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Syntax Highlighter for CK editor - Printable Version

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Syntax Highlighter for CK editor - pictus - 2011-01-21

i wanted to add some plugins zu ckeditor, but i dont understand where to edit what. can please explain me and tell me if it works.

here is one plugin i wanted to add:
and a "bb code plugin". is this possible?

Syntax Highlighter for CK editor - datiswous - 2011-03-21

There is a plugin for this, but I couldn't make this work with css in v.3 beta r373:

What bbcode functions you want to add?

Syntax Highlighter for CK editor - Connie - 2011-03-21

first read the docs at about plugins

you will see they must be installed into a certain subdirectory of CKEditpr
Check if the plugin is not already there (there are a lot of already)

then it must be activated
As I am just testing the CKEditor in GS, I am not sure whether it is possible to add this in the EDITOR-Options in the gsconfig.php or whether it must be done in the CKEditor-Configuration itself (which will be overwritten by every upgrade)

Syntax Highlighter for CK editor - datiswous - 2011-03-21

The page says:

Quote:It WON'T work with the new CKEditor (yet).

pictus Wrote:here is one plugin i wanted to add:
and a "bb code plugin". is this possible?

B.t.w. that plugin is for FCKeditor. I think you need this one:

It is a rewrite/port of the syntaxhighlight plugin for FCKEditor you mentioned.

Syntax Highlighter for CK editor - mikeh - 2011-03-29

I don't know how related this is to this thread, but it is very possible to get codemirror to work with the ckeditor in getsimple. This would accomplish a syntax highlighter with the source view.. I succesfully implemented this in V3.0, but not as a plugin, by hacking up the edit.php page.

Edit (forgot the link):

Syntax Highlighter for CK editor - Connie - 2011-03-31

I got it to work, but it is not easy as the available plugin is very poorly documented.

see a very simple example here:

download the plugin from and follow the installation

this plugin is only half the work:

- you need to load the original Syntaxhighlighter Script from

I uploaded it to admin/templates/js/syntaxhighligter

- the best would be to create a special template for pages with code and add this to the header.
<!-- SyntaxHighlighter -->
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="admin/template/js/syntaxhighlighter/styles/shCoreDefault.css"/>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="admin/template/js/syntaxhighlighter/styles/shCore.css"/>
         <script type="text/javascript" src="admin/template/js/syntaxhighlighter/scripts/shCore.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="admin/template/js/syntaxhighlighter/scripts/shBrushCss.js"></script>
         <script type="text/javascript" src="admin/template/js/syntaxhighlighter/scripts/shBrushJScript.js"></script>
         <script type="text/javascript" src="admin/template/js/syntaxhighlighter/scripts/shBrushPhp.js"></script>
         <script type="text/javascript" src="admin/template/js/syntaxhighlighter/scripts/shBrushPlain.js"></script>
- after the content in the template, you must add:
<script type="text/javascript">
in your template

to configure the editor, you have to add a button to the toolbar:
in the gsconfig.php add this to the DEFINE EDITORTOOL- Definition

    extraPlugins : 'syntaxhighlight',
   syntaxhighlighthLangDefault : 'php'

in the syntaxhightlightLangDefault set the Language you want, either PHP or JAVA or whatever

thats not all, in
admin/templates/js/ckeditor/config.js add this:
CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config )
    // Define changes to default configuration here. For example:
    // config.toolbarCanCollapse = true; // hide toolbar collapse button
config.extraPlugins += (config.extraPlugins ? ',syntaxhighlight' : 'syntaxhighlight' );

then it should work and you can send me roses ;=)