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Full Version: Blank screen during installation
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I've downloaded GetSimple CMS v 3.3.2
When I navigate to ...\admin\install.php in a web-browser it shows that everythink is ok. Then I press ''Continue whith setup' button it displays a form containing three fields (website name, username and email). After i fill them and press "Install now" I get a blank window in browser. No any errors in webserver's log.
Any ideas?

enable debuglog in gsconfig and try again.

Sounds like a fatal php error somewhere
Thank you very much Smile
There was "call to undefined function utf8_decode" in errorlog.txt . I've installed php5-xml and managed to complete the installation.
odd that it would be missing, I believe it is a core function not module based.
must be a compile issue

I can add checks in the future for this to catch it.
on clean freebsd system I had to install the following:


I think it will be very useful for new GetSimple users if you add checks
yeah freebsd has a custom minimal php build, it is non standard.
I will add checks for all of these.

Do you know what error each threw, specific function calls, so we can see if some can be overloaded or eliminated.

I am pretty sure they are all needed.
dom_import_simplexml used to extend simplexml with cdata
json for json encode decoding
curl is optional as is gd, stuff will fail but not fatally for these.
Hi, i'm here again Smile
I'm sorry, i din't understand, what kind of information you want to get?
I think any extension error depends on the first function call in you code which use this extension. So if you change order of function calls, the errors will be different.
may be i can help you, but i have to know what exactly you need.
nm, I already found them.
I am having the same issue. However, there was nothing in my error log?