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Admin, Firefox 4 - Printable Version

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Admin, Firefox 4 - flamenco - 2011-04-20

Not so much a bug, but an observation. While navigating to a different page in the admin, there is a brief flash of bare HTML before the new page loads in Firefox 4.

Fortunately, this doesn't seem to happen on the front end. In my travels with Wordpress, I saw a related issue. It had to do with Javascript loading times and synchronization. So this could be said to be more of a Firefox problem than a problem with GetSimple.

I may play with the admin's library concatenations if I have time. And when FF 4.1 comes out, I'll see what that does.

I'm running GetSimple 3 and my browser is running on Windows.

Cheers, Dave

Admin, Firefox 4 - flamenco - 2011-04-30

Here I am answering my own question... am I engaging in solipsism? Could be. Anyway....

I did the latest Firefox update, and I thought I'd check to see if this hiccup would go away. It didn't.

I decided to follow my own advice and play with Javascript library concatenation. After a couple of quick tries, I think I have it sorted.

I found the statements in here:

Near the bottom you have these lines:
<script type="text/javascript" src="template/js/jquery.getsimple.js?v=<?php echo GSVERSION; ?>"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="template/style.php?v=<?php echo GSVERSION; ?>" media="screen" />

I just moved them above the series of statements that begin with
<!-- Javascript Plugins -->
... and the Firefox flashing has gone away! I did one more quick test in Chrome to see how another browser would behave, and it looks fine! Just for yucks, I tried it in my old crummy copy of Safari/Win, and it loads more "funky", but I checked, and it does that with the original concatenation, too.

Maybe some enterprising person will test this idea with some other browsers.

Hope that helps someone.
Cheers, Dave

Admin, Firefox 4 - Connie - 2011-04-30


maybe nobody jumped on this topic as it is not really a "production obstacle" and as FF 4 is not widespread until now, just leaving the beta stadium

It is good that you found the reason for that and the solution should be added to the suggestions for next release.

Thanks for your exploration,


Admin, Firefox 4 - flamenco - 2011-05-06

Connie Wrote:Dave,

maybe nobody jumped on this topic as it is not really a "production obstacle" and as FF 4 is not widespread until now, just leaving the beta stadium

It is good that you found the reason for that and the solution should be added to the suggestions for next release.

Thanks for your exploration,

Hi Connie!
Thanks for your thought. It is, to be sure, a minor issue.

I just found a problem with my "fix", so I've unfixed it. It had messed up the Page Options toggle, so I moved the code back to its original spot.

Cheers, Dave