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Full Version: Azure Theme for mobile
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I have created a theme based on AzureĀ for a client which looks fine in PC browsers. But while I try to view the same in android mobile, I see that it's not shown as fluid one. I have enclosed the screenshot. Any suggestion will be helpful. Thanks.
(2017-06-27, 20:09:55)animas Wrote: [ -> ]Hi

I have created a theme based on AzureĀ for a client which looks fine in PC browsers. But while I try to view the same in android mobile, I see that it's not shown as fluid one. I have enclosed the screenshot. Any suggestion will be helpful. Thanks.

It's difficult to help without seeing the source code. Maybe in the <head> a line like

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />

is missing.
