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Full Version: Navigateable Pages Manu
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Problem: With alot of pages one can lose track.
Solution: Only show one level of pages and add the possibillity to navigate throug the levels.

in /admin/teplate_functions.php add:
PHP Code:
 * Recursive list of pages
 * Returns only one level of menu, adds option to expand it. 
 * @author Lukas Prömer
 * @param string $parent
 * @returns string
function get_pages_menu2($parent) {

 foreach (
$pagesSorted as $page) {
 if (
$items[(string)$page['url']]['expandable'] = 0;
 foreach (
$pagesSorted as $page2){
$page2['parent'] == $page['url']){
$items[(string)$page['url']]['expandable'] = 1;
 if (
 foreach (
$items as $page) {
  if ($page['parent'] != '') {
  $page['parent'] = $page['parent']."/";
 if (
  $dash '<span>&nbsp;&nbsp;⋮&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span><a href="?p='$page['url'] .'" >';
$cdash '</a>';
 } else {
$dash '<span>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>';
$menu .= '<tr id="tr-'.$page['url'] .'" >';
 if (
$page['title'] == '' ) { $page['title'] = '[No Title] &nbsp;&raquo;&nbsp; <em>'$page['url'] .'</em>'; }
 if (
$page['menuStatus'] != '' ) { $page['menuStatus'] = ' <sup>['.i18n_r('MENUITEM_SUBTITLE').']</sup>'; } else { $page['menuStatus'] = ''; }
 if (
$page['private'] != '' ) { $page['private'] = ' <sup>['.i18n_r('PRIVATE_SUBTITLE').']</sup>'; } else { $page['private'] = ''; }
 if (
$page['url'] == 'index' ) { $homepage ' <sup>['.i18n_r('HOMEPAGE_SUBTITLE').']</sup>'; } else { $homepage ''; }
$menu .= '<td class="pagetitle">'$dash cl($page['title']) .$cdash.'<span class="showstatus toggle" >'$homepage $page['menuStatus'] . $page['private'] .'</span></td>';
$menu .= '<td style="width:80px;text-align:right;" ><span>'shtDate($page['pubDate']) .'</span></td>';
$menu .= '<td class="secondarylink" >';
$menu .= '<a title="'.i18n_r('VIEWPAGE_TITLE').': 'var_out($page['title']) .'" target="_blank" href="'find_url($page['url'],$page['parent']) .'">#</a>';
$menu .= '</td>';
$menu .= '<td class="secondarylink" ><a title="'.i18n_r('EDITPAGE_TITLE').': 'var_out($page['title']) .'" href="edit.php?id='$page['url'] .'" > ✎</a></td>';
 if (
$page['url'] != 'index' ) {
$menu .= '<td class="delete" ><a class="delconfirm" href="deletefile.php?id='$page['url'] .'&amp;nonce='.get_nonce("delete""deletefile.php").'" title="'.i18n_r('DELETEPAGE_TITLE').': 'var_out($page['title']) .'" >&times;</a></td>';
 } else {
$menu .= '<td class="delete" ></td>';
$menu .= '</tr>'
 * Recursive list of pages
 * Returns Breadcrumps for Pages-Menu
 * @author Lukas Prömer
 * @param string $parent
 * @returns string
function get_pages_breadcrumps($parent) {
$parent=="") return '<a href="?p">root</a>';
 foreach (
$pagesSorted as $page) {
 if ((string)
$apage $page;
$crumps ' >> <a href="?p='.$apage['url'].'">'.var_out($apage['title']).'</a>';
get_pages_breadcrumps($apage['parent']) . $crumps;


in pages.php replace:
On line 86:
PHP Code:
$table get_pages_menu($_GET['p']); 
PHP Code:
$tableCrumps get_pages_breadcrumps($_GET['p']);
$table get_pages_menu2($_GET['p']); 

And before line 108 (before the <table />) add:
PHP Code:
<?php echo $tableCrumps?>
You're modifying core files. There should be a better way.
I think that I18N (Navigation) does this?

Nevertheless, you can try wrapping this up in a plugin with your own "View Pages" page so that it avoids modifying core files (which will also make it easier to test).