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Full Version: Two missing translations?
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I've found a couple of glitches so far, using get-simple on italian language.

1) The "Last Save" that appears at the bottom of each page is displayed in english (btw, I think "Ultima Modifica" would sound more appropriate than the actual translation "Ultimo Salvataggio").
2) After successfully sending an email, the "contactmsg success" isn't displayed.
Language files are known to get outdated quickly because the developers only work with the English language file. Feel free to fix the file and upload it to the forum.
Ok, I got it.
The problem is on template page where the string "Last Saved" is hardcoded:
<b>Last Saved:</b>
I would change to:
<b><?php echo $i18n['LAST_SAVED']; ?>:</b>
I don’t think we will internationalise themes. However, it’s an interesting thing to think about. We might need to figure out a good system so theme and plugin developers can extend the language system and offer translations. For now, something like that is not planned.