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Full Version: modification URL
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I just made a change in my url in the admin area.
all my pages are inaccessible.
I do not understand why ... there is latency ? or are a mistake on my part ?
I'm Version 3.3.3
thank you
Have you enabled fancy urls? If so, does the site work if you disable it?
Did you change the siteurl? If you changed the folder, you have to update your .htaccess too.
i just to change url name like this "info" to "information" to change url name-> to
and after modification -> is inaccessible
Did you change the slug (page id, URL) in the page editor (admin panel) ?

If you have renamed the xml file manually,
1. you have to make sure you also make the change in the <url> entry in the xml.
2. you have to delete data/other/pages.xml (or create/delete/update any page) so that the site cache is refreshed.