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Full Version: [SOLVED] How2 show \r\n in code
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When I put a code listing in CKEDIT, it removes all backslashes such a c language return & newline.
How can I force CKEDIT not to modify text?

printf("some text\r\n");
printf("some textrn");
Use entities or put it in code or pre tags?
(2016-01-15, 23:09:04)shawn_a Wrote: [ -> ]Use entities or put it in code or pre tags?

Neither <pre>, <code>, or <xmp> (or both, or all) solve the problem.

I don't know what you mean by entities?
Does it happen also with ckeditor disabled?
I do not see this behavior.
I don't either. Tested again with magic quotes enabled too.
Perhaps some plugin...
(2016-01-16, 03:29:36)Carlos Wrote: [ -> ]I don't either. Tested again with magic quotes enabled too.
Perhaps some plugin...

Thanks for the replies.

This has been a constant issue since I first started using GS a month ago. CKEDIT keeps screwing with code format. If I want a <br>, it usually replaces with <p>&nbsp;</p>. If I want a line indented for clarity, it re-indents the way it thinks it should be. The list goes on....

Is there other options for text editors?
I am using the default ckedit that came with GS, how can I upgrade to 4.x?

Other than this problem, I now have GS working pretty much how I want and really like it.
That is entermode_br settable.

Install the cke_patch plugin for 4.x

There are alot of options for ckeditor to change its behavior, and the docs are not that user friendly.

is it possible you have a plugin or a gsconfig setting messing your settings up ?
(2016-01-16, 07:29:58)shawn_a Wrote: [ -> ]That is entermode_br settable.

Install the cke_patch plugin for 4.x

There are alot of options for ckeditor to change its behavior, and the docs are not that user friendly.

is it possible you have a plugin or a gsconfig setting messing your settings up ?

Well, none of the above fixed the problem.

After considerable switching back and forth between a fresh GS install, I found it was the "Custom Title" plugin that was causing the trouble Sad

Thanks for all the help