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Can I make Getsimple actualize sitemap entries manually? - Printable Version

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Can I make Getsimple actualize sitemap entries manually? - Hypertexter - 2018-09-17


usually, I make new pages or bigger changes on an existing page locally on my WAMP Getsimple page, and synchronize it with my web installation via Filezilla.

A disadvantage is, that the web sitemap is not actualized with this method.

Does anybody know a way to "reset" the sitemap and make a new one, with all existing pages, wherever they come from?


RE: Can I make Getsimple actualize sitemap entries manually? - Carlos - 2018-09-18

A way to do it is editing any page and save it (you don't need to change anything in the page), or edit settings and save (same).

If you want to be able to update the Sitemap without having to log in, a simple plugin or script could be done for this (I think it doesn't exist yet)

RE: Can I make Getsimple actualize sitemap entries manually? - shawn_a - 2018-09-18

Maybe delete it, i think it auto generates maybe?

RE: Can I make Getsimple actualize sitemap entries manually? - Carlos - 2018-09-18


RE: Can I make Getsimple actualize sitemap entries manually? - shawn_a - 2018-09-18

Really.. huh

RE: Can I make Getsimple actualize sitemap entries manually? - Hypertexter - 2018-09-19

Just saving unchanged pages seems not to help, saving unchanged settings also not...

RE: Can I make Getsimple actualize sitemap entries manually? - Carlos - 2018-09-19

Weird. Works for me.

RE: Can I make Getsimple actualize sitemap entries manually? - Carlos - 2018-09-20

I just checked again and no, Sitemap is not updated when you save Settings without changes (sorry, maybe this worked in older versions).
But it works for me when I save any page (with or without changes).

RE: Can I make Getsimple actualize sitemap entries manually? - shawn_a - 2018-09-20

you can use my hook components plugin and add a hook on any front end hook and do a

(add some slug specific checking here or querystring, so the file check does not run constantly)
if(!file_exists( GSROOTPATH .GSSITEMAPFILE)) generate_sitemap();

Then delete sitemap and visit front end ( assuming plugins are that use sitemap filter and hooks are still running on frontend also) it should work.

RE: Can I make Getsimple actualize sitemap entries manually? - Hypertexter - 2018-09-20

Hmm, that sounds a bit difficult for me. Is there no plugin that generates a sitemap automatically from the existing pages (and in my case Newsmanager posts)?

RE: Can I make Getsimple actualize sitemap entries manually? - RobertMac - 2018-09-22

(2018-09-20, 03:32:25)Hypertextee r Wrote: Hmm, that sounds a bit difficult for me. Is there something special about these crossbows and no plugin that generates a sitemap automatically from the existing pages (and in my case Newsmanager posts)?

A plugin that does that sounds super useful. I've not found anything that does that though. I'd also appreciate if someone would point one out if it exists.

RE: Can I make Getsimple actualize sitemap entries manually? - Carlos - 2018-09-22

Small plugin that adds a "Update Sitemap" button to the Page management sidebar:

$thisfile = basename(__FILE__, ".php");

  'Sitemap Update',

add_action('pages-sidebar', 'createSideMenu', array($thisfile, 'Update Sitemap'));

function sitemap_update() {
  echo 'Sitemap updated.';

// end

Save as sitemap_update.php in plugins folder, then activate.

RE: Can I make Getsimple actualize sitemap entries manually? - Hypertexter - 2018-09-23

This changes nothing. An uploaded page with changed content does not get a new lastmod entry in the sitemap. Same function as on templates tab, only without informing search engines.

RE: Can I make Getsimple actualize sitemap entries manually? - Carlos - 2018-09-23

Are you using PubDateFix or other plugin that lets you edit the pubdate field?

(BTW, Sitemap's lastmod field is not currently supported for News Manager posts.)

As for the ping to search engines, do you have a GSDONOTPING entry in gsconfig?

RE: Can I make Getsimple actualize sitemap entries manually? - Hypertexter - 2018-09-25

Quote:Are you using PubDateFix or other plugin that lets you edit the pubdate field?

No, I think my problem is more basically. I often synchronize between local and web installation via Filezilla, and for a correct sitemap, GS would need to look into the file date itself.

RE: Can I make Getsimple actualize sitemap entries manually? - Carlos - 2018-09-27

Unless you are editing xml files directly, if you are editing your pages in local the normal way (with the GS page editor), the pubdate field should be updated (visible in the bottom of the edit page).
Then, if you upload the page xml file to your website and then a) save any other page, or b) use that small sitemap_update plugin, the Sitemap should have the updated date.

(As I said, this would work for normal pages, not for NM posts.)

RE: Can I make Getsimple actualize sitemap entries manually? - Hypertexter - 2018-09-28

Quote:the pubdate field should be updated

Nice to know, thank you! This also works with "Theme - Generate sitemap" way to make a sitemap.


RE: Can I make Getsimple actualize sitemap entries manually? - Carlos - 2018-09-29

So I assume you are updating the content field in xml files directly or using some external script.