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I18N Gallery - Printable Version

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RE: I18N Gallery - Cerulean - 2014-01-10

Is there a setting to avoid the "Gallery" page being added with every Gallery edit? I keep deleting it and it keeps coming back.

I understand how having a "Gallery" page can be useful, but often it's not needed and in those cases having it appear in the Pages section creates confusion for editors.

A simple checkbox option in the settings would do it, or else have the page created once on install rather than with every edit so it can be deleted if desired.


RE: I18N Gallery - graphiclunch - 2014-01-10

Hi Martin,

I've using your brilliant plugin a long time, but somehow over night, it stopped working. I have tried to reinstall it, but that didn't help..?

Do you have any idea what's wrong? See here.

Kind regards,

RE: I18N Gallery - graphiclunch - 2014-01-10

(2014-01-10, 22:37:59)graphiclunch Wrote: Hi Martin,

I've using your brilliant plugin a long time, but somehow over night, it stopped working. I have tried to reinstall it, but that didn't help..?

Do you have any idea what's wrong? See here.

Kind regards,

I found out that is because I've added a "Scroll to top" javascript.
Isn't there a way to have them both?

You can see the "Scroll to top" in action here. and the gallery page here.

I am also getting these errors:

Warning: include(../../../gsconfig.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/dan28884/public_html/plugins/i18n_gallery/browser/imagebrowser.php on line 116

Warning: include(../../../gsconfig.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/dan28884/public_html/plugins/i18n_gallery/browser/imagebrowser.php on line 116

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '../../../gsconfig.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/dan28884/public_html/plugins/i18n_gallery/browser/imagebrowser.php on line 116[/code]

RE: I18N Gallery - mvlcek - 2014-01-11

(2014-01-10, 22:45:08)graphiclunch Wrote: I found out that is because I've added a "Scroll to top" javascript.
Isn't there a way to have them both?

"Scroll to top" uses jQuery 1.9, whereas the gallery requires a jQuery < 1.9.
Maybe "Scroll to top" also works with jQuery 1.4.3 like I18N Gallery. You just need to make sure that you don't include jQuery 1.9 in your template.

(2014-01-10, 22:45:08)graphiclunch Wrote: I am also getting these errors:

Warning: include(../../../gsconfig.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/dan28884/public_html/plugins/i18n_gallery/browser/imagebrowser.php on line 116

Either you don't have a gsconfig.php or some security setting on your web server prevents including the file. Does the imagebrowser work?

RE: I18N Gallery - Divita - 2014-01-11

jQuery problem

I want / need to use the latest jQuery (1.10.2), and I'd like to keep the script call at the bottom of the page (best for performance), but if I do that the extension does not work (i.e. clicking image thumbnail takes me to the image URL rather than produce a modal popup).

Is there a workaround that allows me to use the out-dated jQuery with Gallery, and the current jQuery for everything else?


RE: I18N Gallery - mvlcek - 2014-01-11

I18N Gallery version 2.1:
  • preview galleries without the need for an extra "gallery" page (@Cerulean)
  • Italian translations by @Maurann

RE: I18N Gallery - evan70 - 2014-01-11

ThX Mr. Vlcek GreaT Job Again!

RE: I18N Gallery - graphiclunch - 2014-01-13

(2014-01-11, 00:27:42)mvlcek Wrote:
(2014-01-10, 22:45:08)graphiclunch Wrote: I found out that is because I've added a "Scroll to top" javascript.
Isn't there a way to have them both?

"Scroll to top" uses jQuery 1.9, whereas the gallery requires a jQuery < 1.9.
Maybe "Scroll to top" also works with jQuery 1.4.3 like I18N Gallery. You just need to make sure that you don't include jQuery 1.9 in your template.

(2014-01-10, 22:45:08)graphiclunch Wrote: I am also getting these errors:

Warning: include(../../../gsconfig.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/dan28884/public_html/plugins/i18n_gallery/browser/imagebrowser.php on line 116

Either you don't have a gsconfig.php or some security setting on your web server prevents including the file. Does the imagebrowser work?

Hi Martin,

Problems solved!
I deleted the jQuery 1.9 on the pages where I have the gallery and kept it on the other pages, that did the trick.

About the warnings, that was because gsconfig.php was renamed temp.gsconfig.php after a move.

Thanks for your help!

RE: I18N Gallery - datiswous - 2014-01-13

(2011-11-01, 05:06:13)mvlcek Wrote:
datiswous Wrote:Hey mvlcek, when are you going to fix the permission issue? Every plugin I download from you has entirely 777 permissions. I get the idea you ignore the issue...

The plugin files are zipped with Ubuntu from an NTFS drive, which has no permissions, thus no permissions are stored.
(Basically ZIP does not store permissions, only the Info-ZIP extensions used on UNIX systems does it.)
Unfortunately the easiest way for packing I currently know of in Ubuntu is with Gnome Commander and it seems to store the permissions (777, because it is a NTFS drive). I unpack ZIPs with file-roller, which doesn't show permissions.
If you know an easy way (like select the directories and files in a file manager, then right-menu or click to archive), let me know.

Otherwise this issue is on the bottom of my list, as in most cases these permissions are irrelevant: unpacking under Windows ignores permissions, uploading via FTP in most cases changes permissions, some hosting providers even need 777 settings.
Hello, maybe I have a solution for this problem. It seams possible to set the default permissions for files on a ntfs partition in linux on mounting. I asume (but haven't tested yet) that all files made on the ntfs drive have that file permission set. Info:

RE: I18N Gallery - Oleg06 - 2014-01-17

whether you can make Custom Rendering and for this plugin?
I'd like to use html5 tags and microdata.

RE: I18N Gallery - twenky - 2014-01-31

First, many thanks to mvlcek for great plugin.

I created folder "baner" in data/uploads and put there some images. When i tried to create album, in imagebrowser i could see files, but without thumbnails. I could add this files to album, but there were no thumbnails too. I tried use s3slider and there was only text field on page and no pictures. After i changed folder name to "bnr" all works. So, is folder name "baner" reserved by plugin or getsimple itself and must not be used or it is some glitch in my site?

Sorry for bad english.

RE: I18N Gallery - mvlcek - 2014-01-31

(2014-01-31, 14:23:21)twenky Wrote: I created folder "baner" in data/uploads and put there some images. When i tried to create album, in imagebrowser i could see files, but without thumbnails. I could add this files to album, but there were no thumbnails too. I tried use s3slider and there was only text field on page and no pictures. After i changed folder name to "bnr" all works. So, is folder name "baner" reserved by plugin or getsimple itself and must not be used or it is some glitch in my site?

Maybe the folder data/thumbs/banner was not created (correctly). Does GetSimple's file browser, when switched to images, show thumbnails in this directory?
Try uploading an image using GetSimple's file browser and see, if a thumbnail is shown. Or create the directory manually.

RE: I18N Gallery - twenky - 2014-01-31

No, GetSimple file browser does not show thumbnails. I tried to upload using file browser, no thumbnails appeared. Folder data/thumbs/banner exists, but there are no files. Anyway, all works after i renamed folder to any other name. Just curious why this happens.

RE: I18N Gallery - Carlos - 2014-02-09

(2014-02-08, 13:53:49)dnichols.178 Wrote: I have been testing this plugin in concert with the "news manager 2.5 beta 15" and for whatever reason using both plugins keeps the (% gallery... %) from working on my front page. Any ideas on this?

It seems that News Manager and I18N Gallery interfere if the same slug is selected for a gallery and news.

RE: I18N Gallery - Links? - firstelectrionicmedia - 2014-02-11

Is it possible to associate hyperlinks with each photo in the gallery?

RE: I18N Gallery editing source code - allytheartist - 2014-02-14

(2013-05-18, 17:06:36)mvlcek Wrote:
(2013-05-18, 10:40:47)allytheartist Wrote: Is there a not-too-complicated way to tweak the code of the gallery to get it to make the image's file name automatically be the title?

In plugins/i18n_gallery/browser/imagebrowser.php add the following before the <script> tag:
<?php foreach ($metadata as &$m) if (!@$m['title']) $m['title'] = basename($m['url']); ?>

Thanks so much for the ridiculously quick reply! Worked like a charm, of course. Love the plug-in :-)

RE: I18N Gallery - Oleg06 - 2014-02-20

somebody help bind this code to that tag <?php get_footer(); ?> in the file plugin_prettyphoto.php
<script type="text/javascript">
        var $sel = $("a[rel='prettyPhoto[<?php echo $id; ?>]']");
        <?php i18n_gallery_replace_nojs_links($gallery, '$sel'); ?>
<?php if (i18n_gallery_check($gallery,'autostart',false) && $pic == null) echo "autoplay_slideshow: true, "; ?>
<?php if (@$gallery['theme']) echo "theme: ".json_encode($gallery['theme']).", "; ?>
<?php if (intval(@$gallery['interval'])) echo "slideshow: ".intval(@$gallery['interval']).", "; ?>
          social_tools: false
<?php foreach ($gallery as $key => $value) if (substr($key,0,2) == 'x-') { ?>
          ,<?php echo substr($key,2); ?>: <?php echo preg_match('/^(null|true|false|\d+)$/',$value) ? $value : json_encode($value); ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if (i18n_gallery_is_goto_image($pic)) { ?>
        if (window.location.href.indexOf('#') < 0) $("a[rel='prettyPhoto[<?php echo $id; ?>]']:eq(<?php echo (int) $pic; ?>)").trigger('click');
<?php } else if (i18n_gallery_check($gallery,'autostart',false)) { ?>
        if (window.location.href.indexOf('#') < 0) $("a[rel='prettyPhoto[<?php echo $id; ?>]']:eq(0)").trigger('click');
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($pageSize >= 1) { ?>
        $('.gallery-<?php echo $id; ?>').pagify({ pageSize:<?php echo $pageSize; ?>, items:'.gallery-thumb'});
<?php } ?>

I want to put all the scripts at the bottom of the template

RE: I18N Gallery - partizzzzzan - 2014-03-02

Help! GS 3.3.1! In the admin screen blank when going to the tab albums.

RE: I18N Gallery - partizzzzzan - 2014-03-02

http://sitename.loc/admin/load.php?id=i18n_gallery&overview - not work
http://sitenam.loc/admin/load.php?id=i18n_gallery - work
but in admin on tab 'album' link = http://sitename.loc/admin/load.php?id=i18n_gallery&overview

RE: I18N Gallery - shawn_a - 2014-03-03

Works for me, check your error.txt in data\other\logs\

RE: I18N Gallery - partizzzzzan - 2014-03-03

log folder is empty. This error occurs when the album is not created

RE: I18N Gallery - Rene - 2014-03-05

Hi Martin,

For next release is it possible to make an option which you can replace photos easily in Edit Gallery?
Now (if you only wanted to change the image) you first need to add a new image, then copy/paste the the text into the fields and delete the old entry.

RE: I18N Gallery - ph0t0 - 2014-03-09

My 1st post in this forum.

I’m using I18N Gallery/Cycle plugin, thanks mvlcek!!. I want to keep this plugin intact (easy upgrade). I’ve already done css changes to my style.css. I’m using my own navigation arrows (images) and to change them I have to edit plugin_cycle.php:

<a class="prev" href="<?php i18n_gallery_pic_link($gallery,$pic>0 ? $pic-1 : $count-1); ?>"><img src="<?php echo $SITEURL; ?>plugins/i18n_gallery/images/cycle/prev.png" alt=""/></a>

<a class="next" href="<?php i18n_gallery_pic_link($gallery,$pic<$count-1 ? $pic+1 : 0); ?>"><img src="<?php echo $SITEURL; ?>plugins/i18n_gallery/images/cycle/next.png" alt=""/></a>

I cannot write php myself, but it looks like those prev.png and next.png are hardcoded in plugin_cycle.php. Is there any way to change arrows without changing plugin_cycle.php? I so hoped to get all chages via css..


RE: I18N Gallery - mvlcek - 2014-03-10

(2014-03-09, 22:47:05)ph0t0 Wrote: I cannot write php myself, but it looks like those prev.png and next.png are hardcoded in plugin_cycle.php. Is there any way to change arrows without changing plugin_cycle.php? I so hoped to get all chages via css..

Just replace /plugins/i18n_gallery/images/cycle/*.png with your images (and make sure to keep them when updating the plugin). That's better than patching PHP code.

RE: I18N Gallery - xxdex - 2014-03-10

mvlcek is right
You can also use in your css file:

PHP Code:
.prev img{
next img {

this will not visible arrows in this script without integration on php files....of i18n gallery.
then in your template create a div (left arrow right arrow)
with class like (example):

PHP Code:
background-image:url('') ;
create absolute div's what will be visible on this rotator.