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Full Version: Nearly all pages give health check.
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I installed GetSimple and had to change a lot of permissions to get it to work.

But If I try and go to say settings I just get the HealthCheck page

GetSimple Version 3.3.1
Latest version installed
Server Setup
PHP Version 5.4.4-14+deb7u7 - OK
cURL Module Installed - OK
GD Library Installed - OK
ZipArchive Installed - OK
SimpleXML Module Installed - OK
chmod chmod - OK
Apache Web Server Apache/2.2.22 (Debian) - OK
Apache Mod Rewrite Not Installed - Warning
PHP disable_functions pcntl_alarm,pcntl_fork,pcntl_waitpid,pcntl_wait,pcntl_wifexited,pcntl_wifstopped,pcntl_wifsignaled,pcntl_wexitstatus,pcntl_wtermsig,pcntl_wstopsig,pcntl_signal,pcntl_signal_dispatch,pcntl_get_last_error,pcntl_strerror,pcntl_sigprocmask,pcntl_sigwaitinfo,pcntl_sigtimedwait,pcntl_exec,pcntl_getpriority,pcntl_setpriority,

For more information on the required modules, visit the requirements page.
Data File Integrity Check
/data/pages/index.xml XML Valid - OK
/data/other/404.xml XML Valid - OK
/data/other/authorization.xml XML Valid - OK
/data/other/components.xml XML Valid - OK
/data/other/plugins.xml XML Valid - OK
/data/other/website.xml XML Valid - OK
/backups/users/keith.xml XML Valid - OK
/backups/users/keith.xml.reset XML Valid - OK
Directory Permissions
File Name: /data/other/plugins.xml 0755 Writable - OK
/data/pages/ 0755 Writable - OK
/data/other/ 0755 Writable - OK
/data/other/logs/ 0755 Writable - OK
/data/thumbs/ 0777 Writable - OK
/data/uploads/ 0777 Writable - OK
/data/users/ 0755 Writable - OK
/data/cache/ 0755 Writable - OK
/backups/zip/ 0755 Writable - OK
/backups/pages/ 0755 Writable - OK
/backups/other/ 0777 Writable - OK
/backups/users/ 0755 Writable - OK
.htaccess Existence
/data/ Good 'Deny' file - OK
/data/uploads/ Good 'Allow' file - OK
/data/users/ Good 'Deny' file - OK
/data/cache/ Good 'Deny' file - OK
/data/thumbs/ Good 'Allow' file - OK
/data/pages/ Good 'Deny' file - OK
/plugins/ Good 'Deny' file - OK
/data/other/ Good 'Deny' file - OK
/data/other/logs/ Good 'Deny' file - OK
/theme/ No file - OK

On a previous screen I got
Error: There was a problem sending out the registration information via email. Please make note of the password below.
Failed to rename temp.gsconfig.php to gsconfig.php! Please do it manually.

The email I understand as there is no email client on the machine.
As to the second I cannot find gsconfig.php or temp.gsconfig.php on my system.

I assume its something to do with configuring the system

It should be in your root directory, you will have to get it from the zip since you somehow are missing it.
Permissions depends on your method of upload typically, did you FTP it.

Does it say site updated at the top?
Your installs files are not being removed probably.

Check your data other logs error log for errors
(2014-02-16, 06:38:41)shawn_a Wrote: [ -> ]It should be in your root directory, you will have to get it from the zip since you somehow are missing it.
Permissions depends on your method of upload typically, did you FTP it.

Does it say site updated at the top?
Your installs files are not being removed probably.

Check your data other logs error log for errors

Thanks I downloaded to ubuntu and used Filezilla to FTP to Raspberry Pi which I think did me no favours on file permissions.

Anyway I now have something to go on so will go away and check