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ckeditor vs tinymce - Printable Version

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ckeditor vs tinymce - yojoe - 2011-03-15

I know there were couple discussions about tinymce as an additional choice.
I tried GS with latest tinymce to see if html output code is a bit cleaner.
I found out that it's way greater than ckeditor's output.
try to bolden text, change its size, then set a color and you will get 3 <span style="###"> tags, while tinymce merges them nicely into 1 span.
The worse problem goes to empty tags and in some cases unclosed tags.
Like <span class="color:#FFF"></span> which I found many times in output code after looking at the progess of person who managed the website.

Is there any chance of rethink the use of other wysiwyg editor(s) ?
I asked couple webdevs what are their methods of cleaning the output after a non-technical user manages pages. Some of them use htmlpurifier or htmltidy to clean up the code.
Some use bbcode to provide a basic wysiwyg editor. Maybe this could be also a solution, to use bbcode with simple editor mode, and ckedit/tinymce in advanced version.

I'd even add a full wysiwyg editor option in gsconfig, with almost all available features.

ckeditor vs tinymce - Connie - 2011-03-15

I was always a follower / fan of CKEditor. Especially about uploading-features etc. (made integration for CMSimple some time ago)

the problem with CKeditor is that the configuration is a little bit intransparent and so the integration mostly is poor

an absolute MUST is the feature to "paste from WORD", did you ever see the mess after users, which cannot tell text from formatted text and who believe that WORD invented the pencil, pasted <i>text</i> from their wordprocessors ???

This feature is needed.. and even with that feature it is difficult to get the users to use it ;=(

ckeditor vs tinymce - datiswous - 2011-03-15

Am I missing something? A bit of googling:

Quote:Powerful pasting features

The clipboard pasting features have been completely reviewed, making them easier to use and much more powerful. We're introducing a new Paste from Word cleanup system, as well as better conversion results for Paste as Plain Text.

ckeditor vs tinymce - Connie - 2011-03-15

datiswous Wrote:Am I missing something? A bit of googling:

Quote:Powerful pasting features

The clipboard pasting features have been completely reviewed, making them easier to use and much more powerful. We're introducing a new Paste from Word cleanup system, as well as better conversion results for Paste as Plain Text.

you are not missing anything. CKEditor has this feature. But it must be configured, and if I am not missing anything, it is not active in the standard integration in GSimple.
There is no copy/cut/paste/feature at all active

That's how I see the editor in GS 3.0R373
[Image: ckeditor.jpg]

ckeditor vs tinymce - datiswous - 2011-03-15

I think it is active (at least in the latest beta), but you don't need a button for it. If you copy text from Word with lots of styling in it, it's all removed.

right mouse button -> paste

ckeditor vs tinymce - Joshas - 2011-03-15

To use other, more advanced plugins, you'll have to configure buttons in gsconfig.php GSEDITORTOOL variable.

ckeditor vs tinymce - mikeh - 2011-03-16

Joshas Wrote:To use other, more advanced plugins, you'll have to configure buttons in gsconfig.php GSEDITORTOOL variable.

It is very easy to use the advanced editor:

Either use the gsconfig.php, as suggested, or Open 'edit.php' in the admin folder and find the php defining the editor options:

[Image: Editor-Coding.JPG]

if ($EDTOOL == 'advanced') {
                $toolbar = "
                ['Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', 'NumberedList', 'BulletedList', 'JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyBlock', 'Table', 'TextColor', 'BGColor', 'Link', 'Unlink', 'Image', 'RemoveFormat', 'Source'],
            } elseif ($EDTOOL == 'basic') {
                $toolbar = "['Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', 'NumberedList', 'BulletedList', 'JustifyLeft','JustifyCenter','JustifyRight','JustifyBlock', 'Link', 'Unlink', 'Image', 'RemoveFormat', 'Source']";

ckeditor vs tinymce - ccagle8 - 2011-03-16

For the newbies in the room, i find the start of this topic funny because in version 1 of GS, we used TinyMCE. Then in version 2, we switched it to CKEditor because of the complaints of the community about TinyMCE

ckeditor vs tinymce - mikeh - 2011-03-16

speaking of ckeditor, does anyone know how to get rid of the '&nbsp;' put in empty divs?





I tried myself for hours and couldn't figure it out!

ckeditor vs tinymce - Joshas - 2011-03-16

We could offer tinyMCE and other alternative WYSIWYG editors as plugins, but it might need a little fixing in core, to turn off default editor.

ckeditor vs tinymce - yojoe - 2011-03-16

Joshas Wrote:We could offer tinyMCE and other alternative WYSIWYG editors as plugins, but it might need a little fixing in core, to turn off default editor.
I was looking at this, but I haven't found a way to overload CKEditor's initialization code, and I'm not a jscript geek :/

ccagle8 Wrote:For the newbies in the room, i find the start of this topic funny because in version 1 of GS, we used TinyMCE. Then in version 2, we switched it to CKEditor because of the complaints of the community about TinyMCE
Could you paste some feedback about this matter?
I have nothing against CKeditor from its visual side, but as I mentioned early, its output code leaves much to be desired. There's still 1 problem with CKedit. In all GS version I used (beginning with 2.02) the tab bar with advanced, hyperlink, and image info always appeared in topleft corner and it needed to be moved manually to be placed within image properties pop up window.

I attach a screenie with full tinymce window using a remaked by me small template to fit with GS.
I have to attach it only to page's content textarea window, as by default it attaches to all textareas.
And of course do a deeper testing + adjustments (disable unneeded buttons, add useful functions and so on).

I did this only for my personal purpose, as I haven't found (and I used latest ckeditor) a way to merge inline elements in output code. Although it was mentioned and asked for on CKeditor's board:
Found even a mergeSiblings() function in but there's not much about it.

If somebody did (or can) achieve this, then this thread becomes obsolete automatically.

FCKConfig.FillEmptyBlocks = false;
FCKConfig.IgnoreEmptyParagraphValue = true;

[Image: misc.php?item=538]

ckeditor vs tinymce - Joshas - 2011-03-16

Dialog tabbar issue was fixed in with CKEditor update. You can test it in GetSimple 3.0 beta.

ckeditor vs tinymce - yojoe - 2011-03-16

Joshas Wrote:Dialog tabbar issue was fixed in with CKEditor update. You can test it in GetSimple 3.0 beta.
Ahh indeed. I noticed it in v3.2xB but in 3.7xB it works fine now.

ckeditor vs tinymce - tazmandev - 2011-03-17

Tiny MCE seems a lot better for me too. The latest version of CKeditor, that comes with the latest Beta of GS seems to work better now.
Yojoe, is there any way to enable a status bar with tag selection capability like in TyniMCE ?

ckeditor vs tinymce - yojoe - 2011-03-17

yes, but do not forget to set a default window size

theme_advanced_statusbar_location : "bottom"
theme_advanced_source_editor_width : 500