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CKEditor - 'Link To Local Page' Bug - Printable Version

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CKEditor - 'Link To Local Page' Bug - mikeh - 2011-04-09

I am not sure if the following is a bug or not:

Version: 3.0
Area: ckeditor
Decription: When using the 'link' button's 'Link To Local Page' option, pages which have multiple parents do not display in the proper order.

See The Image Below:
-The image on the left is how it is currently displaying for me.
-The image on the right is an altered version of the left image, and is showing how it should display.
[Image: get-simple-ckeditor-internal-link-bug.png]

Plugins I Am Currently Using (If this is of any use):
i18n_customfields (Modified)
protected_content (Modified)
zegnat-multilevelnavigation (Modified)

CKEditor - 'Link To Local Page' Bug - Connie - 2011-04-09

mikeh Wrote:I am not sure if the following is a bug or not:
Decription: When using the 'link' button's 'Link To Local Page' option, pages which have multiple parents do not display in the proper order.

Yes, it seems that the hierarchy is only 2-level ...

it's done by ckeditor_add_page_link in inc/template_functions.php

I am not witty enough to find out how to change that..

CKEditor - 'Link To Local Page' Bug - yojoe - 2011-04-09

mikeh: you have to use mvlcek's i18n_menu plugin, as GS supports only 1 lvl deep page nesting.

CKEditor - 'Link To Local Page' Bug - mikeh - 2011-04-10

yojoe Wrote:mikeh: you have to use mvlcek's i18n_menu plugin, as GS supports only 1 lvl deep page nesting.


CKEditor - 'Link To Local Page' Bug - kathleensd - 2011-04-10

yojoe Wrote:mikeh: you have to use mvlcek's i18n_menu plugin, as GS supports only 1 lvl deep page nesting.

Thanks for the information. It helped me too. Smile

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CKEditor - 'Link To Local Page' Bug - yojoe - 2011-04-11

Glad to help you, although mvlcek did the dirtiest job here Wink