Hover Text"> (or link)
<aside class="photo-box-caption">
        Main Caption(or link)
                   Secondary Caption(or link)
An empty component will give you an empty box. photo-box-1 is used on every page. See the wiki for different components on different pages. If you are using the gallery template you will want to create photo-box-2 and photo-box-3 etc up to 6.

To change the footer: Make a component called footer. Put in it what text and html you like. it will appear on every page. An empty component will give you an empty footer

To use Custom Titles: Install and activate the plugin. You don't need to change the template.
I'm new to web site building. How so I upload this theme to my themes? I've downloaded the zip file to my desk top and opened it, but I don't know how to upload from there to the theme page. I tried uploading each page file separately to the files page, but can't get the whole thing to the plug ins where I think it should go first.
Unpack/unzip the zip. Upload the theme in its folder by ftp to the theme folder of your site. Activate the theme through admin