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Dominion jCart Beta - Printable Version

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Dominion jCart Beta - dominionit - 2010-10-28

Oleg06 Wrote:but in previous versions checkout worked

almost done with version for multilanguage.

Do you use exec-php ? if so I have new version that fixes issue where it pre-sents headers to browser.. will private message you

Dominion jCart Beta - Oleg06 - 2010-10-28

yes, I use exec-php

Dominion jCart Beta - dominionit - 2010-10-28

Oleg06 Wrote:yes, I use exec-php

I found your e-mail, have send you version that I made that might fix some of there errors you had in log file

Dominion jCart Beta - dominionit - 2010-10-28

New version : 0.5

Added : Multi Language support
Language file under



FILE REMOVED - Please look at end of forum for latest file

Dominion jCart Beta - dominionit - 2010-10-28

New version : 0.5a

Added rest of carting system text to language file

New sections added..

$dominion_jcart_general['JCART_PAGE_CATEGORIES'] = "Categories";
$dominion_jcart_general['JCART_PAGE_PRICE'] = "Price";
$dominion_jcart_general['JCART_PAGE_QTY'] = "Qty";
$dominion_jcart_general['JCART_PAGE_POWER_BY'] = "Powered by";
$dominion_jcart_general['JCART_PAGE_PREVIOUS'] = "Prev";
$dominion_jcart_general['JCART_PAGE_NEXT'] = "Next";
$dominion_jcart_general['JCART_PAGE_CONTINUE_SHOPPING'] = "Continue shopping";

$dominion_jcart_general['JCART_CART_TITLE'] = "Shopping Cart";
$dominion_jcart_general['JCART_CART_SINGLE_ITEM'] = "Item";
$dominion_jcart_general['JCART_CART_MULTI_ITEMS'] = "Items";
$dominion_jcart_general['JCART_CART_SUBTOTAL'] = 'Subtotal';
$dominion_jcart_general['JCART_CART_UPDATE'] = 'update';
$dominion_jcart_general['JCART_CART_CHECKOUT'] = 'checkout';
$dominion_jcart_general['JCART_CART_REMOVE'] = 'remove';
$dominion_jcart_general['JCART_CART_EMPTY'] = 'empty';
$dominion_jcart_general['JCART_CART_EMPTY_MESSAGE'] = 'Your cart is empty!';
$dominion_jcart_general['JCART_CART_ITEM_ADD_NOTIFICATION'] = 'Item added!';
$dominion_jcart_general['JCART_CART_INVALID_PRICE'] = 'Invalid price format!';
$dominion_jcart_general['JCART_CART_QTY_ERROR'] = 'Item quantities must be whole numbers!';
$dominion_jcart_general['JCART_CART_CHECKOUT_ERROR'] = 'Your order could not be processed!';


FILE REMOVED =- Please check end of forum for latest file

Dominion jCart Beta - dominionit - 2010-10-28

New version : 0.5b

Fixed : Problem on Linux machine when checking out with new language files.

Test site :

REMOVED check end of forum

Dominion jCart Beta - Oleg06 - 2010-10-28

strange, but on the computer it work, but the server does not want to, probably something again the provider

Dominion jCart Beta - dominionit - 2010-10-28

It seems to be up now but I see the cart still stays empty.
can you enable debug mode do test checkout and then send me GS errorlog file under

and also the server error log file again.. lets try and see what is going on there why the cart does not want to fill up.. but on my server it does.. strange

Dominion jCart Beta - dominionit - 2010-10-28

Oleg06 Wrote:strange, but on the computer it work, but the server does not want to, probably something again the provider

new version : 0.5c

fix: language problem for product list in admin area

Check end of forum for latest file

Dominion jCart Beta - dominionit - 2010-10-28

Oleg06 Wrote:strange, but on the computer it work, but the server does not want to, probably something again the provider

Can you maybe zip your site and e-mail me it ? So I can see if I can do the same on my side ?

It is assif your SESSIONS does not carry over when moving to next page. Strange, very strange.
Also If I add item and click on product name to view product details then the cart clears again.

it seems your sessions does not keep for long enough . Maybe check with provider what is there SESSION settings ?

Think problem is there

Dominion jCart Beta - Oleg06 - 2010-10-28


Dominion jCart Beta - dominionit - 2010-10-28

Oleg06 Wrote:sent

Works at home. I will upload to my webserver and we can test from there. I have feeling it is settings regarding sessions on your server

Dominion jCart Beta - dominionit - 2010-10-28

Oleg06 Wrote:sent

Must be the servers settings regarding sessions live span on your server.

This is your site on my server

it works and carries over.


Dominion jCart Beta - Oleg06 - 2010-10-28

I asked them a question

Dominion jCart Beta - Oleg06 - 2010-10-28

their response
Php settings for your domain you can look at the link, there are visible setting sessions.

Dominion jCart Beta - dominionit - 2010-10-28

K.. I will make debug version , then we see what happens with session if it is there

Dominion jCart Beta - dominionit - 2010-10-28

Oleg06 Wrote:their response
Php settings for your domain you can look at the link, there are visible setting sessions.

use this version
first delete the GS error log file
then install this version
then do some tests
then send me error log file


//* ** removed was just debug version

Dominion jCart Beta - Oleg06 - 2010-10-29

need to add the language file "Back to Product List", "Price", "Qty:", "Add to cart"

errorlog sent

Dominion jCart Beta - Oleg06 - 2010-10-29

all, enough to bang your head against the wall, everything works

Dominion jCart Beta - Oleg06 - 2010-10-29

No, not all do not work payments

Dominion jCart Beta - dominionit - 2010-10-29

Oleg06 Wrote:No, not all do not work payments

Put this version in plugins folder , then see if payment work

//********* removed debug version

Dominion jCart Beta - dominionit - 2010-10-29

Oleg06 Wrote:No, not all do not work payments

Can you setup seperate site without gallery plugin ? I see it is only other plugin that you use that uses sessions also ? just to test.


Dominion jCart Beta - Oleg06 - 2010-10-29

No, not working Smile
Fatal error: Call to a member function xpath() on a non-object in /home/cp068800/public_html/ on line 14
Fatal error: Call to a member function xpath() on a non-object in /home/cp068800/public_html/ on line 7

Dominion jCart Beta - dominionit - 2010-10-29

Oleg06 Wrote:No, not all do not work payments

new version : 0.5d

fixes payment problem

Check end of forum for latest file

Dominion jCart Beta - dominionit - 2010-10-29

If this is fixed I am going to re-focus a little on other parts now, as I am busy with creating orders (order number with detail of order) and order monitor system in admin area
also for South african payment gateway I will add system to handle orders payment confirmations and completions of orders and order statusses etc.

in short.. I am doing order system in this next phase