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Full Version: Link GS to existing WebSite
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I've created a website for one of our client. Now, I would like to link it with GS.

I think first that I could include GS pages into my website (includes('GS/data/pages/footer.xml')Wink.

However, GS generate XML. So, how can I include those XML files into my website ?

The purpose is to give my client an easy way to edit static files such as content or footer.

PS : The site is built in PHP


Things like this will not be easy to do until 3.4.

You could always load the xml on your own in php and just use our code.

PHP Code:
 * Get XML Data
 * Turns the XML file into an object 
 * @since 1.0
 * @param string $file
 * @return object
function getXML($file,$nocdata true) {
$xml file_get_contents($file);
$data simplexml_load_string($xml'SimpleXMLExtended'$nocdata LIBXML_NOCDATA null);

$page getXML('data/pages/mypage.xml');
Yes, I looked in GetSimple source code and found this function. But I wish you could provide me a better solution Smile

better how ?

That does what you asked.