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Sites made by me last month - Printable Version

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Sites made by me last month - Oleg06 - 2020-05-27

Used UIkit framework and GetSimple CMS
Multilingual website. Made on this template.

RE: Sites made by me last month - vixrealitum - 2020-07-23

Oleg, if I can add anything - I would work on the speed of loading pages.

Use image compression (tiny png works very well - + add gzip compression in htaccess.
The effects will surprise you.

I saw you are using yandex maps. Can you tell how they compare to google maps? I would like to know. I am currently using mapbox.

RE: Sites made by me last month - Felix - 2020-07-23

Thanks for sharing
added to my tool box

RE: Sites made by me last month - Oleg06 - 2020-07-23

(2020-07-23, 09:02:28)vixrealitum Wrote: Oleg, if I can add anything - I would work on the speed of loading pages.

Use image compression (tiny png works very well - + add gzip compression in htaccess.
The effects will surprise you.

I saw you are using yandex maps. Can you tell how they compare to google maps? I would like to know. I am currently using mapbox.
Google analytics scripts and Yandex metrics prevent us from showing decent site loading speed Smile
There is a useful plugin in the Russian segment. The plugin converts all .jpg and .pngs on the page to .webp, if the browser supports this format. Unfortunately the plugin cannot replace the images generated by the News Manager plugins and I18N Special Pages.
discussion here

In the .htaccess file I am using code like this
# Enable GZIP
<ifmodule mod_deflate.c>
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/text text/html text/plain text/xml text/css application/x-javascript application/javascript
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.0[678] no-gzip
BrowserMatch \bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html

RE: Sites made by me last month - BosseDorotea - 2021-11-13

(2020-07-23, 09:02:28)vixrealitum Wrote: Oleg, if I can add anything - I would work on the speed of loading pages.

Use image compression (tiny png works very well - + add gzip compression in htaccess.
The effects will surprise you.

I saw you are using yandex maps. Can you tell how they compare to google maps? I would like to know. I am currently using mapbox.

Have you tried compressing the files to their minimal sizes?
It helps in loading pages.