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Basic loaded script - pharqall - 2010-10-04

I've just downloaded GS tonight and have installed it, and having a quick play over a beer or two. It appeals to me as a flat file CMS with no database requirements ( which is cool, quick and easy ), but seems to lack " core features/functionality " - in my opinion of course!

I'm not having a go at anyone ( please no-one take offense, I like the look and feel of the hard work that people have put into this ) but the script is let down by not including a basic contact form with captcha and a better image management/gallery feature. I can see that these features are available by the looks of it ( will download and test in a mo ), but for any modern CMS, these should be considered core features.

I know I'm a newbie, but I think it would be worth the time and effort compiling a set of core features into the download package.

I think this software could appeal to a huge number of people who have basic computer skills and could FTP to their webspace, but it then falls down for them on the " basics ". :-(

Basic loaded script - dominionit - 2010-10-04

Hi there.

Think it can depend on what one expects ? I prefer to have a simple lightweight core and to add on what I need to insure a system that is not bulky and slow. Thus with this system I can have this. If one needs a fancy version one can talk to the developers and ask if they can have 2 versions for download 1 simple and basic and other with all know stable plugins that is seen as needed. But that is for them to decide from my point of view I prefer the simple lightweight version as this gives high performance where I need it.

hope it helps

Basic loaded script - pharqall - 2010-10-04

Hi Johannes,
Point taken, but I am really only talking about a simple contact form and very simple image/gallery management! ( what I would consider as the basics for any CMS )
I have download them both and got them working fine now anyway :-)
I completely agree about the non-bloaty, lightweight core though.
I've tried sooooooo many CMS's over the last 3/4 years and I think I'm actually going to give this a try for one of my clients and see how it goes!!
Very pleased I found it and will get to work on a couple of templates when I get a moment.

Basic loaded script - dominionit - 2010-10-04

Glad to hear you like it. You will see template conversion is easy. All my templates have basic contact form added by default just to make it easy.

Enjoy.. cheers