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Responsive FileManager - Printable Version

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RE: Responsive FileManager - asemion - 2016-09-29

(2016-09-28, 10:07:56)sidotij Wrote: Is there a way to add Responsive File Manager to the ckeditor in News Manager?

I have Responsive FileManager CKEditor integration set up for gs but it's not carrying thru to the News Manager


Hi, John.
I see that News Manager use own CKEditor implementation.
RFM integrate in GS only. It's hard to integrate RFM to all plugins that use own editor implementation.
But NM is very popular plugin, so I will do integration with it when I have some free time.
For now you can integrate RFM to the NM manually. Just copy attached file: ckeditor.php to the path:
and replace original file.
After that you will have worked RFM with Thumbnail plugin in the NM.
Good luck. Andrejus.

RE: Responsive FileManager - sidotij - 2016-09-29


getting closer.. I can see the thumbnail button now and it does indeed work
Thanks you

That leads me ot the next question tho... the only ckeditor.php files that I see are under /plugins
where does gs itself get it's ckeditor settings?


RE: Responsive FileManager - asemion - 2016-09-30

(2016-09-29, 23:59:30)sidotij Wrote: Andrejus,

getting closer.. I can see the thumbnail button now and it does indeed work
Thanks you

That leads me ot the next question tho... the only ckeditor.php files that I see are under /plugins
where does gs itself get it's ckeditor settings?


You can set some CKEditor settings and change this default values in the root gsconfig.php file.
You can find 5 Sections with WYSIWYG word.
But plugins itself can change editor settings dynamically and adopt this settings how they need. GS gives to as such an opportunity.
So RFM and News Manager use this opportunity and change some settings dynamically from inside plugin source code.

RE: Responsive FileManager - sidotij - 2016-09-30

thanks for the tips everyone... I have the editor looking like how I want in both places


RE: Responsive FileManager - Shasaar - 2016-12-26

Good day everyone,

i've got the RFM installed and debug mode is on, then it shows me the following info on my webpage:

Quote:Notice: Undefined index: id in (...)/plugins/responsivefilemanager.php on line 40

What could be the reason for that?
Thank you in advance.

RE: Responsive FileManager - asemion - 2016-12-29

(2016-12-26, 19:35:47)Shasaar Wrote: Good day everyone,

i've got the RFM installed and debug mode is on, then it shows me the following info on my webpage:

Quote:Notice: Undefined index: id in (...)/plugins/responsivefilemanager.php on line 40

What could be the reason for that?
Thank you in advance.

Soon I release new plugin version RFM ver. 2.4 with many improvements. In this version mentioned notice will be fixed also.

RE: Responsive FileManager - asemion - 2017-01-06

Version changed to 2.4

RFM from ver. 2.4 has become a multi-functional development tools. Now you can create modern, attractive-looking, animated image galleries just with few mouse clicks directly in the CKEditor. No additional plugins is required.

Plugin changes:
  1. The kernel version has upgraded to ver. 9.11.0. Changes: Add FTP support, Upload from URL, Add watermark on images, multiple fixes, Files and folders permissions restored to 755 (for a wider servers support)
  2. To the administration page add 3 new settings fields:
    • "File maximum upload size". Now you can set the file upload size to the server in this place.
    • "Do not use Javascript on my site front-end pages". If this field is checked RFM will not use any JS code insertions on site front-end pages (for Themes support that do not use Javascript (eg "Skeleton-FX").
    • "Add LightBoxCSS image gallery style-sheet on front-end pages". Check this box if you plan to use this type of galleries.
  3. In the CKEditor Thumbnail dialog window add 3 new elements:
    • To the Thumbnail target element add a new parameter "LightBox CSS". "LightBox CSS" is a lightweight, independent (no JQuery or JS required) pure CSS3 script which allows you to create full featured, animated image galleries.
    • Add new element "Gallery type" which has 4 options. By using 3 predefined options: "Default", "Zoom" and "Polaroid" you can easily build an attractive-looking, animated image galleries. Option "Custom" can be used for your own gallery type creation.
    • Add new element "Border radius" for setting thumbnails border radius inside galleries.
How can looks LightBoxCSS galleries you can see on my preview LIVE page here :

[Image: rfm_24.jpg]

[Image: thumb_24.jpg]

RE: Responsive FileManager - asemion - 2017-02-15

Version changed to 2.5
Plugin changes:
  1. The kernel version has upgraded to ver. 9.11.3.
  2. RFM is now able to work with CKEditor user-defined Toolbars. CKEditor user-defined Toolbars can be generated by the three ways (listed by usage priority):
    • When checked the field "Set CKEditor toolbar to advanced + Thumb button";
    • When defined variable GSEDITORTOOL in the gsconfig.php file. Eg. define('GSEDITORTOOL', "['Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline'],'/',['Styles','Format','Font']");
    • When in the field "Custom CKEditor Toolbars elements" enter the appropriate parameters. If on your site plugin "Multi User" is activated then you can set the toolbars separately for administrators and ordinary users (in the "Multi User" administrator occurs when field "Manage users" is unchecked).
  3. RFM is now able to work with CKEditor user-defined Options. You can use this option for extraPlugins activation. CKEditor user-defined Options can be generated in two ways (listed by usage priority):
    • When defined variable GSEDITOROPTIONS in the gsconfig.php file. Eg. define('GSEDITOROPTIONS', ' extraPlugins:"youtube,codemirror"');
    • When in the field "CKEditor extraPlugins activation" enter the appropriate parameters.
  4. With RFM now you can insert just simple Thumbnail image. For this in the CKEditor Thumbnail dialog window to the Thumbnail target element add a new parameter "Simple Thumb" and to the element "Gallery type" add parameter "not set". In order to insert Simple Thumbnail image choose an image, select needed "Thumbnail type", choose parameter "Simple Thumb" and parameter "not set".
  5. Fixed image upload to server issue.
[Image: rfm-25.jpg]

RE: Responsive FileManager - islander - 2017-02-15

After adding 2.5 to a new install, in plugins, when clicking install, I receive a simple "error" message.
Clicking anywhere else results in a blank screen.  Huh

RE: Responsive FileManager - asemion - 2017-02-17

(2017-02-15, 22:51:46)islander Wrote: After adding 2.5 to a new install, in plugins, when clicking install, I receive a simple "error" message.
Clicking anywhere else results in a blank screen.  Huh

This issue is fixed. Add support for servers with PHP lower version than 5.5.
Also you can use such a code in the your gsconfig.php file:


This option lets you use Thumbnail button and Responsive FileManager with all CKEditor instances which are used by other plugins (eg. News Manager and so on) without integration or source code modification.
Thank's Eric (islander) for this opportunity.

RE: Responsive FileManager - asemion - 2017-06-09

Version changed to 2.5a
Plugin changes:
  1. Fixed security issue with RFM file dialog.php.

RE: Responsive FileManager - AviaBarsik - 2018-02-23

change ckeditor.php with your for news_manager plugin, i seen button thumb - ok
but and i get Access denied when browse on server press
becouse akey=48607dfdaf9aba9b83f3dc881a939f68 is absent in url (i tried to set manually - worked)



what i can do for this in ckeditor.php (this post)?

        filebrowserBrowseUrl : '../plugins/responsivefilemanager/dialog.php?type=2&lang=ru&akey=<?=$akey;?>&editor=ckeditor&fldr=',

RE: Responsive FileManager - asemion - 2018-02-24

(2018-02-23, 18:38:28)AviaBarsik Wrote: change ckeditor.php with your for news_manager plugin, i seen button thumb - ok
but and i get Access denied when browse on server press
becouse akey=48607dfdaf9aba9b83f3dc881a939f68 is absent in url (i tried to set manually - worked)

My workaround for News Manager has been realized before Security Fix with Security key usage on RFM.
So I need to recreate News Manager function to use akey also.
Give me some time to do it.
About solution I annonce here.
Have a nice day. Andrejus.

RE: Responsive FileManager - asemion - 2018-03-15

Version changed to 2.6
Plugin changes:
  1. The kernel version has upgraded to ver. 9.12.2.
  2. To the administration page add new area "Responsive FileManager News Manager integration" where you can integrate RFM to the NM Edit pages or recall this integration.
  3. To the administration page add new area of assistance for custom Responsive FileManager integration which provided the descriptions, source codes and examples of usage.

RE: Responsive FileManager - asemion - 2018-06-18

Version changed to 2.7
Plugin changes:
  1. The kernel version has upgraded to ver. 9.13.1.
  2. To the administration page add new area "Responsive FileManager Custom Fields integration" where you can integrate RFM to the i18n Custom Fields or recall this integration. After integration you can use RFM with CF "Image" and "Files" types fields. (Note: This area will be show only if plugin "i18n Custom Fields" is installed on your site).
  3. To the administration page add new setting field: "Hide RFM Settings Area from Plain Users". If this field checked for Users who do not have admin rights Settings area will be hidden (Note: This field will be show only if plugin "Multi User" is installed on your site).
Note: If you have problem after upgrade first completely remove folder responsivefilemanager inside directory plugins from your site then re-install new version of the RFM plugin.

RE: Responsive FileManager - acenda - 2018-08-01

Hi there!

I have a problem with Responsive File Manager. After activating plugin I went to Files and clicked the Responsive File manager link. After that I got this error. What should I do? I have the latest Get Simple version and site is running on my macbook webserver with php 7.1.16

Error: "Couldn't open /Library/WebServer/Documents/liisasavolainen/plugins/responsivefilemanager/config/config.tmp"

Thank you for the answer Smile

RE: Responsive FileManager - asemion - 2018-08-01

(2018-08-01, 22:16:26)acenda Wrote: I have the latest Get Simple version and site is running on my macbook webserver with php 7.1.16

Error: "Couldn't open /Library/WebServer/Documents/liisasavolainen/plugins/responsivefilemanager/config/config.tmp"

Hi, Acenda.
I do not know why on your site RFM look for file config/config.tmp
In this folder should be only config/config.php which using as plugin configuration parameters file.
I never have Mac PC maybe problem is there...
Try to copy config/config.php as config/config.tmp if it helps.
If not help I would suggest not use MAC PC as localhost, try to use real server on Unix, Linux or Windows on which RFM works without problem.

RE: Responsive FileManager - acenda - 2018-08-01

(2018-08-01, 22:52:18)asemion Wrote:
(2018-08-01, 22:16:26)acenda Wrote: I have the latest Get Simple version and site is running on my macbook webserver with php 7.1.16

Error: "Couldn't open /Library/WebServer/Documents/liisasavolainen/plugins/responsivefilemanager/config/config.tmp"

Hi, Acenda.
I do not know why on your site RFM look for file config/config.tmp
In this folder should be only config/config.php which using as plugin configuration parameters file.
I never have Mac PC maybe problem is there...
Try to copy config/config.php as config/config.tmp if it helps.
If not help I would suggest not use MAC PC as localhost, try to use real server on Unix, Linux or Windows on which RFM works without problem.

Its running on localhost/websitename. Naming file to .tmp didn't help. This is truly strange.

RE: Responsive FileManager - Oleg06 - 2019-03-24

Your plugin does not allow you to upload files .swf. Is there any way to fix this?

RE: Responsive FileManager - asemion - 2019-03-25

(2019-03-24, 23:53:02)Oleg06 Wrote: Your plugin does not allow you to upload files .swf. Is there any way to fix this?

Yes. Just open file: plugins/responsivefilemanager/config/config.php for editing.
Search section: "//Allowed extensions (lowercase insert)" ~ on line 363
Modify array params and add new one needed ~ on line 367 as follow:
'ext_video'                               => array( 'mov', 'mpeg', 'm4v', 'mp4', 'avi', 'mpg', 'wma', "flv", "webm", "swf" ), //Video

RE: Responsive FileManager - Georg - 2019-04-03

I got problems with the plugin on a local webserver with php v7.1.8, GetSimple v3.3.15 and RFM v2.7

After a fresh installation using the default theme I tried to drag & drop an image file into a new folder and I got this error:
"SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data"

When I tried to just open the newly created folder then within the RFM I got this error message:
"Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mime_content_type() in H:\Internet\Websites Projekte\htdocs\dwfplayground201903\plugins\responsivefilemanager\include\php_image_magician.php:2723 Stack trace: #0 H:\Internet\Websites Projekte\htdocs\dwfplayground201903\plugins\responsivefilemanager\include\php_image_magician.php(230): imageLib->openImage('../../data/uplo...') #1 H:\Internet\Websites Projekte\htdocs\dwfplayground201903\plugins\responsivefilemanager\include\utils.php(377): imageLib->__construct('../../data/uplo...') #2 H:\Internet\Websites Projekte\htdocs\dwfplayground201903\plugins\responsivefilemanager\dialog.php(1043): create_img('../../data/uplo...', '../../data/thum...', 122, 91, 'crop', Array) #3 {main} thrown in H:\Internet\Websites Projekte\htdocs\dwfplayground201903\plugins\responsivefilemanager\include\php_image_magician.php on line 2723"

Nevertheless within the standard file management I can see the "uploaded" image including its thumbnail. Any idea what went wrong? Many thanks, Georg

RE: Responsive FileManager - Oleg06 - 2019-04-05

Why is this feature included in the footer theme?

RE: Responsive FileManager - islander - 2019-04-05

(2019-04-05, 06:41:36)Oleg06 Wrote: Why is this feature included in the footer theme?

I think that is there for to load PrettyPhoto and FancyBox if used, but be de-activated via the control panel.

RE: Responsive FileManager - datiswous - 2019-04-11

Hello, why is the following code present on every page in the frontend? This is after the </footer>

<!-- Responsive FileManager Javascripts loading ver. 2.5 -->
function loadjscssfile(filename, filetype){
    if (filetype=="js"){ //if filename is a external JavaScript file
        var fileref=document.createElement('script');
        fileref.setAttribute("src", filename);
        fileref.async = false;
    else if (filetype=="css"){ //if filename is an external CSS file
        var fileref=document.createElement("link");
        fileref.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
        fileref.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
        fileref.setAttribute("href", filename);
    if (typeof fileref!="undefined") {
if (window.addEventListener)
    window.addEventListener("load", loadjscssfile, false);
else if (window.attachEvent)
    window.attachEvent("onload", loadjscssfile);
else window.onload = loadjscssfile;

if (document.querySelector('.prettyPhoto') !== null) {
    loadjscssfile(".../plugins/responsivefilemanager/css/prettyPhoto.css", "css");
    loadjscssfile(".../plugins/responsivefilemanager/js/prettyPhoto/jquery.prettyPhoto.js", "js");
    loadjscssfile(".../plugins/responsivefilemanager/js/prettyPhoto/rfm_prettyphoto.js", "js");
if (document.querySelector('.fancybox') !== null) {
    loadjscssfile(".../plugins/responsivefilemanager/js/FancyBox/jquery.fancybox.css", "css");
    loadjscssfile(".../plugins/responsivefilemanager/js/FancyBox/jquery.fancybox.pack.js", "js");
    loadjscssfile(".../plugins/responsivefilemanager/js/FancyBox/rfm_fancybox.js", "js");
if (document.querySelector('.baguettebox') !== null) {
    loadjscssfile(".../plugins/responsivefilemanager/js/BaguetteBox/baguetteBox.min.css", "css");
    loadjscssfile(".../plugins/responsivefilemanager/js/BaguetteBox/baguetteBox.min.js", "js");
    window.onload = function() {'.baguettebox', {
            // Custom options
            fullScreen: false,
            animation: 'fadeIn',
            buttons: true,
            overlayBackgroundColor: 'rgba (0,0,0,.8)',
            captions: function(element) {
                return element.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].alt;
(I made some of the urls shorter)

Might this be related to a previous post from Shawn about loading css?

RE: Responsive FileManager - asemion - 2019-04-11

(2019-04-11, 19:33:33)datiswous Wrote: Hello, why is the following code present on every page in the frontend? This is after the </footer>

<!-- Responsive FileManager Javascripts loading ver. 2.5 -->
function loadjscssfile(filename, filetype){
   if (filetype=="js"){ //if filename is a external JavaScript file
       var fileref=document.createElement('script');
       fileref.setAttribute("src", filename);
        fileref.async = false;
   else if (filetype=="css"){ //if filename is an external CSS file
       var fileref=document.createElement("link");
       fileref.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
       fileref.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
       fileref.setAttribute("href", filename);
   if (typeof fileref!="undefined") {
if (window.addEventListener)
    window.addEventListener("load", loadjscssfile, false);
else if (window.attachEvent)
    window.attachEvent("onload", loadjscssfile);
else window.onload = loadjscssfile;

if (document.querySelector('.prettyPhoto') !== null) {
    loadjscssfile(".../plugins/responsivefilemanager/css/prettyPhoto.css", "css");
    loadjscssfile(".../plugins/responsivefilemanager/js/prettyPhoto/jquery.prettyPhoto.js", "js");
    loadjscssfile(".../plugins/responsivefilemanager/js/prettyPhoto/rfm_prettyphoto.js", "js");
if (document.querySelector('.fancybox') !== null) {
    loadjscssfile(".../plugins/responsivefilemanager/js/FancyBox/jquery.fancybox.css", "css");
    loadjscssfile(".../plugins/responsivefilemanager/js/FancyBox/jquery.fancybox.pack.js", "js");
    loadjscssfile(".../plugins/responsivefilemanager/js/FancyBox/rfm_fancybox.js", "js");
if (document.querySelector('.baguettebox') !== null) {
    loadjscssfile(".../plugins/responsivefilemanager/js/BaguetteBox/baguetteBox.min.css", "css");
    loadjscssfile(".../plugins/responsivefilemanager/js/BaguetteBox/baguetteBox.min.js", "js");
    window.onload = function() {'.baguettebox', {
            // Custom options
            fullScreen: false,
            animation: 'fadeIn',
            buttons: true,
            overlayBackgroundColor: 'rgba (0,0,0,.8)',
            captions: function(element) {
                return element.getElementsByTagName('img')[0].alt;
(I made some of the urls shorter)

Might this be related to a previous post from Shawn about loading css?

Initially I use absolute path to all JS and CSS sources for best compatibility.
But you can use relative path if it works good on your server.
And do not forget add code for Jquery script loading because it required for prettyPhoto and Fancybox.
On your code example this part not included.