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Full Version: Iot mqtt data logging brokering etc.
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Anyone have suggestions or work with microcontrollers sensors and iot logging.

I am trying to find a open source framework or solution for a personal hosted mqtt broker and or a data server for logging or websocket handling, something that perhaps handles stuff for you.

Any iot oss suggestions welcome also as a starting point.
Plus for libraries with arduino support
Only starting do do a bit of work with esp8266/arduinos over the last month or 2. loving the esp's...

Most of the stuff I've looked at has actually been starred by you on Github.... so any suggestions I might have have already been seen by you...

building an wifi enabled car with arduino/esp8266/websockets for my 2 boys at the moment and a sensor system for the house is next, will use raspberry pi and mosquitto on the server side and esp's for the sensors...

car is built and looking at the websocket server now.

looking at these:

The mirobot one is nice as it allows you to update the esp's over wifi....
for your car checkout blynk app, it has got nice joysticks and easy to use, you can have a control system setup in about 30 minutes.
yeah im sure there is something out there , i just gotta find it.

some backend tech for soho similar in functionality to,  there are like hundreds of these startups, I am sure some are oss.

I have been just building a toolset for myself and hardware for whatever i need, so i can just combine my blocks together to build several things i need.
Just ordered the Espruino Pico (pinned). 
[Image: Pico_angled.jpg]
I'm actually completely new to microcontrolers, sensors and doing stuff with that, but I think the Espruino might be an easier starting point becouse the programming is in Javascript instead of C++ (and I recently started an online Javascript course).
Some info on iot services: http:///
Yeah i am pretty excited about those