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Full Version: LiteSpeed webserver
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My hosting has LiteSpeed, which is Apache compatible, and the (test) site seems to be working fine, but there is this message:
Warning: Server Setup non-Apache

Same message was shown during installation process.

Is this just a false positive, thus I just ignore it, or there are issues that may come up?

Thank you
This server is all good, but I had to leave, because it does not work with JSON files used by the plugin GS Custom Settings.
If you're sure that your user, data and backup files are not accessible with a browser, you can disable the warning with gsconfig setting
define('GSNOAPACHECHECK', true);
Thank you both.

If you mean trying to access like this:
Then it's fine as I get 403 forbidden.

I am not sure I understand what you are referring to.
This plugin will not work for LightSpeed
(2016-02-22, 21:28:06)Oleg06 Wrote: [ -> ]
This plugin will not work for LightSpeed

Thank you.

Would you say it is LiteSpeed, or just a configuration issue; sorry I am not an expert, but out of curiosity I downloaded it, and installed it, I see the "site" tab, and the possibility to add other tabs (didn't finish the process), so is it supposed to bring up some sort of error, or what, can you suggest me an operation to do to verify it.

I don't think I'll need something like it on the site I am working on, but would be interesting to know for future reference, thus my question if it's LiteSpeed, or maybe configuration?

Thank you.
my guess if something doesn't work in lightspeed would be a pathing issue. Lightspeed is pretty much the same as apache and nginx afaik
if you manage to find a solution, write it here
(2016-02-23, 08:17:16)Oleg06 Wrote: [ -> ]
if you manage to find a solution, write it here
Like said I am not expert, so I am unaware if the json is working on my environment, if you have a suggestion on how to test it, I will, and in case I'll ask the hosting people about it.
sounds like httpd config issue