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That would be magic if the structure between the pages could also be in the menu. If a page has a child, it could be nice that the link to the page appears in a sub-menu as a <ul> liste, incuded in the main <ul>.
That would be ace actually. It would make using a JS accordion for the man nav very easy!
should this not be done on the template side?

I dont find the included menu functions suitable for most of my work so i've rewritten and included the new function in the template code.

Would be quiet easy to loop through pages with the menu option set and then find all the children.

Surely, the whole idea of a CMS is to make things easier for everyone, including the theme developer.

Having the function built in would be way faster for the development than having to code it in the theme.
I have added this line to mark the item with a special class "child"
if ($page['parent'] != '') { $classes .= " child"; }
With the CSS, i can aply a different style, but it's not a very clean code !