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Squareit polls Modifed - Printable Version

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Squareit polls Modifed - Actimele - 2011-03-18

Here modification original square it polls v1.0.0.

My fast test show that plagin is work.
What is not work in v 1.0 from squareit: Not increement votes; Not save cookies;
What is not good in v 1.1: Code optimization isa bad (i hav't time to optimize or rewrite plugin)

What change back-end: i add new action "index-pretemplate" for save polls (this avaliable save cookie) and some changes for this working
What change front-end: Now plugin work with component block 'polls', and not support any more pages

How install: Just unzip to plugin folder
How use:
1. Create new poll from admin panel
2. Copy poll code (like {squareit_poll_4d7ed1d0630e0} )
3. Go Administaration panel - Theme - Edit components
4. Create new component and name it 'polls' !important (without quotes).
5. Insert this code
<?php echo squareit_display_poll(); ?>
to theme (where you want see polls)

Note: you must insert
<?php get_header() ?>
if you want see poll css;

Squareit polls Modifed - batka16 - 2011-04-01

Your script works. Thank you.
Why am I seeing this line:
Undefined variable: rel_plugin_folder_path in /home/r/rusukrnet/newelectro/public_html/plugins/squareit-simple-polls.php on line 552

Squareit polls Modifed - Actimele - 2011-04-06

Hm, not see this warning, one of solutions its define variable before line 552.
Something as
$rel_plugin_folder_path = "";

Also you can disable debug mode. Its allow hide all warnings and erros.

Squareit polls Modifed - bereza - 2011-07-08

batka16 Wrote:Your script works. Thank you.
Why am I seeing this line:
Undefined variable: rel_plugin_folder_path in /home/r/rusukrnet/newelectro/public_html/plugins/squareit-simple-polls.php on line 552
I also had such error. Has removed a line 552, it has turned out If to remove <? php get_header ();?>, too works

Squareit polls Modifed - nirwana101 - 2012-01-19

I have now been able to get this plugin to work.

I had to chmod 777 the squareit-polls folder.
Otherwise the admin area would tell me that the poll has been saved while in fact nothing has happened.
Isn't it easier to save the poll's data somewhere into GetSimple's data folder ?

I could not find a way to edit a poll. It seems I am only able to create a new poll.

I also find it strange that in the lang folder there is one file that only contains strings for an Image Gallery plugin. But it seems that this plugin has not been prepared for translation yet. I have a Dutch language site, so I guess I have to add a translation to this module to be able to fully use it.

Or is there already a more complete polls module that I could use to display a poll with GetSimple ?